Thursday, December 21, 2017

Watch As Lying Republicans Praise A Mentally Ill Child Who Has The Nuclear Codes........

Lying Republicans praise a Mentally Ill Child who is starved for attention because his parents didn't give him any. As a result; he needs to be constantly reminded that he is a "Worthy Human Being".

"Worthey President" is not even a part of this discussion.

This is what Politicians do!-Lie to you America.........

But Lying is a Republican Specialty that they do in Excess.


How much more are Americans going to take?

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

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Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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Wednesday, December 20, 2017

This Fake Tax Cut Helps No One Except Donald Trump, His Family And The People Like Him & His Family

All animals are programmed to do that which contributes to their own physical survival

But Humans try to do it while considering others as well.

These Animals are Pure Evil.

I've seen this before.

In my lifetime, I've seen it with Ronald Reagan's "Tax Cuts", "Trickle Down Economics", "Scam For The Rich", "Voodoo Economics".

First of all, (to my knowledge), you can't get a title for a car unless you get it insured.

You can't buy a house unless you have Fire Insurance and a number of other Insurances that will cover various Destructive or Catastrophic Emergencies that may occur after you purchase your house.

Even if you buy a Motorcycle you need Motorcycle Insurance.

And you can't buy a boat without boat insurance.

As a matter of fact, you can't buy anything that is of value before you take care of the business that allows your major purchases to be insured.

Is your Health, the Health of your Families and you and your Families Lives Major?

Will you see more money in your check as a result of this Scam.


When Ronald Reagan promised working people like me at that time a tax cut, I got an extra $13.00 in my paycheck in time for the next election.

And then one more increase of approximately $10.00 right before the election as an inducement to vote for Ronald Reagan.

So I got $23.00.

What do you think the Rich, Powerful, Well Connected, and Mega Corporations got? So just in time for the 2018 Midterm Elections, you will see a tax cut as an inducement to vote for Republicans in 2018.

And then just in time for the 2020 Presidential Elections, you will still have a few extra dollars in your paycheck.

After the elections, your tax cut will began to reverse direction and begin to disappear week after week until it is gone.

However, the Tax Cuts for the Rich, Wealthy and Mega Corporations will continue to stand and increase over time as a result of them robbing your Pensions, Healthcare, Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, (funds Republicans have already let expire), and of course, Social Security.

And as far as Health Care is concerned, removing the Obamacare Mandate and shoving it into this bill will mean that eventually those with Obamacare and other forms of Healthcare will see their premiums increased to the point where most average or poor people will not be able to afford insurance.

And, no one will have any of the safety nets that have been a part of this country's DNA for many years.

And the logic behind killing the Mandate for Healthcare is really a big lie that is not based on reality.

Like mostly everything else that Republicans do, this is based on a lie.

I don't get into an Auto Accident all the time.

So, when I pay my monthly premiums, I am paying for someone else's accident so that when I have an accident, I too am covered.

I don't have a fire burn down my house all the time, so while I am still paying my premiums, I am paying for someone else's fire so that when I have a fire that damages or burns down my house, I too am covered.

I don't have a Motorcycle accident all the time.

So when I am paying my monthly premiums; I am paying for someone else's Motorcycle Accident so that if and when I have one, I too am covered.

I also don't have a boat accidents all the time.

So when I am paying my premiums every month, I am paying for someone else's boat accident, fire or explosion, so that if any of these catastrophic Events happen to me, I too amd covered.

And please notice that all of these insurances are "Mandated"-YOU MUST HAVE THEM.

So it is was under Obamacare when you paid your Healthcare Premiums.

You hopefully will not be sick all the time or become Catastrophically Ill with something that cannot be cured, but that can only be treated for the rest of your life until you die-So when you pay your Healthcare Premiums into the pool, (which until today was a ("Mandate") included in Obamacare, (or as intelligent and informed people know as the Affordable Care Act), or (ACA); You were paying for other people's illness in that pool so that if and when you yourself became ill, you and your family would be able to be covered; even with Pre Existing Conditions like Diabetes, Cancer, Obesity, or some other type of "Incurable Disease" or even a Pre Existing Condition like Pregnancy.

