Tuesday, December 29, 2015

You Never Showed This "Muslim" Any Love.............

So why all of a sudden are Republicans making pretend that they are so shocked and offended by Donald Trump's Racial and Religious Intolerance towards everybody except the Ignoramuses in his audiences.

Because as I said a thousands times before; most Republicans will do anything to win. Not because they love America as much as they claim to, and would have you believe.

But they want to win for the benefit of all of their Rich and Powerful Friends and Corporations who line their pockets under the table in return for their loyalty.

So it's not because they care about anybody's Human Rights or about making this a more perfect union for all citizens of the United States of America. They just want to win because they are Hateful, Racist, Greedy, Drunk for Power, and because their egos are more important then the welfare of all the people in this country, except for the poor uneducated angry people who follow them, whom they soon abandon after they fool them into voting for them, and the Rich and Powerful People who they wheel and deal for.

They do it because being President puts them in a position where they can exercise all of those Evil Values listed above with Impunity.

So don't start making pretend that you are upset about Donald Trump's Attack on Muslims.

Because 99% of you have been attacking a Christian as a "Muslim" because of the Color of his skin and his name since 2007

So cut the CRAP Republicans, those of us who have been paying attention since President Barack Obama's Election know who you are, what you are and what your goals for this country are.

I hope that their will not be too many fools in America come election day.


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Let's Make 7:00 PM Tonight The Lowest Rated Hour On MSNBC In History

Tonight Chris Matthews will air a special called "Citizen Trump", which will serve to promote his Anti Reality/Anti Life Agenda even further.

What the hell is happening to MSNBC?

They are certainly no longer "Leaning Forward", they appear to be "Leaning Right".

Why is it that the Media including the supposedly Liberal Media are allowing this Billionaire to spend even less of his money to further his Hateful Rhetoric and Agenda for America?

And then in amazement, all of the media outlets appear to be shocked by his rise to power and his staying power,(as if they have not contributed greatly to this ugly phenomenon).

If you are Anti Hate, Anti Racist, Anti Religious Zealot, Anti Islamic phobia, in general Anti Trump, please do not tune into this Glorification of Donald Trump.

Why More Free Promotion For Racist Donald Trump MSNBC?

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Conservative Republican's Love Affair With Putin Is Nothing New

Their just trying to act like it is since Donald Trump continues to say all of the things that they actually think, but are trying to conceal because they are not about helping the people of this country.

They think and believe in the things that Donald Trump is saying, but are afraid that it will cost them the election.

They are only interested in winning elections at all costs, so they can gain more power and put themselves in a position to do even more favors for their Rich and Powerful Friends who will line their pockets for doing so.

So never forget that when you hear Donald Trump saying Hateful, Racist and Offensive things, (like worshiping and praising a Communist Dictator), then just Google it, and you will find multiple instances of previous behavior and activities on the part of the Rightwing Conservative Hate Machine and Republicans in America saying and doing the same or similar things previously.

Donald Trump is not the first Republican to have a Bromance with Vladimir Putin.


Saturday, December 12, 2015

Yes! This Is Conservatism In America

The new speaker of the house, Paul Ryan has made the proclamation that what Donald Trump is saying and doing is not "Conservatism".

I have to say that I strongly disagree with you Speaker Ryan.

The ideas that have been touted as American Ideals by Republican Candidates from Richard Nixon thru and beyond Ronald Reagan have been charged with Racial, Ethnic, Religious and Class Dog Whistles that only these Ignorant, Racist and Hateful Blood Thirsty Ignoramuses hear and respond to.

And these are the people that the Rightwing American Conservative Media are targeting while making Tremendous Profits by exploiting their Evil Human Traits.

It's the "Us Against Them Mentality" that they exploit.

And even though people like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly,Glenn Beck and Donald Trump hate President Obama because he is Black; and people like them think that this country should always have a White Male as President; they really have benefited from the (Legal Election, twice!); of the First African American President, because his success strengthens the Hate, Anger and Fear that these Low Information, Uneducated Voters have been taught to feel since they were children, which they perpetuate by continuing to teach their children and their children's children.

Sorry to all the Young Inexperienced Optimists who believe that when this Hateful, Racist Generation dies off, their will be no more.

Sorry!This will never be the case because of the scenario that I mentioned above.

Do you have any idea of how many generations like these have died off before now?

And yet, there are still so many Donald Trumps and others like him in the world today, as witnessed and highlighted for all the world to see by the election of the First African American President?

As I've said many times before: America has a Racial Problem because America doesn't have a Racial Problem.

We can never neutralize Hatred, Anger, Fear and Bigotry by not openly acknowledging and discussing it among ourselves in order to better understand each other as Human Beings as opposed to just Rigid Classifications.

And Wishful Thinking and Hope will not do the job either.

The only thing that will do the job is action taken against people like Donald Trump-which I am very glad to see escalating to a feverish and effective pitch by Americans from all walks of life and from people around the world.

I am not interested in making people love me who hate me and always will, because that is out of my control.

But what I am interested in and have control over, is preventing these kinds of people from violating my Rights and Privileges as an American Citizen.

And that is exactly what I will continue to do.

And I am happy to see that I am not alone.

Great work America!

Great work World!


Monday, December 7, 2015

Breaking New From Fox.......................

President Obama responsible for the attacks on Pearl Harbor.

I'm not making light of a very tragic situation in which many Americans were injured and killed.

I just wanted to point out the ridiculousness of the Rightwing Hate Media Machine and Movement in America,of which FOX News and Rush Limbaugh and people like them, are the biggest perpetrators of this Stupidity, Racism and Hatred in our country.

And it's very dangerous for this country when anyone does what they are doing on such a massive scale.

So always be aware of it while looking for ways to counteract it.

What's the danger?

Civil War!-Which should not come as any surprise to anyone who is vaguely aware of American History.

Because, the fact of the matter is: they have not stopped fighting the first Civil War yet-which is also stupid.

I don't know why anyone would want to continue to live a war in which they got their asses kicked, over and over again.

Pearl Harbor Day


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

14 People Dead, 17 Injured In San Bernadino

Condolences to all of the people who lost loved ones to death, or those who have loved ones that have been severely injured.

And even though these suspects committed an Unspeakable Act of Violence against Innocent People, they still were: Given a chance to surrender.

Given a chance to negotiate.

1 Suspect was taken into custody.

1 suspect was apparently suffering from Non-Life Threatening injuries.

1 suspect is apparently at large.

1 suspect is apparently dead, because law enforcement didn't have a choice.

A Black Person; no one dead, already in custody-shot to death, choked to death, or murdered by a Wanna Be Police Officer who was given a Legal License to Kill by the Justice System as demonstrated by the fact that he is still a Free Men.

If you think America is still the land of Freedom, Justice and Equality for All, then you are in a very deep trance. And one day, if it happens to you or someone you love, you may just be shaken awake by this dark reality.

I hope the most likely victims will wake up way before this happens, and come together to figure out a way to stop it.

No Human Being of any Race should be treated so Unfairly and inhumanely in a country that proclaims "Equal Justice Under The Law".


Saturday, November 28, 2015

Why Are Police Killing Black People And Getting Away With It?

Study the history and original purpose of Policeman In America, and you will find that they are doing exactly what they were hired to do back during slavery.

When a seed is planted that allows an organization of Hate to grow,(especially a Paramilitary Organization like the police), it is very difficult to change it, even though theoretically, the law is supposed to prevent these incidents from occurring.

