Saturday, February 28, 2009

Who Thought The Cartoon Was Just A Cartoon?

In spite of all of the progress that we have made as a nation, there are still a significant number of racists who think that the whole world is 1800’s south. This point of view is based on the success, comfort, and progress of a few ignorant people, who thank GOD, is now a minority.

And they miss this world so much that they will say or do anything to get back to it.

It is not, nor will it ever be back, unless we experience a run on stupid black people who think that these types of insults and attacks on the character of our First African American President, and the people of all races who support the change that he is attempting to bring to this country, is not leading up to something more then just posting a funny cartoon.

There is more to it then just a cartoon or a joke.

Did you hear the one about the new black guy in town?

A black man arrives in a new town and asks a white man,” where do all of the black people hang out round here?”

The white man says, “right over there on that tree.”

Just a joke?

Ha Ha My Ass!

Millions of black human beings were subjected to this cruel and mercilessness death simply because some people had a beef with them for the way that GOD made them.

So to all the ignorant, sleep, uninformed, and socially unwire black people, (and white people), who think that this is just a cartoon, let me just tell you, that somewhere, right now, there is more the one sick racist individual who has taken that cartoon, (which depicted a black monkey being shot to death), a monkey that no doubt represents President Obama, and he or she has internalized this cartoon, and has at least a thought, about doing something stupid to the president, and if he or she thinks about it long enough, this thought will blossom into a plan of action.

And to the many white racists who helped this issue sell out by purchasing as many copies as they could, because they think that it is just a funny cartoon; fine!

Your opinions, thoughts, and actions in support of this racist attack masked in humor, will never be enough to destroy the progress of a nation.

These are the kinds of subliminal messages that the media in this country have used for hundreds of years to control the masses.

This cartoon in no exception.

One thing I do agree with is "Freedom of Speech", so they do have a right to post it, and we do have a right to respond to it, like the majority of the common sense people in this country, (of all races) has done.

I think that we needed to respond to this message of hate as we did.

But I also still maintain that the way that a few racist in high and low places treat us, is not nearly as important as how we as African Americans treat each other.

So to all who are still sleep, and continue to poison our neighborhoods, kill our sisters and brothers, (or anyone who is not a threat to you in any way), disrespect our woman, and neglect our children, you need to be more concerned about that.

Because this will be the true measure of our success or failure as a race of people, not what a few idiotic racist, who will always exists, say or think of us.

It is time for all African Americans, and other races of people who want peace, freedom and equality for the generations to come, to remain alert if you are already alert, or to work hard to become alert if you are not.

Do not let this minority of idiots pull the wool over your eyes, even if they do try to disguise it as a joke.

The old folks used to always say that “many true words are spoken in a joke”’ everyone needs to pay attention.


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About This Year’s Newsletter

I would like to say that this year's newsletter will be chock full of music news from G.R.C. Records about new releases, new artist and new shows.

However, as with all other businesses, (even major corporations), G.R.C Records is on standby as far as staging any music events or releasing any new cd's, or in doing anything else at the present time that would require a significant financial investment.

So while we are waiting for things to get better in our country, our world, and our company, we still would like to keep in touch with you on a monthly basis to discuss issues that are important to our readers.

This year, we will continue to focus on the ever popular and ever changing subject of politics, which is something that I love to watch, especially the desperation that The Republicans are currently exhibiting as they watch their party fall apart.

We are also relishing in the initial successes that the Obama Administration is experiencing in spite of the efforts of those who would rather see him fail, even if it means that his failure will mean the failure of our entire country; much like the failure that we experienced as a result of the Bush Administration's 8 years in office.

We will also focus on healthcare, because many of the things that President Obama is proposing will cut into the pockets of some of the most powerful corporations in the nation whose goal is to keep the American People sick, so that they can continue to profit from over prescribing pharmaceuticals, medical testing and procedures, and unnecessary surgeries.

So it is very important for us to listen intently when people discuss how Obama wants to nationalize healthcare, and take control of how your doctor treats your illnesses.

This is a lie.