Yes! According to Republicans, a woman being Pregnant is a "Pre Existing Condition".

And when they finally destroy the Affordable Care Act, the insurance company's can decide to not cover you because you are Pregnant.

Oh! I almost forgot to mention that Fiscally Conservative Republicans are adding 1.4 Trillion Dollars to our Deficit.

So, I hope that this is clear to all by now.

Elections Have Consequences

And who you vote for, who you don't vote for or rather you vote or not answers the question truthfully:


How much more are Americans going to take?

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

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Thursday, December 14, 2017

Pay Attention To The Patterns Of War Mongering

See them?

Weapons Of Mass Destruction Found In Iraq

Weapons Of Mass Destruction Found By U.S. Army from Iran.

One of the most important things that America needs to realize about Donald J. Trump is that he is acting out of a Spirit of Hatred & Racism towards America's First Black President as opposed to Love for the American People.

This makes him a very dangerous man.

This is why he is reversing any and everything that President Obama put into place, even if it is not safe, logical, legal or productive to do so.

One of the most notable changes (among many), in reversals of American Policy that is dangerous for America is his insistence on cancelling President Obama's Iran Nuclear Deal.

Just like Obamacare, he and the Republicans are not interested in tweaking anything that President Obama has created that has and could continue to benefit the American People - That's Hate.

And now to prove that President Obama was wrong-again! in trying to create and maintain a Peaceful Resolution with Iran as far as their Nuclear Program is concerned, he wants to destroy the deal and potentially become involved in another unnecessary war; as if our Human and other Resources are not already stretched to the limit.

Check out the 2 photos above?

Do they remind you of anything?

What I am trying to say is that Trump would rather destroy this country than to give a Black President credit for doing somethings that were good.

The question is how much longer are people in power who know what is going on, and the people of this country who will be endangered by his stupidity, going to allow this stupidity to continue?

No one should be shocked by Trump's Reckless and Destructive Behaviour, because this is exactly what Russia invested in his campaign for him to do; which is to destroy the U.S. Government, which in effect will destroy the U.S.

And then with America in shambles, Putin can step in and expand his real estate holdings in the world by taking over the Crown Jewel-America.

So, please pay attention to the War Drums which are beating softly now.

But if left unchecked by the American People, those drums will get much louder over time.


Oh! By the way, today the FCC voted to take away our free and open access to the Internet.

How much more are Americas going to take?

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Trump Back On TV Trying To Sell Fake Tax Cut For The Middle Class-Again!

Simply put! He's lying to you America, (including the Poe White Folk who voted for him and continue to support him).

If this "Tax Cut" is successfully passed by Republicans, the longer it is in effect, the more it will help Rich People like him and the less it will help Poor Working People and Working Middle Class People.

I guess when you know that you smell the SHIT that you're selling, you have to keep selling it to convince yourself and those who are gullible that your SHIT smells like fresh roses.

But those of us who know better still smell SHIT, no matter how many times you interrupt our favorite TV Programs with your Fake Ass Tax Cut for the Middle Class.

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

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An Example For Uncle Toms Who Sell Out To White Racists In The Republican Party

No Omarosa Manigault!

You did not quit.

Your High Falutin Black Ass got fired because they were through with you.

You See!

When Modern Day Uncle Toms Sell Out To White Racists-When They Are Finished With You, They Dispose Of You........

And you know what?

I have the same amount of discontent, disgust and disrespect for you as I do for the people who you strongly aligned yourself with supposedly to support a program to make things better for the African American Community.

However, the only African American, (and I use that term very lightly when it comes to referring to you), because you are an African American in Skin Tone Only and not in Soul, was you.