However, when the law is allowed to be unlawful and the police are allowed to police themselves, then you have no law.

And this is exactly what is happening on a Massive Scale in America right now as we speak.

Hopefully, knowing the exact nature of the enemy that is currently attacking and killing us in the name of the law, will allow us to effectively deal with this enemy to prevent the further Unjustifiable Murders of our people, as well as the Unjustifiable Murders of other people.

So why are police killing Black People and getting away with it?

Its because they are doing the job that they were hired to do.

And they will continue to do so until all Fair Minded People in this country, (no matter what their Race, Creed, Color or Social Status), decide that it is wrong, and join together to put an end to it, once and for all, (by any means necessary).

There is no legal or logical reason for shooting someone 16 times.

No one has the right to continue to ask people who are under attack to remain "Peaceful".

Tell your Damned Hateful, Corrupt Policeman to remain Lawful.

Source: Original People.Org


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Give thanks for everybody and everything good that you have been blessed to have in your life.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Welcome To America Innocent Muslims

Where if you are different, you are guilty until proven innocent.

If you look like someone who is bad, then you all are bad.

If one of you commits evil then you all must be evil.

If you don't look, think, believe or act like those who occupy the ranks of "Superior Beings" who should have all the Wealth, Power and Leadership Roles,(which is what White Racists consider to be Old White Men), then you are an Inferior Product that GOD has not chosen and has not afforded the same Freedom, Rights and Opportunities to as those who are chosen by GOD like them, because they are"True Americans".

So if you are upset now by all the Unjustified Attacks and Scrutiny that you are experiencing as a result of those who are similar to you who have done evil things; then hold on for the long ride.

Because you've got hundreds of years to go and you still will be experiencing the same SHIT.

Take it from the Original Americans, (The Indians), and the Original (Slave Laborers), African Americans.

This in only the beginning of things to come.

And the darker your skin the worse it will be for you.

Just ask our president.

Yes! Welcome to America where you are not judged by the content of your character but by the color of your skin; and your willingness to totally dismiss who you were before you came to America; and to totally ignore any of America's Sins, Weaknesses or Problems.

So prepare yourself for the long haul.


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Jeb! Bush & I Finally Agree On One Thing.........

Jeb Bush: "There are no Christian Terrorists in the Middle East".

Me: "Their all here in the U.S".


Sunday, November 15, 2015

To The People Of France:

Sincere Prayers, Condolences and Peace.

Unfortunately, HATE is becoming a far too prevalent emotion in our society, (both here and abroad).

We offer you our Sincere Prayers, Condolences and Peace, because we understand and remember the days when we were attacked by hate and how devastating that was to the victims, their families, friends and communities.

And we also understand that we as individuals and as a nation, are just One Hateful Deed away from disaster.

So our thoughts and prayers are with you.

And once the shock and mourning wears off, its time for justice.


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Suddenly The Polls Are Wrong Donald?

Donald Trump in the lead: Donald Trump- "All of the polls have me way ahead of everyone. I've got a uge lead".

Other candidates climbing in the polls or right on his heals like Ben Carson is: Donald Trump: "Frankly I think the polls are inaccurate or important. I couldn't be in 2nd. Place".

This is one of those very dangerous and ugly games that the Rightwing Hate Machine in America has been playing since their existence, which has been as long as America has existed.

When the Bureau of Labor Statistics says, that the number of jobs created by the Obama Administration was anemic, then they say: "See what did I tell you? This President is destroying this country's economic system by not having enough brains to create jobs."

And when the OBM, (Office of Budget Management), states that our economy is in bad shape,they say: "I told you that this President's Policies are destroying our nations economy, (and killing Grandma)" LOL

But when these Non Partisan Independent Agencies of Government state the opposite; then they say: "Those reports can't be right. Obama must have fudged the numbers."

And did you ever notice that when Republicans debate they speak as if the whole country is on fire and that people who want a job can't find one?

This country is on fire, but not literally yet!

It's on fire with Violent, Racists, White Supremacists Terrorist in Government, Police Departments and in Neighborhoods, who are Violently Opposed to Black People and other Minorities having and keeping Equality in all things American.

But the fact of the matter is:

The private sector has added 12.1 million jobs over 61 straight months of job growth, extending the longest streak on record. Today we learned that total non farm payroll employment rose by 126,000 in March, driven by a 129,000 increase in private-sector employment. This particular month’s job gains were below the recent trend, as job growth in a number of industries slowed somewhat (see point 5). Over the past twelve months, the private sector has added 3.1 million jobs, nearly the highest year-over-year growth in the recovery so far.

Source: Politicususa

If you like Dangerous Lies,(because like none politicians do; people lie); but some lies are very dangerous, Factual Distortions, Character Assassination, Political Incorrectness, (which is just a euphemism for being Mean, Hateful and or Racists towards other people), and then whining and crying when someone is, "not nice to me". with absolutely no Solid Plan for making America everything that is is supposed to be according to its so called Sacred Documents, then vote Republican.

If not, then look for an alternative through research and serious analysis and thought about who you think would be best suited to run this country and keep it on its upward swing.


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Congratulations Missouri State University Students

You've found your voice and you've found your power.

For such a long time, I have been waiting for young people to take the baton from the older generation who has sacrificed, fought and loss so much, (including their lives), and the lives of loved ones in pursuit of Happiness, Freedom, Justice and Equality, (which contrary to popular belief is not an "Unalienable Right For All)".

That is just another one of those Patriotic Lies passed down generation to generation to keep the Illusion of Justice, Freedom and Equality for all, alive and well in America.

The fact of the matter is, that the people who claim this myth to be true, cling to it, because it is true for them and their families.

However, they are completely blind to the broader concept and meaning of these words for other people in this country who are not like them and who may not have started on the same rung of the ladder as they did in life, or had the same opportunities and benefits that they may have had as a right at birth.

But here's the truth:

These so called American Values are not free, their not easy and they do not come to certain people without a fight.

And in a period of time where more African Americans have died at the hands of "Law Enforcement Officers" in this country in a shorter period of time than I can remember, I am so glad to see Black Lives Matter.

I was so glad to see so many young people at the 20th. Anniversary of the Million Man March, (which had to be one of the most successful uncovered by the media events that I have ever seen).

Back in 2008-I was very excited and happy to see the Occupy Movement, (who like Black Lives Matter), did not play favorites.

They held all Political Leaders Accountable, Democrat, Republican and Other.

And there are thousands of other Youth Organizations springing up all over the country who are working with older established organizations as well as with each other to make American Rights and Values mean more than just some Bullshit written on paper or some Empty Words spoken by Lying Politicians whose only goal is to fool the American People into voting for them for their own self interests.

All of these people are very serious about making Significant, Positive and Permanent Changes to this country that have been long overdue and for the most part, not included in the discussion, or considered to be necessary by both parties, especially by the Rightwing Conservative Movement in America, (which includes the Republican Party in particular).

Most recently, students at Missouri State University rediscovered the power of a method that our Grandparents, Great Grandparents,Fore Parents and Ancestors used to fight injustice and abuse in an effort to survive and make things better for future generations.

"Hit em where it hurts-in their pockets".

And we are the Benefactors and hopefully the Protectors of these Strong, Brave and Determined People's sacrifices to make sure that we would have a better life than they did.

So I just want to say thank you to all of the Organizations and Individuals from "The Younger Generation", who are now actively and creatively involved in "The Struggle", which never ends.

Anyone who believes that the struggle that our Ancestors had to fight is over, is either very misinformed or a liar.