What President Obama is trying to do is to prevent illnesses before they start, and to try and insure that every American will have healthcare available to them when they do get sick.

The people who want to accuse him of being a Socialist, Marxist, or Communist, are the people who are trying to scare you into believing that the very thing that can help the majority of Americans, (not the filthy rich who only account for 2-5% of the total population in America), is the thing that is going to destroy our free enterprise system.

No it is not, it is just going to take an insignificant amount of profit from some of the major corporations that have been raping America all the long.

And in the spirit of President Obama's progressive approach to illness prevention, we will also talk a lot about how to protect your health so that you won't have to wind up making these people richer then they already are.

Most of the people who listen to our music, support our live shows, and subscribe to this newsletter are at least 40 and above.

So this is the time that we must guard against illness and injury as much as possible so that we can continue to be vibrant, healthy, and lively adults who enjoy life.

So come on and hang out with G.R.C. Records this year.



Thursday, February 19, 2009

Of course The Cartoon Is A Racist Attack Against President Obama

The cartoon in today’s issue of the New York Post that depicts 2 white policeman killing a black chimpanzee, and then making the statement, “They’ll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill”, is a direct attack on President Obama, the black race, white people who want a better country that features fairness and equality for all, (which is what the hell the United States of America is supposed to be all about anyway), and all people who are in the process of trying to heal and unify this nation.

The statements made against Reverend Al Sharpton in defense of this article are also an insult on the intelligence of all black people who have not sold out in favor of the enemy.

And by enemy, I am not referring to any particular race of people, but to those who cannot, or will not recognize this racist attack against our president for what it is; a racist attack against our president, and all the people who’s skin tone matches his.

I predicted this as soon as I heard the story about the police having to shoot the out of control chimpanzee.

However, I did not think that it would take the form of an attack against the president and his new stimulus bill which passed in spite of the republicans insistence on playing business as usual politics.

The newspaper is trying to say that the black chimpanzee being shot represents Washington DC, and not President Obama.

However, the only people who believe this crap are the white people who are racists, and the black people who are oblivious to the fact that our race is, and has always been under attack by those who still believe that we are apes, gorillas, chimpanzees and other inhuman creatures.

This is why I continue to warn everyone who does not know, and remind those who do, that not only are we as a race of people under constant attack, but that all Americans of all races who know that it is wrong to hate or destroy people because of the way that GOD made them are also under attack.

In other words, anyone who is devoted to making this country be the country that is was truly meant to be, is a target.

And President Obama, his team, and all those who support him are the bulls eye.

This is why we must not let our support for the president end just because November 4th 2008 has passed.

The fight for freedom and equality for all Americans in this country based on who they are, and how they conduct themselves and contribute to society as citizens of this great nation, instead of the form in which GOD decided to make them; is not a fight that we can afford to lose.

I’ll say it again as I have said many times before; the election of President Obama was just the first step in many that we need to repeat constantly in order to make this country work like it is supposed to work, (not just for the rich and the powerful), but for the poor people who are capable and willing to do better, and those who cannot because of circumstance beyond their control, the working class, and yes, even those who are well off.

And to all of you who are well off, you need to pay particular attention to what is happening to your wealth these days.

Because if the current economic situation does not convince you that you need the people who are lower on the totem pole to lift you up, then you will continue to lose your businesses, your corporate positions, and your generational wealth.


Because the Average Working American Citizen is your foundation, and no structure can raise up without it’s foundation.

Yes the cartoon is a racist attack masked with humor.

But what amazes me is the fact that so many people are shocked after all of these hundreds of years.

Racism is not going to go away because we have our first African American President.

So don’t expect it to.

What is important is not that racism still exists, but it’s what all of the people who despise it do about it.

It is very important that we demonstrate to the world that we are outraged about the injustices that continue to effect us all in this country. But the most important thing for us to remember is that it is not how they treat us that counts at this point in history, it is how we treat each other.

So please be mindful of that.

And to Reverend Al Sharpton, you did a great job in gathering a cross section of all different races and classes of people for a consensus on what this cartoon really meant, and how distasteful it was to many Americans, not just African Americans.