And the fact that they kicked your Black Ass out of the White House means that you are just as effective in helping Black America now as you were when you were in the White House talking about "People Bowing Down" to (your Master, Lord and Saviour), Donald Trump, (which is a very strange statement for someone who proclaims to be a "Follower of Christ", known as a Christian.

But now that God has blessed us with your departure, you can ride off into the sunset; hopefully never to be heard from again.

And that is good for the Black Race.

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

American Hypocrisy On Display Tonight In Alabama, Congress and the White House

Watch for it as Doug Jones Challenges Roy Moore for the chance to enact laws in the Congress of the United States that reflects their personal beliefs.

As with Trump V Clinton, let's do away with the myth of the "Perfect Candidate", because their is none.

However in most cases there is enough of an apparent difference in degrees of evil to recognize which one should be chosen over the other,(if you care about keeping the amount of evil in this country to a minimum.)

So I really don't have a lot of time to expand on this message, so I will simply say, one of these candidates Roy Moore,(The one on the Left), is a known Child Molester and Judge whose sexual behaviour towards minors, has been so bad that he cannot even enter the local mall because of his documented history.

The one on the Right doesn't have a stellar record on African American Issues, but he does not believe that being Gay should be against the law. He does not believe that we as a country should hate Jews just because their Jews. And, he does not believe that the 17th Amendment to the Constitution,(you know the one that made us African Americans Human Beings instead of Property should be completely removed from the Constitution, along with the Amendments that gave women the Right to Vote. Is this really going to be such a difficult and confusing choice for the people of Alabama and Congress.

Consider the fact that we already have one Sexual Abuser and Child Molester in the White House that needs to be removed by any means necessary to save the country form certain destruction.

He is also a Liar, Thief,Racist, Russian Spy among other negative things that are causing our country to fall apart at the seams using the strategy of "Divide and Conquer".

In addition, the majority of the Republican Party and his entire Administration are okay with this as long as they get to maintain power and control over People of Color, Immigrants, Women, and anybody else who is not an Old Ass White Haired or Orange Haired Male.

America is always attacking other countries for their Human Rights Violations against their own Men, Women and Children.

But look at what has taken place in America in 2016, and what may be happening tonight.

Does America really have the Moral Authority to criticize any country when they have allowed Donald Trump to be President and now their trying to elect Roy Moore as a Senator?

As the night progresses we will see.

Even though I have always known that America and its "Holier than thou" attitude was a bunch of Bullshit.

Let's see if tonight proves my point.

I hope I'm wrong for the sake of the country.

Vote for Doug Jones for Senate Alabamians; If you don't want your country to remain evil, it is the clear choice, as we prepare to remove the evil that has already infiltrated the Republican Party and the White House.

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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Thursday, December 7, 2017

Democrats Throw Another One Of Their Own Under The Bus........

Today, under pressure from his own Party, (who is under pressure from Mitch MCconnell, Donald Trump), and the other Republican Puppets who are following him to the detriment of this country); Democrats forced one of the strongest and most effective opponents of the Trump Administration's Criminal Enterprises to resign.

This is a major win for Donald Trump, The Republican Senate and the Republican House.

It is also a brick out of the wall that should be protecting this country from the Criminal and Treasonous activities of the Trump Administration.

Now I don't know if the most recent allegations against Senator Al Franken are valid or not.

And now I guess we will never know, because the Democratic Party chose to become Judge, Jury and Executioner by not allowing the Ethics Committee to investigate and get to the bottom of the allegations.

In other words, just like they treated John Conyers last week and this week, that is the same way they treated Al Franken this week, by convicting him and forcing him to resign without Due Process.

Once again! Let me state emphatically that Sexual Assault, Sexual Abuse,Sexual Slander, Rape and Petifelia should never be acceptable under any circumstances either socially or professionally.

However, my question to the Weak Ass Democratic Leadership is: Why is it that when the Republicans speak and say "Jump", yawl say "How High?".