Freedom, Justice and Equality has never been Free.

These are things that people have and will continue to have to fight and possibly die for.

But it should be inspirational to know that, as hard as the fight is today for us-(it is nowhere nearly as horrifying as it was for our Ancestors and Fore parents).

It just up to us to build on the progress that they made and that we have made over the past 70 + years, by not fooling ourselves into believing that "That stuff is in the past".

There are 2 kinds of people in the Modern Age who have a motive to buy into this fantasy: Those who are continuing to attempt to Enslave, Devalue and Maintain Dominance, Power and Control over those whom they consider Inferior, and those who close their eyes to the struggles in our so called Modern Civilization, so that they don't have to do anything.

After all, if no problem exists, then there is no need for any efforts on my part to become part of the solution instead of remaining a part of the problem as a result of my Apathy.


So hats off to each and every one of you Young Folks who See, Admit and Acknowledge that there is still a problem in America with Equality, (Especially Racial Equality); and who are actively involved in changing things for the benefit of, (not just African Americans), but for other Minorities and other Groups and Classes of People who are still being oppressed and disrespected as well; either Overtly or Subliminally.

And thanks to all of the Young White People, and People from other Socioeconomic and Ethnic Groups who see it, know it and are trying to fix it.

Now the "Powers That Be" are coming for you, and you need to know this so that you can be prepared to counteract whatever Drastic Measures they are plotting against you, because the movement is working.

People get discouraged when they don't understand the nature of Power. And the fact that those who have it never, ever, ever voluntarily relinquish it to others.

Remember what Frederick Douglass said: "Power concedes nothing without a demand". "If there is no struggle-There is no progress".

So these attacks are just a validation of the fact that your share of power is increasing and the movement is working.

And I know this when I see people like Former Congressman, Joe Scarborough who was making excuses Tuesday on Morning Joe, by saying that there were only 2 incidents of Racism on this campus, so why did they want to fire the president?

The first question that came to my mind when I heard this was: How many incidents of Racism would it take for your son or daughter to be exposed to at a Black University before you would be concerned?

And second: In what world would there be only one or two examples of Racist Incidents at a University where Students of Color have made several complaints about Racial Issues occurring on campus numerous times over a long period of time; and were ignored by this president and other in charge.

And third: Does Joe know the History of this institution when it comes to Race, (especially those who are African American or Black)?

So now that these students have found a formula for getting shit done that needs to be done. I hope others will take notes from the people who fought the good fight to protect us from the same atrocities that they had to live with and die as a result of.

If you really want to hurt these people who are hurting you-you have got to hit them where it really hurts-In the pocket.

So to all College Students, Activists and Athletes all over the country-Please pay attention to what took this college's president down.

And make sure to implement the same strategy when it is called for everywhere.

Joe was also bitching and moaning about what the ramifications are if one group of athletes can do this by just refusing to play a game.

I say to Joe: That's called POWER!

And that is what scares those who currently hold it.

It's knowing that others have it as well.

I applaud every student; (not just the Missouri State University Students), who want their Human, Civil and Constitutional Rights protected under the law, and who are making sure that the "Powers That Be", know it, hear it and respond to it.

I applaud all students and activists all over the world who refuse to let the Status Quo continue to be the norm.

Get the power.

Hold the power.

Keep the power.

Great Job!







Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Happy Veteran's Day!

As an individual, I am truly appreciative of all the sacrifices that you as veterans make including Life & Limb.

Normally I would stop right there, and not be political. But today I am not going to do that.

I mean you no disrespect by being political on a day that is celebrated in your honor-those of you who are still with us and those who have been taken away by war.

But in view of last night's Republican Debate and the Hypocrisy of Congress and other Politicians on the subject of Veteran's Benefits and how Veterans are Neglected, Abandoned and left to their own devices after they have given their all to this country-I have just got to say that I am sick and tired of it.

I am sick and tired of certain Hateful Factions of Congress Creating the Illusion of a President who does not care for your Health, Safety and Care that you earned as a result of your service; or that of your families. When those of us who are not blinded by hate who are actually paying attention to what they have done and continue to do and not listening to what they say, know that they have deliberately set out to sabotage this president on this issue and every other policy that he has tried to put forth for the benefit of the nation, because "They Hope He Fails".

Its nice that we honor you today.

Its nice that we have bumper stickers, ribbons and other decorative apparel that we can wear or put on our vehicles, in our windows and on our doors.

But the fact of the matter is; that these superficial acts that we do to honor you are okay. But it is my opinion that you should not have to wait months to see a doctor, or die in the process, or that your families should not have to fight so hard to receive some kind of assistance when the Head or Heads of the Household are not there to keep and help the family cope with their absence.

I also truly believe that if and when soldiers lose their lives or limbs in battle in defense of this country, the families of those solders should be well taken care of and should receive all of the Respect, Honor and Assistance that they are deserve without delay, stalling or resistance from those responsible for seeing that they do.

So to all of you Fake Politicians who will tell as many Self-Serving Lies about Loving and Caring for Veterans and their families to as many fools who will listen. And to those of you who love to take advantage of Photo Ops to give the illusion that you do; we just want you to know that those of us who are not Blind, Deaf or Dumb know the difference between Actual Concern and False Concern.

How in the hell do you Validate Fake Concern by shutting down the government to put Veteran's Benefits and pay in Jeopardy, because you have a personal grudge against someone else on the other side?

And its so easy to discern who is who and what is what. Because, those who show False Concern are in the Majority.

And those who are Genuine are in the Minority.

Don't you think we can tell this by the fact that things that should be getting done are not getting done, and have not been getting done for quite some time now?

So I am asking all of you who are genuine to do something about those who are fake for the sake of our Veterans, our Country and the World.

Happy Veteran's Day!


Monday, November 9, 2015

Tomorrow Night's Republican Debate

I'm watching tomorrow night's Republican Debate because one of the things that I do is watch and analyze what happens on both sides of the Political Fence.

But in all honesty, I almost know for certain that we will not hear anything new or different as far as solutions to America's Problems are concerned.

We will most likely hear these GOP Candidates attack one another as well as attacking the current president whom they complain about not doing anything to solve the country's problems or of doing things illegally to do things for the country.

But what they will fail to mention is the fact that President Obama had to use Legal Executive Orders to get things done for this country, because Republicans made a decision to not work with this president before he even became president; because they could not stomach the First African American President receiving credit for cleaning up the mess left behind by the Bush Administration.

You will also hear a lot of Super Human False Promises that no Mere Mortal, (even the President of the United States of America), can accomplish because of the fact that we do not live in a vacuum, and we do have to Work and Compromise with Leaders and People from other countries.

And in spite of the Perceptual Fantasy created by Rightwing War hawks that America is the "World's Police", we cannot control everything and everybody everywhere on this earth at all times,especially in a war zone, because we are just America-not GOD.

Although we have people in this country to this day, who honestly believe that America is sinless and highly favored by GOD and that people in other countries are not the "Chosen Ones". You may even hear some criticisms about Hillary Clinton's Email Issues,(and that is a legitimate concern), but the questions about Hillary Clinton or Susan Rice not knowing rather or not the attacks against the embassy in Benghazi was an Organized Terrorist Attack, or an Organic Uprising over a video produced here in America that insulted the Profit Mohamed, was really a Partisan Attack that was Manufactured, (not out of love and concern for the Hero's who died or their families), but simply for the purpose of Partisan Politics.

Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton were not on the ground in Benghazi when these attacks began; and they had to rely on Constantly Changing Incoming Reports from the United States Intelligence Community to know what to report to the American Public.

That is the True Nature of how we gain intelligence from a War Torn Area when such incidents occur.

They will also fail to recall the fact that once President Obama found out the truth 1 or 2 days after the incident; he did come out to the rose garden and announce to the American People that it was indeed an organized terrorist attack.

So in spite of all of these negatives that will occur, I am asking you once again, to watch as much of the Republican Debate as you can stomach to determine who you don't wan't in charge of this country.

There's another problem with Republicans right now, and that it that there are far too many candidates. This means the the odds of that many people who actually want to become President of the United States of America for the right reasons are very small.

Most of these candidates are in this race because they are Power Hungary, Greedy or Hateful. Or, they have some other Personal Agendas they want to fulfill for themselves and their Rich Political Donors.

There is only one legitimate reason for a person to run for President of the United States-and that reason is to help the people, (all of the people), who live in this country.

Far too many of these GOP Candidates are running just to be running or to help change or fix something for certain groups of people, corporations, and rich people, who they have made promises to.

Please pay attention so that you will know who is real and who is not.

Because the wrong choice can create severe damage to this country that can affect all of us adversely in the short and long term.

About Republican Debates Tomorrow Night



Friday, November 6, 2015

If Republicans Can't Handle Tough Questions-How Can They Handle The Presidency?

If the Media, (who is responsible for promoting their messages are intimidated by these candidates), because they don't want their Past Records to be revealed to the American People before they complete the very difficult task of choosing one person from out of all the noise to keep our country moving in the right direction, then it is our time to become the media.

I hope that you do know that the only people who are this opposed to questions about their pasts are liars who have much to hide that is usually very ugly.

I don't know about you, but I sure want to know the truth about the person's past who has access to the Nuclear Football.

Don't you?

If you're interested in the truth and you have been paying attention to all of the lies, insults and history rewrites that the Republican Party have been implementing during this Election Cycle, then this will definitely resonate with you.

If you're you're not or have not been, then don't watch!

One thing that I noticed about Republicans is that their Brain Tapes only started recording history from November 4, 2008 when President Obama was elected.

But the tapes from Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, George H. W. Bush, Henry Ford, and George W. Bush's Presidencies, (or should I say Dick Cheney's Presidency in the case of George W. Bush?), have been erased.

They have also erased over 400 years of history from their Brain Tapes that includes the Indians, Slavery, Institutionalized Racism, Class Struggles, Sexism and the Never Ending Turmoil that this country has survived since the land was force-ably taken from the Indians .

President Obama is setting the record straight.

I hope that you will not allow yourselves to be deceived by these attempts to Rewrite History in order to regain the White house, which they are still pissed off about losing to a Black Man.


Saturday, October 31, 2015

Metrojet Flight 7K9268

Sincere Condolences and Sympathy for all the people who lost loved ones in the Crash of Metrojet Flight 7K9268 today, which was carrying 224 people when it crashed in Egypt.

Its just another reminder of how Short, Precious and Fragile life is, and how we should always do our best to treat the people that we claim to love like we actually love them, by not letting them doubt that love for even one second.

Because we will all lose someone whom we love as we move through life-because this is life.


Thursday, October 29, 2015

About Last Night

I watched the Republican Debate last night,mainly looking for a Breakthrough Concept that would actually reunite the people of the United States of America and help them to repair the damage that has been done to this country Physically, Financially, Creatively and Spiritually over the past 7-1/2 years, and of course prior to that with the Previous Republican Administration.

After the introduction of the candidates the "Debate", or as I call it-Who can tell the best lies to deceive the American Republicans, (notice I did not say American People), in order to fool them into voting for them instead of the other candidates who are pretty much the same.

After one hour, I continued to watch, no longer waiting for that Breakthrough Concept, but because I didn't think it was right for me to stop looking at it after I had begged all of you to look at it.

So I hung in there to the end.

And here's my analysis of what I saw and heard.

First, I saw people who started out of the gate lying as they explained why they had absolutely no faults or weaknesses.

Most of the candidates were greatly flawed by their perfection.

Some lied about their flaws, and some of them just completely dodged the question all together.

Next I saw (mostly), Weak and Ineffective Moderators who could not control the candidate's time clocks nor did the majority of the moderators push for answers to their unanswered questions.

With the exception of one, who trapped "The Donald" in front of all the American People watching about a negative comment that he made about Marco Rubio.

She cleaned his clock and shut him up, which is not an easy task when it comes to "The Donald".

Then I heard the same old tired Republican Agendas and Talking Points Decoded to hide the real messages behind the code.

Things like shutting down the Government, destroying Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, Food stamps and other programs that help people who are not business owners or corporate executives, millionaires or billionaires, or people who did not or do not have parents who were or are any of these things.

This is the "We all started out the same in life theory" that Republicans live by.

This is also their reasoning for the destruction of Affirmative Action,(because Institutionalized Racism no longer exist in America), and somehow they have manged to work this reasoning into the Right to Vote.

Most of them brag about how hard their parents worked in the cold mines or other hard and dirty jobs; when most African American Parents could not even get a job unless it was Domestic Work.

Some of them brag about working for their parents in the businesses that they owned.

But they fail to mention the FACT that some people were born into disadvantaged situations that they cannot escape without not a handout, but a hand up.

And yet others talk about how they, (voluntarily), came to this country and were harassed, tormented and discriminated against as Immigrants, but yet they want to continue to harass, torment and discriminate against today's immigrants by refusing to work on Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

Some people's parents and fore parents in America, came involuntarily in chains at the point of guns and the ends of whips.

And once Slavery was supposed to be over, they still were not considered to be human when it came to education, housing, public accommodations, the right to vote, employment, or any other rights afforded to other immigrants with a lighter skin color.

And of course, they have got to repeal Obamacare for the 50th.+ time, which will throw millions of previously uninsured Americans, (who were dying everyday as a result of not having healthcare), back to not having healthcare.

But they have no replacement for it. So that means while we wait for them to come up with something better, millions of Americans will die.

And how about these Moldy Oldies:

I hate the Government, that's why I want to be the boss of it.

The Government does not create jobs. Only the Private Sector and the Free Market System can do that; but I got a job working for the Government, and I get a paycheck from the Federal Government that supports my family with benefits including Government Sponsored Healthcare.

I hate the Media, but I fought hard as hell to be up on the stage on TV.

I can save the country all by myself-Trust me!

The one thing that is consistent with the Republican Party is that they remain consistently the same.

Their main purpose is to encourage Hate, Racism, Greed which disproportionately affects poor people and members of Minority Groups, (especially African Americans).

They create Fake Ass "Flat Tax Systems", which means basically that Rich People's Tax Rates, (not their tax payments), but their Tax Percentage Rates will be the same as everyone else's.

So even though they make Millions or Billions per year, the Government will take the same percentage of taxes from them as they do the person who has a minimum wage job and a family to feed.

Who do you think will be hurt by this?

Rich People?

I disagree with all of the Right Wing Brains that are saying that Marco Rubio was #1, Donald Trump was #2 and Chris Christie was #3.

This is based on who can attack the media the best, who can holler and scream the loudest and who can throw Red Meat, (HATE), to the Primary Voters who thrive on Negativity.

If you've ever noticed with the Conservative Movement in America, it's always the ones with the most Hatred and Anger who are ranked higher and put up on a pedestal, more so then the ones who make common sense and are in touch with reality, who get very little if any attention from this crowd of Neanderthals.