The are only calling you a publicity seeker, because you are drawing attention to this and other situations that should not be occurring in America in the new millennium.

Keep up the good work.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Change You Can Believe In Becoming A Reality

And The Republicans Don’t Like It!

The election is over, and the battle for justice and equality for all continues.

To all who supported Senator Barack Obama during the election, do not stop supporting President Obama now.

The election was just the first step in a very long succession of steps that will need to be repeated over and over again, probably for the rest of our lifetime, and the lifetimes of our offspring before we see the much needed change to government in Washington, DC and throughout the country.

Please keep your signs on your lawns, on your cars, and in your windows. Please keep wearing your President Obama buttons, T-shirts, jackets, hats, and any other apparel that you have that shows the world that you are supporting this president.

A president who has hit the ground running to do the things that he said he would do during his campaign, and is actually making a sincere effort to make justice and equality for all a reality, rather then just warm and fuzzy words that have no practical application in the lives of normal everyday people.

He began making “Change” the focus of his election 2 years before it even looked like he may become president, he continued with this message throughout his campaign, and he has now moved into the Whitehouse as president, and the consistency of his message of “Change” continues to ring out even though the election has ended.

This in itself is the first indication of change coming to our government.

The standard practice of politicians here in the U.S. is that during the election, they always say what they need to say in order to be elected to the office they seek, and then once they are voted in based on the lies that they have told, they do nothing.

Only Around Election Time

The fact that President Elect Obama accepted and admitted to his humanness and his limitations as a man was demonstrated when he said, “ I am going to make mistakes. There will be false starts, set backs and problems, but I promise you that I will always tell you the truth about where we are”.

And in spite of the fact that Republicans (as usual), are trying to capitalize on the mistakes made in the vetting process of Tom Daschle to head the Department of Health and Human Services, who failed to pay back taxes of over $100,000 dollars for a car and driver that was lent to him by a friend, Nancy Killefer, Obama's appointment to oversee budget and spending reform, who cheated on her taxes; Timothy Geither, another Obama appointment, who cheated on his taxes; and Bill Richardson, Governor of New Mexico another Obama appointment (Commerce Secretary) -who sold his soul for state contracts to campaign donors.

However Nancy Killefer withdrew her nomination first, followed by Tom Daschle on Tuesday, and Bill Richardson withdrew his nomination several weeks ago.

President Obama has accepted all of these people’s resignations and has admitted and apologized to the American People for his errors. President Obama said, “I think I screwed up”.

This is also a new and refreshing change for government in this country.

Even though it is now, and has been for quite some time, a well-known fact, have you ever heard the 43rd president of the United States, or any before him admit that he was human and that he had made mistakes?

Hell No!

You have not seen this unless you are old enough to Remember President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and the Cuban Bay of Pigs invasion in April 1961. This was the last time that an American President offered a public apology to the American People.

John F. Kennedy apologized to the American People for this miserable failure.

Seeing a President, or for that matter any politician who makes a mistake apologizing for it is unheard. Most refuse to admit it, because they think that you the American Public are stupid enough to believe that just because a mortal being wears the title of President of the United State of America, that he is somehow divine and show how immune to human error, which anyone with the slightest amount of common sense knows is a lie.

Even one of our greatest presidents “did not have sex with that woman Monica”. Lewinsky.

President Obama’s apology is a good thing. Because it shows that he is human just like the people who chose him to represent them, it also shows that he cannot do it all alone. He needs his staff, and the American People who supported him during the campaign, and the people and leaders from nations around the globe to continue to do so.

That’s change we can believe in, and should give us hope that the positive change that we have always needed in government is finally becoming a reality.

Obama Admits That He Screwed Up

The fact that President Obama has remained consistent in his message and purpose before, after, and doing the campaign, and now in the Whitehouse as President, indicates that a much needed change is coming to Washington politics specifically, and national politics in general.

However, even thought these changes are becoming quite apparent at the highest levels of government, we must remember that it will take a more time and effort for this change to filter down to our local corrupt leaders.