Have Weak Leaders in the Democratic Party turned over control of the party to Republicans?

Because it seems like whenever Right Wing Talking Heads, or Right Wing Lug Nuts like Steve Bannon, Mitch MCconnell, Donald Trump and others tell you to destroy one or more of your own, yawl jump right to it without resistance, a fight, opposition or a Fair and Impartial Hearing.

If Conyers and Franken were given fair ethics hearing by the Democratic Party, and the result turned out to be unfavorable to either one or both of these Democrats, then at least the base would have the comfort in knowing that the decision was Fair and Justified and made by Democrats instead of Republicans.

But as it stands, I hope that the Democratic Leadership realizes that Republicans are attacking Democrats for offenses that are nowhere near as Severe and Criminal as the ones that they have and continue to commit, and in effect, they are literally weakening and destroying the party to make it ineffective in 2018 and 2020.

Of course I acknowledge the fact that no matter how trivial the matter might seem to me or someone else, it is not trivial to the victims of the offenses.

But when you have the victims saying that they forgive the offender for making a mistake because they acknowledge the fact that we are all human, or that they have settled the matter through litigation, and the Democrats can't even take that into consideration for launching a Legitimate Ethics Investigation, then it would appear that, not only is Trump corrupting the Republican Party and Normal Standards and Practices, but he is also corrupting the Democrats and making them complicit in his scheme to destroy this country for Vladimir Putin, so he can then come in and take whatever is left.

And anyone in any party that does not recognize that this is what Trump, His Family, His Cabinet and all the other Greedy, Lying, Hateful Racists who associate with him are really about, are blind.

Finally, no one wants to stand up and fight for and give financial support to a party that will not stand up and fight for itself-that is a losing battle.

So unless and until, we on the left see some king of Spine, Tenacity and Power to fight against the Right Wing Hate Machine in America, I don't think that the Democratic Party is going to garner the kind of support, (financial and otherwise), that it needs to take back the House, the Senate and the White House between 2018 and 2020.

I truly hope that the Democratic Leadership changes direction or is replaced by those who can.

So that we can continue the hard fought progress that was made by our Ancestors, Fore Parents, Grandparents and Parents over the last 500 + years; assisted by White People and other people of Conscious that knew and know what's just and what is unjust.

That takes Power, Courage and Strength; which are characteristics that the current Democratic Leadership is not exhibiting.

If we hope to win in 2018 and 2020, Democrats had better get their shit together now!

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

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Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Democrats Throw Their (Accused) Under The Bus While Republicans Make Their (Convicted) President......

First of all let me make it perfectly clear that Sexual Assault, Sexual Abuse,Sexual Slander, Rape and Petifelia should never be acceptable under any circumstances either socially or professionally.

But what is also not acceptable is Weak Ass Democratic Leaders who continuously yield to pressure from Right Wing Lug Nuts; like the pressure that Nancy Pelosi and other members of the Democratic "Leadership" yielded to in the matter or John Conyers.

John Conyers was asked to resign as a result of past indiscretions that were settled through litigation for which the claimant was awarded damages.

That matter was already settled, and it should have been left alone by the Democratic Party, just like the issues are being left alone concerning Al Franken.

On "Meet The Press" on Sunday, Madam Speaker, Pelosi was perfectly content to allow the Allegations against Congressman Conyers to be settled by Due Process.

This is what Congress is supposed to be about-Procedure.

However, after some very Hypocritical Attacks from The Right, Nancy Pelosi along with some other Weak Democrats caved into Republican Pressure and allowed the Republican Party, (who is now the party of White Nationalist, Violent Racists, Fake Ass Christians, Sexists, War Mongers, Greed Infested Politicians, Liars, Traitors, Sexual Assaulters and Child Molesters), including the Admitted Groper In Chief, who was accused of raping a 15 year old girl along with a group of other animals prior to being allowed to become president; decided to pass judgement on the Democratic Party's Dirt while using a Jedi Mind Trick to take the nation's attention off of their dirt.