So my pick of the evening was John Kasich, who spoke realistically about what could and could not be accomplished as a country

He also acknowledged that none of our problems can be fixed by one man or one party, and that it would take Unified Efforts to change things for the better.

And of course, everything that is wrong with this country is the Obama Administration's fault.

But as much as it perturbs me to say this; I have to say that on Healthcare in America, I totally agree with Mike Hukabee, who thinks that America should be spending more money on Curing Illnesses as opposed to looking for more illnesses to treat throughout an individual's entire lifetime, because this benefits the Mainstream Medical Community which includes the Massive Pharmaceutical Industry.

He is the first and only Presidential Candidate, (Democrat or Republican), who has addressed cures for Chronic Diseases in America as opposed to Perceptual Sickness, Disease and Death.

But don't stop watching any of the debates please! Because they give us all a chance to know what we want for our country and in last night's case; also what we don't want so that we can vote accordingly.

So tune in next time to the Democratic and Republican Debates.

Check your local channels for listings.


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Please Tune In To Tonight's Republican Debate

To determine where you want America to go from here.

Or, where you don't want America to go from here.

Get complete details below.

Republican Debates, October 28, 2015

It's very important!


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

What Do You See? A Bias Reality Check.....

I don't know what this young girl did prior to this portion of the video and I don't know who this young girl Assaulted, Raped or Murdered.

I can only speak to the portion of the video that I first saw today.

This is what I see: Officer Ben Fields at Spring Valley High School in Columbia’s Richland County, S.C., slamming a Young Black Female High School Student to the ground and then dragging her out of the classroom in a very violent manner.

I also see an officer who has been charged once and exonerated for using excessive force before, and an officer who has been sued by a Young Black Soldier who was attacked in the same manner who lost his case, and is still fighting to recover funds as a result of the violent attack that he suffered at the hands of this same officer.

Now I know that there are always 3 sides to every story; and that the truth is usually somewhere in the middle between the truth and the lie. But one indisputable fact that cannot be denied is, that far too many Law Enforcement Officers who have viciously attacked African Americans or Killed them have had previous behaviors in their files either from another police department of from the same police department. And although I am not an expert on these matters, my common sense tells me that maybe; just maybe, removing these people from the force who have been found to have a propensity towards committing these kinds of confirmed violent acts on multiple occasions being removed from the force ASAP, might just be a major part of the solution to this problem.

Granted, Law Enforcement Officers do have a very difficult and dangerous job, and they deserve our support and trust when they are using the law to make society a better place.

However, when they are committing Violent Criminal Acts and using their Uniform, Position of Authority and their shields as an excuse to be Hateful Racists who know that they can Hunt and Kill using all the aforementioned assets, then those people are Criminals and Not Law Enforcement Officer, and should be dealt with as such.

People who commit crimes are haunted for life even after they have changed their lives for the better for years and years, and are never allowed to have all of their rights restored ever!

If this is how people who have made a conscious decision to change their lives for the better for themselves and their families,to become contributing members of society, then Law Enforcement Officers should be held to the same standard as every other American Citizen.

What Do You See?


Saturday, October 24, 2015

Paul Ryan: I'll Take The Job If You Change The Job's Description and Functions to Suit Me

It's Official. Paul Ryan is the new Speaker of the House.

Don't expect things to get much better with a congress that will change their hearts and minds from Opposition and Hatred of the Current Black President to a Spirit of Cooperation with the Likely Female Presidential Nominee, Hillary Clinton, putting love of the American People, (all of them) first; as opposed to their own Selfish, Hateful, Greedy Motives .

Does your place of employment allow you to do this?

Paul Ryan says that he'll run for the job to replace John Boehner as Speaker of the House, if everyone agrees with everything he says and if he can spend every weekend with his family.

And Republicans say Okay!

The speaker of the house already gets 100 days off per year and the body of government that the speaker is in charge of is scheduled to work only 133 days this year.

Their job is to bring bills to the floor for a vote for consideration of passing the bill along to the senate for a vote and then to the president to sign into law.

Or to receive proposals from the Executive Branch to vote for consideration and then passing that bill along the same or a similar path.

Since President Obama was elected to office they have refused to bring any of his major proposals , (including a jobs bill), which is still sitting on his desk as millions of people remain unemployed or underemployed to the floor of the house for a vote.

They have consistently refused to do the work of the people including the work done to get the Affordable Care Act, (Obamacare), passed into law, which they have tried to repeal over 50 times, including a vote to try to repeal it again just yesterday-but yet they are still bitching an moaning that the law was passed behind closed doors in secret without their cooperation and assistance; which they did not offer.

Just because some Members of Congress have a problem with the Skin Tone of a president that the American People Legally Elected to Office; (twice)!;does not mean that the People's Work will not get done.

That's why he has accomplished so much without you.

And for all who have been paying attention; how much more could have been done for the people of this country and how much further ahead could we be if the President had the cooperation and assistance of Congress since he took office?

But they refused to do that, because they wanted him to fail.

Guess what? He didn't!

President Obama is only a failure; and the country has been destroyed by him only in the lies that you tell the people with Itching Ears and Hateful Hearts who readily accept this bullshit.

And now we have a person running for speaker of the house who has voted down everything that could assist the American People to spend more time with their children or sick parents and other loved ones, who wants to make sure that he does what John Boehner could not do, which is to take every weekend off because he has a wife and small children that he wants to spend time with.

And the reason I am pointing this out is to point out a fact that really irritates me and people like me who are aware of it:

Conservatives preach that they don't want to provide Poor or Middle Class People, (who are becoming the new poor), with Entitlements,(Opportunities to make their lives and their families lives better), the chance to excel and become great through Public Schools and Institutions of Higher Learning or any other advantages that they already have, and are continuing to receive.

It is also irritating to see Conservatives gain support for these Selfish, Oppressive and Austere Acts by making their Poor White supporters, (many of whom are in the same predicament as the people that Conservatives are teaching them to hate), believe that they have something, (that they really don't), that will be taken away by certain groups of people who are just as, if not more impoverished than they are.

The end result being that they win elections by convincing these people who are usually Blinded By Hatred for the people that they are encouraged to hate and fear even more; to vote against their own best interests.

So here we have a guy Paul Ryan who the Conservatives in the Republican Party consider to be "Smart", which in Conservative Republican Terms means, "Devious". And the more smarter they consider their colleagues to be means the more Devious and Deceptive they are.

I mean how smart can a guy be who washes pots at a homeless shelter that are already clean, and produced a budget that was supposed to be the Gold Standard for America, and when it was actually scrutinized by people who are really experts in their fields found the budget to be Unrealistic, Ineffective and most of all Dangerous for the country.

Paul Ryan wants his job to be everything that he doesn't want Average American's jobs to be.

I say all of that to say this: Keep an eye on Paul Ryan; especially if he becomes Speaker of the House, because his policies are dangerous for the vast majority of Americans and only of value to a vast few.


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Thanks Joe For Putting Country And Party First!

Thank you Vice President Biden, for making a very painful decision in view of your recent loss of your son and your lifelong aspiration to become President of the United States.

I want to also thank you for your continued support, dedication and loyalty to President Barack Obama for all these years, and for the fact that even though you are not running in 2016, you are not checking out of the process, and have vowed to protect the accomplishments, achievements and Progress that you have contributed to during your time as Vice President of the Obama Administration.

Thanks Joe!


Monday, October 12, 2015

Please Watch The Democratic Debates

Please watch tonight's Democratic Presidential Debate, starting at 8:00 PM on CNN.