The Republicans, who are now in an uproar about the fact that they are no longer in a position to do big favors for all of their rich and powerful friends, are so desperate that they will do and say anything to have that power back.

Remember, power concedes nothing without a fight, even after an election.

Although the majority of the American People made it perfectly clear that they no longer wanted to live under a system of government where it is okay to give Welfare to Wall street CEO’s, and other rich and powerful Corporate and Bank Executives, enter into wars and kill thousands of innocent Americans without any other motive except to create profits for theirs and their friend’s business interests, break the law and call it Executive Privilege, and a host of other Anti-American Acts smothered under the cover of false patriotism.

And after all that they have done for their rich friends, these same people don’t care rather or not poor people have food for their children, milk for their babies, housing to protect them from the elements, and worst of all, they want to deny people a way out of poverty.

These people could care less if poor people’s children receive an education that gives them the chance to compete at any level that they are willing to work hard to compete for.

And they hate and despise anyone who is willing to make an effort to see that the poor people in this country have an opportunity to change their destiny, or that average middle class citizens will be paid fair wages, and receive adequate benefits to take care of themselves and their families, thereby giving them the power to change their destiny, and rise to whatever station in life they are willing to work hard and sacrifice to get to.

Please be aware that this is what the Democratic Party represents, and that now the leader of the Democratic Party is President Obama. So, the Republicans are now on a mission to capitalize on each and every honest mistake that the president and his staff make, in order to persuade as many people who are not on guard or aware of what their mission in this country is truly all about, to not give their support to the president if they have not, and to have those who do support the president withdraw their support.

Do not let this happen.

The closer we come to making this country everything that all the precious documents say that is should be, the more resistance you will see coming from those who want to continue to be the elite who receive special treatment in this country, (even when breaking the law in the name of love for country).

You have already seen evidence of this:

Dick Chaney is practicing fear mongering from the sidelines, attempting to induce fear of terrorist attacks in the American People as a result of President Obama’s new approach to dealing with foreign countries with diplomacy and tact, as opposed to just militarism.

Mr. KKK, David Dukes, (the racist’s racist), has emerged from obscurity this week, calling the new Leader of the Republican Party, Michael Steel a racist.

Isn’t it amusing when the racist come out and call other people racist?

There will be more on Michael Steel later.

We also have Republicans crying foul about every program that is in the stimulus package that relates to helping Poor, or Middle Class Americans, while in the same breath, they are still crying out for massive tax breaks to Corporate America, which is exactly the approach that was taken over the last 8 years, which has proven to be the main contributing factor to the collapse of our financial system.

Now they are still looking for ways to allow the rich and powerful to become even more rich and powerful.

They are calling President Obama a socialist, a Marxist, a socialist, a communist and or a nationalist because he is proposing a salary cap of ½ million dollars for their buddies on Wall street, but what they refuse to acknowledge is the fact that President Obama didn’t make this a nationalist proposition, the companies that are in trouble who came begging for a bailout using tax payers money made this a nationalist proposition.

What they want is to take taxpayers money without any system of accountability.

They do not want to play by the rules, they want to be treated special when they receive welfare, and they don’t want the people who need welfare to receive it at all.

Don’t they know that Claudine had to throw out her man, and hide her toaster to keep her welfare benefits?

What the hell makes them think that they are going to get welfare without any restrictions?

Pay attention.

The better President Obama becomes at his job, the more attacks you will see launched against him and that segment of society that continues to support him.

President Obama and the people, who voted for him, represent everything that this group of elitists hates.

And the reason that they are so mad and becoming increasingly agitated and dangerous on a daily basis is, because these are the things that they have been getting away with for hundreds of years, and not they just cannot accept the fact that the free ride is coming to an end.

And one other thing, listening to Republicans cry about the people who President Obama has chosen to appoint to his cabinet, and accusing him of choosing people who are from the school of thought that does thing the same old way , which (they say), does not look like “Change” is truly hypocritical.

Don’t you think?

The reason that Obama cannot find honest experienced politicians to fill the posts that he needs filled, is because he has set the bar higher then it’s ever been set before, and there are just not enough of them to go around.