And once again!

The Weak Ass Democratic Party fell for it, by throwing one of their own under the bus without Due Process.

So is it any wonder how Republicans continously best us at every turn; which forces the party to disappoint its base time and time again and place it in danger of destruction because of their weakness and their insistence on being good as opposed to being effective?

I have recognized the fact that not only does the Democratic Party throw its own under the bus for committing far lesser acts of corruption than Republicans/Conservatives do.

But our Media Outlets do the same as well, by firing valuable journalists and commentators because the Right Wing Idiots on other networks tell them to.

And with all of the degrees and letters following these people's names and all the titles preceding these people's names; and all of the Million Dollar Educations they have, they don't even recognize the fact that the reason the Conservative Hate Movement in America continues to attack us and our institutions successfully, is because they know that they can, and they know that our institutions, (Political, Media and Otherwise), will not stand up for us because they are too weak and afraid of them to do so.

Sam Seder Fired From MSNBC Because Of An Old Tweet

After Mike Cernovich -- a pro-Trump provocateur complained about the Tweet that was Tweeted before Seder even became an employee at MSNBC.

Joy Reid Under Attack From The Right.

Also be mindful of the fact that because of Decade Old Homophobic Statements made in Blogs Written by Joy Reid 10 years ago; she is also under attack.

Please pay close attention to MSNBC and what happens next with "AM Joy".

All Leftists, Democrats, Liberals, Progressives and whatever else you may call yourselves need to wake up and realize that when Sharks Smell Blood, they attack.

So we should not be cutting each other's throats. We should be protecting one another, because their is strength in numbers.

In the meantime, while Democrats are trying to be the Morality Police of Politics, the Republicans are protecting an Invalid, Proven, Treasonous, Racist, Mentally Imbalanced Idiot with a known history of Sexual Assault as president, and trying to elevate a Child Molester from a local Judge to the United States Senate.


Because they can.

Because you let them.

And, unless and until we get some New, Young, Radical, "Winner Take All" Blood in the Democratic Party, the Republicans are preparing to whip the shit out of Democrats in 2018, 2020 and beyond-Again!

Now you can continue to ignore me and people like me if you want to.

And you can continue to not accept my donations, because their is a long letter attached telling you all about yourselves and your weaknesses and how they are adversely affecting us and the country as a whole, but I will tell you this:

Because I know you got it.

If you can't get tough for us, (your base who supports and votes for you), then when the Democratic Party becomes obsolete, (which is what the Republican Party is trying to make it), (which is what the Democratic Party should be trying to do to Republicans), then none of you will have your High Paying, High Profile Cushy Jobs anymore.

So if you are not motivated by concern for us, then at least show some damn concern for your paycheck.

If you want to win in 2018 and 2020 and beyond,(and for the country's sake, I hope you do); this Candy Apple Ass Attitude of Self Righteousness and Endless Kindness is not going to get it done.

You cannot stop bullets with a Peace Sign.

And you cannot stop Demons by being sweet, kind and honest with them.

And you certainly cannot beat them if you are going to keep throwing your own members off the team without even following procedure.

You have to match them Blow for Blow.

So tell me-Who is in control of the Democratic Party?

Democrats or Republicans?

If the answer is Democrats-I can't tell.

For me and people like me to have Peace of Mind heading into 2018 and 2020, we need to know that Democrats control the Democratic Party alone.

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

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Saturday, November 18, 2017

Why Is It Acceptable To Have A Sexual Predator At The Head Of Our Government?

And not acceptable to have one in the US Senate?

Who is this man-

To pass judgement on the man below who is just like him?

Which in case you haven't noticed, Trump and his entire administration have refused to take a stand on, because they know that Trump is just as bad, (if not worst than him).