Its important that you know who the people are, who want the top job in America. And what they plan to do or not do for you, your family, your friends, your community and your country.

This also applies to the Republican Debates as well as all future Democratic Debates.

Click Here for CNN Promo.

Thank you,


Thursday, October 8, 2015

What The Media Refuses To Say About The Republican Party


Hatred & Racism Is Causing The Republican Party To Self Destruct

When John Boehner resigned his position as Speaker of the House after Pope Francis's Visit; I did not have a good feeling about seeing him go, because in the midst of madness, he did step out from the crowd a couple of times to work with the Democrats, even with President Obama,(which really made these Extreme Racist mad), and is one of the reasons that he has been under constant attack.

Because rather anyone is aware of the history of this New Republican Party or not, or rather they are willing to admit it or not-this new Republican Party is filled with Hatred, Racism, Greed, Power Drunkenness and Constant Lies to the American People, (including the Poor, Uneducated Hateful People who they amazingly are consistently able to manipulate into voting against their own best interests), by voting for Republicans.

It's like there is some kind of difference between "White Poverty" and "Black Poverty".

I believe that this phenomena is made possible because they are able to blind them with hatred towards "Them".

It's this "Us" against "Them" mentality that makes it possible for them to do this.

That has always been the case.

So how did Republicans magnify and multiply this phenomena?

They didn't!

This multiplication and magnification of this effect was brought about by the American People-first in 2008 and then again in 2012, when President Obama, (The First African American President in our history), was elected.

The Rightwing Hate Machine began an intensive White Supremacists/Black Inferiority Smear Campaign of then Senator Obama and his family, which continues to this day; even though no one's killing Grandma, the Economy did not crash under President Obama, (like it did under President Bush), we don't have WWW 3 and the world has not come to an end as they had predicted.

And for that I am glad, because these are the same Republican Fear Tactics that have been used for decades by the Right, (which is what led us into the Iraq War and the loss of Massive American, Iraqi and Allie's Lives, and Billions of dollars in Resources, Services and Equipment; mostly provided by "Halliburton".

One thing that I find so disappointing is the fact that Rush Limbaugh has not left the country like he said he would if President Obama was elected.

He has the money?

Why in the hell is he still here?

And if you saw the Second Republican Debate, you would have discovered that apparently, hugging a Black Man is an Evil Sin.

I say that because, Marco Rubio successfully attacked Chris Christie for doing so when the president was in New Jersey to help that state, recover from the destruction that Hurricane Sandy caused.

And according to the audience's response, I have to deduce that there is something Evil, Devious and Sinful about hugging the Black President, (which probably extends to hugging other Black People) according to Republicans.

So why was Dick Cheney so adamant about starting a war with Iraq because they had "Weapons of Mass Destruction"?

Because he earned 39.5 Billion Dollars from the company that he owned-Halliburton:


Can anyone say-"Conflict of Interests"?

So what does this have to do with John Boehner and Kevin McCarthy?

The connection is simply this: These Racists who we have allowed to Infiltrate our Government because they hate the fact that America consist of more than just "Old White Male, Religious Hypocrites, Sexists and Racists; and the fact that we as a country elected the First African American President, are so afraid that they are going to have to share the Wealth and Power in this country with people other than just themselves, that they are willing to destroy America rather than see people who they consider to be Inferior be on even footing with them.

So John Boehner is not part of this Extremist Group.

He is considered to be a Moderate, Institutional Republican, (Old School).

Which means that he is only Moderately Racist and Selfish.

Kevin McCarthy is similar to John Boehner.

So why have they both been subjected to severe attacks from members of their own party?

Because as Hateful and Racists as these 2 men are:

It's not enough.

They want more Intensive Racism and Hatred;( which will absolutely destroy America for Average American Citizens), leaving only the Rich and Powerful with the ability to escape and protect themselves and their families.

The funny part about it is, that this includes the poor people who blindly follow and support them.

America; this is your New Republican Party.

And it has to be Neutralized or Destroyed for America to be saved.

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

John F. Kennedy


Saturday, October 3, 2015

Carly Fiorina -A Typical Republican

Its a fact because I say its a fact.

Just take my word for it. No need to fact check.

No verification or proof needed.

If it is one thing that Republicans have in common, it's the fact that they all believe that if they repeat a lie over and over again, it will make it true.

And they do this because sadly, it works with their target audiences, because their audiences typically don't want to help someone, they want to hurt someone, they don't want the truth, they want a lie, if it satisfies their need to HATE. They don't want to fix the country that (they love), they want to destroy the country that (they love).

They want to destroy the Government because they don't want the Government in their personal lives, but they want the Government to regulate woman's choices for their Feminine Health.

They say the Government does not create jobs, yet most of them have been receiving paychecks and benefits packages for themselves and their families half or almost all of their lives from the Government.

If you don't recognize the Hypocrisy and Irony of these types of behaviors, then their is no need for you to read any further, because you really won't understand.

Because you don't destroy what you love and you don't apply for a job with a company that you hate, namely the U.S. Government.

Do you see anything shady yet?

I watched Carly Fiorina on Meet The Press this past Sunday, and Chuck Todd asked this woman repeatedly to present facts that prove that she saw a live fetus on a video, (supposedly at a Planned Parenthood Facility), that had its arms and legs kicking while the Planned Parent Hood Staff were saying that they had to keep the fetus alive for its brain.

No matter how many times Chuck explained to her that it has been proven that no such video exists, and therefore she could not have seen it-she continued to repeat the same lie as if it was the truth like a robot that was programmed to do so.

In addition, (like the video that Right Wing Operatives used to dismantle Acorn), because Acorn was so effective in getting President Obama elected; and Republicans don't like playing on an even field, they just want to win no matter what it takes, (which is a characteristic that I am still waiting for the Democratic Party to adopt, as long as it does not hurt the people that they have been sworn to serve)-It has been proven that these videos too, were edited in such a manner as to make the organization appear to be extremely corrupt, with absolutely no concern for Human Life.

I'm not saying that this organization does not have some problems and some people who may be involved in some shady dealings, (because wherever there are humans, this is what is going to happen). What I am saying is; that these Manufactured Attacks on Planned Parenthood, are systematically designed to appeal to their Evangelical Bases so they can be elected, (even if their election win is the result of lies).

Anyone who constantly lies to obtain this kind of power over people will continue to lie in order to stay in power, and may also do some other things that might be even worse, because they are Hungry For Power at any costs.

Let's face it-all politicians tell lies, because under the right circumstances all human beings are capable of telling lies.

But that's different from being a Professional Liar, Compulsive Liar or a Psychopathic Liar who will do anything to hold the power of the Presidency in their hands.

If you pay close attention to the people who are inclined to do this, you will recognize the fact that they are running for all the wrong reasons.

As a matter of fact, earlier the week Candidate Fiorina completely avoided any discussions about the Planned Parenthood Video that she claims to have seen with her own eyes with her supporters, and even FOX News fact checked her statements and found that the video of which she has been lying about does not exist.

As a matter of fact, Ms. Fiorina and her staff ran from an MSNBC Reporter earlier this week when asked about the video, citing a tight schedule as the reason why they did not have time to be interviewed by the reporter.

There is only one reason that should be acceptable to the American People for a person to run for president; and that is to serve the people of the United States in a way that helps as many people as possible to the best of their ability.

