Tuesday, December 29, 2015

You Never Showed This "Muslim" Any Love.............

So why all of a sudden are Republicans making pretend that they are so shocked and offended by Donald Trump's Racial and Religious Intolerance towards everybody except the Ignoramuses in his audiences.

Because as I said a thousands times before; most Republicans will do anything to win. Not because they love America as much as they claim to, and would have you believe.

But they want to win for the benefit of all of their Rich and Powerful Friends and Corporations who line their pockets under the table in return for their loyalty.

So it's not because they care about anybody's Human Rights or about making this a more perfect union for all citizens of the United States of America. They just want to win because they are Hateful, Racist, Greedy, Drunk for Power, and because their egos are more important then the welfare of all the people in this country, except for the poor uneducated angry people who follow them, whom they soon abandon after they fool them into voting for them, and the Rich and Powerful People who they wheel and deal for.

They do it because being President puts them in a position where they can exercise all of those Evil Values listed above with Impunity.

So don't start making pretend that you are upset about Donald Trump's Attack on Muslims.

Because 99% of you have been attacking a Christian as a "Muslim" because of the Color of his skin and his name since 2007

So cut the CRAP Republicans, those of us who have been paying attention since President Barack Obama's Election know who you are, what you are and what your goals for this country are.

I hope that their will not be too many fools in America come election day.



DMS4SUN said...

I hope not too! I also hope the younger Bernie supporters will join Hillary if Bernie doesn't win! Well said GRC

DMS4SUN said...

I hope not too! I also hope the younger Bernie supporters will join Hillary if Bernie doesn't win! Well said GRC

Greg Coleman said...

Hey Donna. I am glad that we're in agreement-not just for the sake of being in agreement, but for the sake of the nation as a whole. Including, all Races, Classes, Sexes, Political Affiliations or Religion. In other words, all the people of Peace who are just trying to do the right things so that they can take care of themselves and their families.

Keep your eyes, ears and heart open and continue to pay attention to what is going on around you and how it can affect you and then respond accordingly.

Thanks for your comment.