Or the other man below who is nothing like either one of them.

He didn't delay. He didn't deny. He didn't lie........ He did apologize for the silly shit that he did as a comedian and not as a senator. The victim has accepted his apology. And he has offered to fully cooperate with an ethics investigation on himself.

Has Donald Trump or Roy Moore done any of these decent human things?

Hell No! Because their not human.

Leave Al alone.

All of you on the Right are just using this incident to draw attention away from the fact that Franken was very hard and accurate on several witnesses, including your Proposed Puppet, (Jeff Sessions), which is pushing our government closer to destroying the government that the Trump Administration has set up with Russia for PROFIT.


Donald Trump, Roy Moore and the rest of their Lying, Thieving, Greedy Racist Fake Ass Christian Asses need to be taken out with the trash.

And so does all of the other people like them who continue to enable them, (Sarah Huckabee Sanders).

Take Out The Garbage!

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

If Nothing Else, Jeff Sessions Should Be Relieved Of Duty Due To Severe Amnesia

Do you trust someone with such a severe case of Amnesia to oversee a Department that has the power to determine if your children who are suspected of a crime, make it to court alive for a fair, legal trial & verdict?

Do you trust someone with such a severe case of Amnesia to see that all American Citizens from all races, classes, religions and sexual orientations, (including Immigrants), will be given equal justice under the law?

And most importantly, do you trust someone with such a severe case of Amnesia, (and a strong propensity to lie to congress), to investigate, prosecute and sentence all guilty parties who have sold out America in favor of Russia for greed, power and money, (which is an act of TREASON)-including the president?

This Liar with Convenient Amnesia cannot be trusted with all that power and responsibility.

One thing people who HATE can't stand is people who LOVE.

Let's not be manipulated to our own detriment by this Racist, Greedy, Hateful Fake Ass Patriotic, Criminal Enterprise that Donald Trump has set up in "The People's House" .

Let's Fumigate The White House.

And this includes the entire Trump Administration including Attorney General, Jeff Sessions.

Please join us in removing all these unwanted pests from our Government.

We Want Our Country Back!

It's never been perfect and most likely will never be. But before Trump; at least we were moving in the right direction.

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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Thursday, October 26, 2017

All Of A Sudden Drug Addiction Is An Epidemic, An Illness & Not A Crime.......Since When?

When it became a problem in Rural & Sub-urban America.

In other words, when it started to Negatively Impact White People.

Just like everything else in America, it is not a problem until White Americans are affected by it .

In Urban Areas there has been a Drug Addiction Epidemic when I was a child, when I became an adolescent and when I became a young adult.

And it still continues to this day.

And guess what?

There was no call for "Compassion".

There was no "Medical Classification" making the Illegal Use of drugs an Illness.

There were no calls for "Medical Treatment".

But do you know what it was classified as?

A crime

And America had no "Compassion" for these Black People and the other Minorities from Poor Communities who suffered from Drug Addiction.

And the solution to the problem was not "Medical Treatment". The solution was to Throw Their Black Asses in Jail And Throw Away The Key.


Because Black Lives never have and still don't matter, (relative to White Lives in America).

And in the Great American Tradition of Racial Hypocrisy, now all of a sudden, addiction is such a major problem, so much so, that Orange Julius has to hold a press conference today to propose drastic measures to help those who are now addicted in Rural & Suburbia America with Medical Treatment & Compassion.

And unlike these Rural & Sub-urban swaths of America where compassion and medical treatment are being demanded, Jeff Sessions wants to make sure that people who are suffering from the same illness in the Inner Cities be charged with the (Harshest Criminal Penalties Possible).

Listen up people!

Just because you don't know that a ton of bricks is about to fall on your head does not make the damage to your head any less.

And it is also important to note that just because it is easier to live in denial about people who are trying to either Enslave or Destroy you will not prevent them from doing so-As a matter of fact, Ignorance will only make it easier for them to do.