If we allow ourselves to be deceived by these lies and wind up electing a person who is only interested in serving themselves by having the power to make big crooked side deals because of Greed, or to try and keep certain Races, Sexes and Classes of people down and in control, because they are afraid that these people are becoming to close to being equal to them, (which is a fate worse than death to Racists), then all of the progress that we made fixing up what George W. Bush and other "Trickle Down" Republicans before him including Saint Reagan destroyed which is Economic Inequality, then this country will wind up slipping into a state of decline that is far worse than what happened under the Bush Administration.

If you don't believe that's possible or you don't care, then ignore this warning.

However if you want what's best for your Family, Friends, Community and this Country, then it is very important that you watch closely, listen closely and feel closely what these candidates are saying to you.

And I am a Proud Progressive Democratic, but you need to listen to Democrats very closely as well so that we can elect the best Democratic Candidate who will not just use their Political Power and Position to benefit just a small segment of society instead of society as a whole.

If you want what's best for the country; then you must remember that all Republicans operate along the same lines because they are Republicans; just like Democrats operate along the same lines because they are Democrats.

The difference is that Historically Speaking the Democratic Party has favored Regular Average Working Americans. Whereas Republicans think that everybody should be like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates and others like them who created empires in their garages or basements

Everybody in America does not have the Talents, Skill Sets, Motivation or Education to do that.

Most people just have to work for a living, and this is something that the Millionaires and Billionaires in the Republican Party do not understand.

Carly Fiorina


Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Kevin McCarthy Admits that Benghazi Hearing's Committee was a Political Ploy

Once again! a Republican demonstrates the true nature of how they operate and the intentions behind those operations.

John Boehner's most likely replacement for Speaker of the House, House Majority Leader, Kevin McCarthy got a little too lose while speaking to Sean Hannity at the Rightwing Hate Machine's most comfortable media home-FOX News.

During this interview McCarthy openly admitted what we already instinctively knew, and that is; at the Tax Payer's Expense, they conducted a Political Smear Campaign against Hillary Clinton and kept it running for as long as they possibly could to destroy Hillary Clinton's chances at becoming President of the United States of America.

Now as a lifelong Democrat, I am not using this to make excuses for her recent email scandal which in my (Semiprofessional Political Opinion) was and still is being handled very poorly by her Campaign Management Team.

However,before they hated Barack Obama, they hated Bill Clinton, his wife Hillary and their daughter Chelsea.

And just like Barack Obama made history by becoming the First African American President, which raised their level of Hatred and Racism to levels that were and still are very dangerous for the country.

But it is important to note that they are equally hateful about the idea of losing power to the First Female President Hillary Rodham Clinton, (a Liberal).

Historically, Rightwingers have always hated the Clinton's for their Powerful Political Successes and for rising from the ashes after so many Political Scandals, (some self inflicted and some manufactured by the Haters on the Right).

This committee was not concerned with the safety and security of the country or for the 4 Americans that lost their lives. They just wanted to create a bogus extended discussion about rather or not the attacks were Planned Terrorists Attacks, or a Sporadic Uprising that came about as a result of a video produced here in America that ridiculed "The Profit Muhammad", and why someone said it was one while it was the other.

Watch as Kevin puts the Republican Party's Shenanigans on full display for America to see.

And as you watch, please remember that these Multiple Bogus Investigations were done with Millions of your Tax Dollars at the same time that they were willing to shut down the U.S. Government because they are supposedly "Fiscal Conservatives".

Now of course, he is already trying to say that what he said is not what he meant by trying to walk it back, but the fact of the matter is that he said what he said; (and just like other Republicans who slip up and tell The Truth on Rare Occasions-He meant it.

Watch another Republican as he validates African American's and other Minorities's Suspicions that Republicans are Deliberately and Systematically Demolishing Voting Rights for all of the groups who effectively helped to elect Barack Obama as President of the United States of America, (twice!). This groups includes African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Young People, College Students, woman and the Elderly.

Make absolutely no mistake about it-Republicans are only interested in one thing: POWER. We have had numerous examples of them showing their true colors, (which does not include a love for People of Color, Poor People, Non Big Business People, Disadvantaged People or Sick People, (including Children). Here's a sad and scary fact that you need to know about the upcoming 2016 Elections: Our worst Democrat of the few who have entered the race would be less destructive to this country than their best candidate.

If you want this country to continue making progress that benefits All Americans, please heed to this warning.

Because this is how the Modern Republican Party has always operated and this how they will continue to operate.

Winning is everything and the safety and security of Every American from Every Group in this country is not their Primary Focus.


Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Francis Effect

I am not a Catholic as I've said before. But I am not completely unfamiliar with this Massive Religious Organization thanks to my Grandfather who took me with him every Sunday to Mass.

As a matter of fact, I don't even consider myself to be a Religious Person, because that involves asking others to accept my concept of, or faith in GOD while rejecting everyone else's.

So I am not religious.

But I do consider myself to be Spiritual, which in my body, mind and spirit means that I have a Personal Relationship with GOD that does not involve any form of Organized Religion and that does not require a Middle Man to communicate with GOD on my behalf.

But I was once involved in Organized Religion, ( or Heaven for sale), and I did not like all the fighting and clawing at other people whose beliefs conflicted with mines, (which has been the case for thousands of years), and recently these kinds of Doctrinal Battles are becoming a very dangerous phenomenon in America and around the world which actually results in Violence, Destruction, and at the extreme-Death!

Non of this cloning of other human beings to be just like me, think like me, worship like me or murdering them because they refuse to, didn't really make sense to me for "People of GOD" to be doing. Since in 1 Corinthians 14:33 in the New King James Version, the Bible says the following:For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.

So what I see in the religious world today does not seem to align itself with that and many other scriptures that so many people base their Eternal Lives on.

So because I am Spiritual as opposed to Religious, that gives me a deep and sincere appreciation for the way that other people believe that they are establishing a connection with GOD and how they worship him.

This is why I am able to enjoy the Pope's Visit and to see the Positive and Unifying Power that his visit is having on Believers, Non Believers, Catholics and even people of other Denominations all over the country.

I am all for anything that can exert the Powerful Force of GOD's Love on an entire nation and cause it to pause and take a look at how we treat each other, and rather or not we think that our actions are based on GOD's Will for us.

And the reason that the Pope's visit is causing people of all kinds to contemplate these things is because of the intensity of his Spiritual Vibrations, which can only emanate from a human being that is projecting an intense amount of GOD's Love.

And this is not just Woo Woo stuff.

Its actually a scientific fact that 1 spiritual leader with GOD's Love as his or her main focus can influence thousands of people in a positive manner, such as Jesus Christ and other Spiritual Leaders and Prophets have done throughout history.

I've been following the Pope's Visit very closely because number 1, it seems to be having a very positive calming and unifying effect on the entire country; and because this is history in the making.

So what I sincerely hope and pray for is that at least some measure of "The Francis Effect" will remain intact and help contribute to Positive Changes in our Human Relations, Our Politics and our Consideration for other Human Beings as we move forward in trying to become a better country and a better world, long after he has left America.


Friday, September 25, 2015

John Boehner- A Decision Of Conscious

I have always been at odds with John Boehner because of the party that he is a part of and what they stand for and do not stand for.

But in a week with the Pope in the U.S. and a week that I hope will continue to be Bipartisan, I must admit that I see John Boehner in a very different light, (a positive light), as a result of his Self Sacrifice on behalf of the institution that he loves.

He has shown himself, (not with Crocodile Tears), but with his actions to truly do something very difficult for the right reasons.

I believe he is a True Catholic who has a deep genuine belief in his faith and the leader of his church.