So President Obama has to take the best-experienced people that he can find because the tasks are so crucial, and try to teach old dogs new tricks.

So although the Republicans are citing the many appointments that President Obama has made that are from the same old school, the fact of the matter is that he needs experienced people to do the job, and he is the new sheriff in town, and has made it clear to these people, and the American People, that they will function and perform under a new kind of government.

This is why President Obama needs every body’s support that wants this country to be the place where everyone truly has an opportunity to create the kind of life that they want for themselves and their families through hard work and sacrifice.

If this is what you believe in, then please continue to actively support President Obama, and his appointments.

And communicate with the Government, it is yours, and this is what President Obama wants us to do.

That is also change that we can believe in, a government in the United States that listens to its people.

Talk To Your Government.

Love And Peace Is What The World Needs Now (Barack Obama Chant)

Greg Coleman

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Michael Phelps

I guess it’s true what they say; money ain’t everything.

I have been listening to people talking about how Michael Phelps is a role model, and that he is being paid to uphold a very positive image for our youth, and how he is not just an average kid.

Well! I’ve got 1- 23-year-old kid with a bong in his hand in the act of smoking weed, and a near conviction on DUI not too long ago that says he is just a 23-year-old kid.

Although he is a rich kid, he still is a kid. And he is doing what kids do, live and hopefully learn.

I don’t see any reason to condemn Mike for smoking weed in the privacy of his own room, or in someone else’s room that he thought was private.

As a matter of fact, I am not in a position honestly to judge how anyone gets down in their spare time, when what they are doing has absolutely no effect on my life.

I guess he was just doing what many people do when they are off from work, (or in Phelps’s case, not in training), which is enjoying their leisure time by doing what they like to do. And I don’t see how that is being a bad role model no more then if that person, (which was mostly likely someone who he knew and trusted), would have violated his privacy by following him into the bathroom when he went to relieve himself, or in the bedroom when he went to be relieved.

People have a right to privacy no matter what their career is or what the size of their paycheck is.

But high profile people such as Michael Phelps needs to realize that they are more prone to this type of exploitation, and need to guard themselves as much as is humanly possible.

But I will say this, (and this is not a moral judgment), whatever Michael Phelps does; the consequences are on Michael Phelps, as is the case with everyone who is classified as a legal adult.

It is up to Mike to decide if he wants to throw away the spectacular achievements that he has made so early in his life; achievements of the like that most people in the world will never come to realize.

He knows what is in his endorsement contracts, and the behaviors and actions on his part that would cause him to be in violation of those terms that could cause all of those sponsors to make his contract null and void, which could cost him millions of dollars in present and future endorsements.

But once again I want to point out that I do still believe in our right to privacy, and I do not think that Phelps expected to have his private business all over the public’s radar. He just wanted what a lot of us like to have from time to time, a buzz.

Now for all who are complaining about the “Role Model Issue”, I think that if you are allowing a 23 year old kid to raise your kids, then you have a problem, and so does your child.

Celebrities are just people. And some of these people are very sick and messed up people, just like the very sick and messed up people that you know who are not famous that I hope you would not allow within 5 miles of your children.

If Brittany Spears, Michael Vick, Michael Phelps, Russel Crow, Christian Bale, The Olen Twins, Miley Cyrus, and other famous and sometimes troubled people are the lighthouse, roadmap, and role model for how your child will be raised, and for the kind of people that they will grow up to be, then you have a problem, which in turn means that they have a problem.

These people’s jobs are to do their jobs, and to live their lives according to their own internal compasses, just like everybody else.

They are not responsible for your children’s lives.

You Are!

So I personally wish you the best Michael Phelps, and I hope that you will recover once again from this very public negative media Circus, that is the result of an act that was supposed to be a very private and individual act.

It will take more then a few puffs to diminish my respect for your accomplishments in the Olympics, in commerce, and in life.

However, you need to be careful, because the sponsors, the Olympic Committee’s, and the people who expect you to be a parent to their children, not to mention the law will not be so understanding of your actions from here on out.

Watch Out Homeboy!

Greg Coleman