We as Black People and other Minorities who White Racist Americans, (like those associated with Donald J. Trump), not only don't believe that we are not worthy of the same Freedom, Justice & Equality that they believe is their Birthright.

They also don't believe that we are worthy of the life that God gave us.

The first step to our survival as people of color is to unite and refuse to let this administration systematically divide us and keep us fighting amongst each other, when in fact, our survival depends on the very unity that they are trying to destroy; (Divide & Conquer). Secondly, all Common Sense Decent White People who want the same things for themselves and their families that we want for ours, (because they know that it is right), must also unite with us and others, (even if they are different).

Remember! Those who want the same things are not different on the inside. We are all the same.

Third: Let all of the Uncle Toms who are associating themselves with the enemy who are trying to Commit Genocide utilizing the Police Departments throughout America, remain in "The House" with them until the house falls to the ground in ruins, and never forget to not treat them any differently then you would the enemy that they defended.

They are coming for us rather we defend ourselves or not.

The only difference is, not defending ourselves will make it too damn easy for them.

And that is not why our ancestors, fore-parents, grandparents and parents went through the SHIT that they went through to get us to this point, so that we could just give up in defeat and throw away everything they suffered and died for.

Hell No Trump!

Destroy the Trump Administration before they destroy the country.

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

I Bet Trump Mispronounces The Word (Niger) All The Time.......

Because its so close to a word that he uses in his everyday language that he can't help it.

If America is truly going to become the America that as of now only exist on paper, then everyone concerned must do their part to make sure that this Systemic Racism and the denial that goes with it is destroyed.

Starting at the top and working our way all the way down to the sewer.

Take Out The Garbage!

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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Monday, October 23, 2017

Prayers & Condolences For The Soldiers Who Lost Their Lives In Niger

And to the family, friends and communities that are left behind to grieve.


Saturday, October 21, 2017

How Not To Let White Racists Claim Expert Status On Racism And It's Existence In America......

Watch as ProFessor, Jason Johnson of Morgan State University shows you how; against Matt Schlapp Chairman, of the AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE UNION.

The whole argument began when Schlapp tried to protect & Cover for Sean Spicer's treatment of well respected, Washington Journalist, April Ryan during a press conference when he did not like the questions that she was posing to him.

Quick Question: What groups have you seen this Administration bring together for the good of the country?

If anything, there is more Hatred, Racism, Division & Violence in this country than I have seen since the 1950's & 1960's.

And it all stems from the people who are currently trying to deliberately destroy our Government & our Country who American mistakenly put into the Seats of Power.

Never, Ever, Ever, let White Racists who have never had to live as a Victim of Racism for centuries try to prove to you that they are more of an expert on Racism than you are.

It is their lack of knowledge and understanding on the subject matter that makes them and keeps them Racists in the first place; often times living in denial that they are Racists, because it's such an integral part of their lives that they see Hatred for Black People as just an ordinary, everyday, normal point of view for them.

If America is truly going to become the America that as of now only exist on paper, then everyone concerned must do their part to make sure that this Systemic Racism and the denial that goes with it is destroyed.

Starting at the top and working our way all the way down to the sewer.

Take Out The Garbage!

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

When It Comes To Harvey Weinstein Trump, You Had Better Look In The Mirror Before You Speak............

Really Trump! One Sexual Abuser Pointing The Finger At Another As If One Is Different Or Better Than The Other?

Please keep in mind that the "Greater" America gets for them, the worse it is going to get for you.

So for the benefit of All Americans, these people need to be removed from the Seat of Power in our Federal Government.

They are Hateful, Racists, Sexists, Ignorant, Violent, Greedy and not worthy of our trust or support.

In 2018 & 2020, lets throw the bums out.

Please get ready for the fight now.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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Thursday, October 5, 2017

How Do We Know That Everybody In Trump's Administration Did Not Belong Their In The First Place?