I truly believe that Speaker Boehner made a very difficult decision to resign his position now, as Speaker of the House for the good of the Institution and the country that he loves because he hopes that it will result in positive change for his party and the country.

I also think that the Pope's Visit and his personal consultation with the Pope helped him to make this very difficult decision easier. The new breed of Republican Hate Mongers that have infiltrated our government, who are willing to destroy this country rather than compromise with the Democrats and the Leader of the Democratic Party; President Barack Obama to save it.

Thank you Speaker Boehner for being a Republican who is doing what he actually believes to be the best thing for the country.

I only hope that his resignation will result in the Positive Results for the country and the institution that he loves, for which he has resigned his position as Speaker of the House for.

I hope I am wrong, but I just don't believe that Boehner's resignation will have the lasting positive effect on the Republican Party in the near future, that he hopes that it will.


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Another GOP Cameleon Out Of The Race

You know it's not often that I revel in other people's failures and shortcomings,because I've had more than my share in life and I know how badly it feels.

But when it comes to the benefit of the country and all of the Americans in it, (who are not rich, powerful, well connected or the right color); I can't help but wish Scott Walker a genuine non fond farewell.

As I said before his departure, this kind of person is dangerous for this country which consist mostly of people who work for a living like Teachers, Policeman, Fireman and other Municipal, State and Federal employees; which people like Scott Walker hate and are trying to destroy, simply because these Government Jobs were and still are the Main Vehicle that allowed Minorities and other Disadvantaged People to work themselves up into the Middle Class.

And When I see people trying to destroy the unions that represent them and trying to cause these people to lose their jobs-I have no love for you at all.

And let us not forget, the people who work for Private Industry for the same Minimum Wages that have been at a stand still for far too long.

I wish I could say I'm sad to see you go, but I'm actually quite glad to see you go.

And I'm looking forward to the departure of the other GOP Candidates who are running for president for all the wrong reasons, and who will say or do anything to win at all costs, including the destruction of the American Middle Class and the Poor.

So I don't know if this is wishful thinking or just accurate political analysis based on the current GOP Statistics as they stand today; but gazing into my Political Crystal Ball, I see another individual similar to Scott Walker, who wants to punch teachers in the mouth leaving soon as well.

I predict that New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie will be next to slip and fall out of the race.

Trust me!

America will be a far better place because of it.

You see! most of these GOP Candidates are Koch Addicts who cannot continue in the race when they run out of Koch.

I don't believe a word that any of these characters say.

Because they are all Professional Liars who Prey on the Ignorant and the Hateful.

So I hope that the country is paying attention to these scams, so that we don't turn over "The People's House" to them which I believe could be disastrous for America.

Don't let them in.

Do all that YOU can do to keep them out of our house.


Saturday, September 19, 2015

Supporting Donald Trump? Here's The Kind Of People You Are Collaborating With.

If you are supporting Donald Trump, here are the kind of people that you aligning yourself with:












What's that spell?

What's that spell?

What's that spell?

Now are these the kinds of people you want governing your country for 4 to 8 years.

If you don't, then all of us who don't want this are going to have to work our asses off together to keep them out of our house.

Who doesn't understand that you don't dispute that which you agree with?

Take a look at the kinds of people that this Hate Monger is attracting. Did you see it?

Don't want it?

Time to get busy!


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Last Night's GOP Debate

It's not just Donald Trump-It's all of them.

I am not even going to discuss who won or lost the debate last night. Because for me its hard to tell.

But I will say this: if we allow anyone of these people to become President of the United States, the country will lose and be setback some 50 or 60 years.

You cannot solve old lingering issues with old lingering ideas such as, men attempting to enplane and control woman's bodies, practicing Hatred and Division through Racism, Sexism and American Exceptional ism; (a concept that is akin to Racial Supremacy), which implies that GOD didn't create other nations as good as he created America; and that this gives us the right to Enslave, Slaughter or move into these people's territories with Military Force to make them align their behaviors, policies and customs to ours, so they become clones of Americans.

I'm not saying that we should not take measures Diplomatically or Militarily to stop the Inhumane, Abusive and Deadly Treatment that some of these countries leaders inflict upon U.S. Citizens and even their own citizens. I am just saying: Why in the hell is the first response (by people who do not have to sacrifice their sons, daughters, mothers, fathers and friends have to be WAR?

Why not try Diplomacy first if it saves thousands of lives in the end?

All I heard last night by the majority of candidates is how to hurt people and to make it legal to do so.

Do we have an immigration problem?

Yes we do!

But not all of the immigrants who come to this country are Rapists, Murderers and Gang Members.

This is still a popular false notion about African Americans in this country that has, (unfortunately), stood the test of time.

Is being forced to blow someone's brains out a desirable choice to make?

Of course not!

But there are times when that has been or can become necessary.

Its just one of those ugly facts of life.

Which brings me to abortion, and the lies and manipulation of facts about Planned Parenthood and the videos that the Right Wingers continue to use as an excuse to shut this organization down.

All of the candidates who talked about these videos did not bother to tell the audience that these videos, (like the ones that closed down Acorn), were edited to match Conservative Talking Points on the subject.

I heard so many twisted facts, about the Iran Nuclear deal to fit their thirst for blood, and some downright out and out lies about negative statements previously made about woman, African Americans, Immigrants and just about everybody else that they see as inferior. Some of these incidents were lies by omission

One thing about the Right Wing Hate Machine in America is that they don't bother to check what the people talking to them are saying.

And the Slick "Non Politicians", who may not be old politicians, but are politicians none the less, are acutely aware of this, and they use it to their advantage every time.

So I say all of that to say this again: Their were some standouts in last night's debate, but even the standouts have old ideas that have not worked, continue to not work, and that probably won't work now, in this new and dangerous world in which we live.

Everything, of course was President Obama's fault. George W. Bush either did not exist, or he was a hero for all of the mistakes he made during his 2 terms as president. And can someone please tell me why everyone continues to invoke St. Reagan, who would not even be welcome in this Newly Formed Hyper Hateful Party?.

Last night debates really didn't bring us any significant new ideas, it was the same old crap.

It's mostly people who are hungry for power, (which is really not a good reason to seek the office of the President of the United States of America).

It would appear to me that you would have to think about people other than yourself, and other people who do not look, sound or think like you, as long as they are conducting themselves in a legal manner.

It requires a Love for this country and the people who live in it, which contrary to popular believe on the Right is exactly why President Obama wanted to be president.

So he could help some damn people.

And now that brings me to the Democrats.The American Democratic Party is still practicing Archaic Campaign Techniques with nothing new, fresh or creative to offer.

If any one of these Republican Candidates get into office, it will hurt a lot of people in this country. And I hope that this is something that Democrats; (both the leaders and the voters), will work very hard to prevent.

But the Democratic Leadership needs to make some Drastic Changes too.

And one of the main ones is that you need to stop just sending out Robotic Emails to people begging for money, and then turn a deaf ear to them when they want to participate in our Democracy by being heard by sharing their Thoughts Ideas and Opinions.

This is why so many times in the last few months, Democrats have not met their financial goals from donations.

And on several occasions Republicans actually out raised Democrats.

People do not want to just shell out their hard earned money to people who do not want any input about how it should be spent.

To the Democratic Leadership: If you want to win this crucial 2016 Presidential Election and the Midterms that follow; you need to change the way that you do business just as much as the Republicans do.

Because if the Democratic Party loses; America loses.

I hope you hear me!
