Saturday, October 3, 2015

Carly Fiorina -A Typical Republican

Its a fact because I say its a fact.

Just take my word for it. No need to fact check.

No verification or proof needed.

If it is one thing that Republicans have in common, it's the fact that they all believe that if they repeat a lie over and over again, it will make it true.

And they do this because sadly, it works with their target audiences, because their audiences typically don't want to help someone, they want to hurt someone, they don't want the truth, they want a lie, if it satisfies their need to HATE. They don't want to fix the country that (they love), they want to destroy the country that (they love).

They want to destroy the Government because they don't want the Government in their personal lives, but they want the Government to regulate woman's choices for their Feminine Health.

They say the Government does not create jobs, yet most of them have been receiving paychecks and benefits packages for themselves and their families half or almost all of their lives from the Government.

If you don't recognize the Hypocrisy and Irony of these types of behaviors, then their is no need for you to read any further, because you really won't understand.

Because you don't destroy what you love and you don't apply for a job with a company that you hate, namely the U.S. Government.

Do you see anything shady yet?

I watched Carly Fiorina on Meet The Press this past Sunday, and Chuck Todd asked this woman repeatedly to present facts that prove that she saw a live fetus on a video, (supposedly at a Planned Parenthood Facility), that had its arms and legs kicking while the Planned Parent Hood Staff were saying that they had to keep the fetus alive for its brain.

No matter how many times Chuck explained to her that it has been proven that no such video exists, and therefore she could not have seen it-she continued to repeat the same lie as if it was the truth like a robot that was programmed to do so.

In addition, (like the video that Right Wing Operatives used to dismantle Acorn), because Acorn was so effective in getting President Obama elected; and Republicans don't like playing on an even field, they just want to win no matter what it takes, (which is a characteristic that I am still waiting for the Democratic Party to adopt, as long as it does not hurt the people that they have been sworn to serve)-It has been proven that these videos too, were edited in such a manner as to make the organization appear to be extremely corrupt, with absolutely no concern for Human Life.

I'm not saying that this organization does not have some problems and some people who may be involved in some shady dealings, (because wherever there are humans, this is what is going to happen). What I am saying is; that these Manufactured Attacks on Planned Parenthood, are systematically designed to appeal to their Evangelical Bases so they can be elected, (even if their election win is the result of lies).

Anyone who constantly lies to obtain this kind of power over people will continue to lie in order to stay in power, and may also do some other things that might be even worse, because they are Hungry For Power at any costs.

Let's face it-all politicians tell lies, because under the right circumstances all human beings are capable of telling lies.

But that's different from being a Professional Liar, Compulsive Liar or a Psychopathic Liar who will do anything to hold the power of the Presidency in their hands.

If you pay close attention to the people who are inclined to do this, you will recognize the fact that they are running for all the wrong reasons.

As a matter of fact, earlier the week Candidate Fiorina completely avoided any discussions about the Planned Parenthood Video that she claims to have seen with her own eyes with her supporters, and even FOX News fact checked her statements and found that the video of which she has been lying about does not exist.

As a matter of fact, Ms. Fiorina and her staff ran from an MSNBC Reporter earlier this week when asked about the video, citing a tight schedule as the reason why they did not have time to be interviewed by the reporter.

There is only one reason that should be acceptable to the American People for a person to run for president; and that is to serve the people of the United States in a way that helps as many people as possible to the best of their ability.

If we allow ourselves to be deceived by these lies and wind up electing a person who is only interested in serving themselves by having the power to make big crooked side deals because of Greed, or to try and keep certain Races, Sexes and Classes of people down and in control, because they are afraid that these people are becoming to close to being equal to them, (which is a fate worse than death to Racists), then all of the progress that we made fixing up what George W. Bush and other "Trickle Down" Republicans before him including Saint Reagan destroyed which is Economic Inequality, then this country will wind up slipping into a state of decline that is far worse than what happened under the Bush Administration.

If you don't believe that's possible or you don't care, then ignore this warning.

However if you want what's best for your Family, Friends, Community and this Country, then it is very important that you watch closely, listen closely and feel closely what these candidates are saying to you.

And I am a Proud Progressive Democratic, but you need to listen to Democrats very closely as well so that we can elect the best Democratic Candidate who will not just use their Political Power and Position to benefit just a small segment of society instead of society as a whole.

If you want what's best for the country; then you must remember that all Republicans operate along the same lines because they are Republicans; just like Democrats operate along the same lines because they are Democrats.

The difference is that Historically Speaking the Democratic Party has favored Regular Average Working Americans. Whereas Republicans think that everybody should be like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates and others like them who created empires in their garages or basements

Everybody in America does not have the Talents, Skill Sets, Motivation or Education to do that.

Most people just have to work for a living, and this is something that the Millionaires and Billionaires in the Republican Party do not understand.

Carly Fiorina


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