Because most of them are already gone, and another one seems to be on the way out soon.

And in order to put America back on the path to Spiritual Healing, we just need the top of the Criminal Empire and the rest of the Garbage to be taken out.

Take The Garbage Out!

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

Like Us On Facebook.


Fool With A Gun, By Greg Coleman

The Republican Party is Evil & must be checked before they do Irreparable Damage to this nation.

These are matters of Life & Death-Literally!

Keep Marching!

Keep Protesting!

Keep Emailing!

Keep Hitting Their Twitter Pages!

Keep Hitting Their Facebook Pages!

And Keep Calling Their Offices!

In reference to Healthcare and every other issue that you can find that is dividing and destroying our nation.

Click Here!

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Intelligence Verses Stupidity-Love Verses Hate........

This Guy wanted Common Sense Gun Control Regulations to minimize the risks of an incident like the one that happened in Las Vegas on sunday Night.

The guy below, (who is a World Renowned Racist), wants to undo everything that the other guy done, (including allowing Wealthy People & Corporations to Poison the Earth to an even greater degree than they already have.........Not out of Love For Country but out of Hatred of a Black Man.

He wants to make it easier for people with Mental Illnesses to get and keep guns.

In addition, even when multiple children and adults were murdered in an elementary school, and one of their own was shot in the head while speaking to her constituents, this Republican Congress has done nothing (even in the smallest way), to minimize the senseless loss of life due to Mass Shootings in this country.


Because when it comes to Healthcare, Public Safety, Fair Taxes based on people's incomes, avoiding Unnecessary and Unending wars, etc, etc, etc-these Republicans don't care about you.

They only care about continuing to get millions of dollars under the table, (above & beyond their $170, 000 + salaries), from Lobbyists, Corporate Officials and anyone else who is willing and able to continue to grease the palms of these Greedy & Corrupt Individuals.

And unfortunately, this includes the NRA.

As a matter of fact, this Republican Congress is currently working on legislation to Legalize Silencers in this country, so that when you are getting murdered, you won't even be able to identify, locate or move out of the way of gunfire in an attempt to save your life and the lives of the people you love.

And this Hatred & Evil is also emanating from the Cheese Puff who currently occupies the Oval Office in major doses.

A man who had the audacity and unmitigated gall to call the shootings in Las Vegas "An act of pure evil".

I don't see Donald Trump as someone who is qualified to call anything in this country an act of pure evil; considering all of the Hatred, Racism, Division and Evil that he has unleashed upon our country since becoming #45.

Voted in by Americans who are just like him, and assisted by other corrupt individuals, Foreign and Domestic who allowed this Ignoramus to steal the 2016 election.

So we as Americans should currently be obsessed with uniting, organizing and educating ourselves and others towards the Common Goal of putting America back on the road to progress instead of taking it back to the 1700's & 1800's, which certain Ignorant and Hateful Segments of our Society consider to be the times when America was "Great".

Please keep in mind that the "Greater" America gets for them, the worse it is going to get for you.

So for the benefit of All Americans, these people need to be removed from the Seat of Power in our Federal Government.

They are Hateful, Racists, Sexists, Ignorant, Violent, Greedy and not worthy of our trust or support.

In 2018 & 2020, lets throw the bums out.

Please get ready for the fight now.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

Like Us On Facebook.


Monday, October 2, 2017

Prayers & Condolences For The Victims of The Las Vegas Shooting

Last night another "Man Made" Tragedy occurred in Las Vegas, NV. as 58 people are dead and over 500 people injured.

And the numbers may continue to rise.

Those of us who are Human and Humane offer our sincere prayers & condolences to the victims, families and friends of last night's shooting in Las Vegas.

And our respect and appreciation for all of the emergency responders who had to deal with caring for the injured, removing the dead and doing their best to minimize the loss of even more lives.

Thank you!


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Thanks To Everyone Who Helped Save Obamacare Again!

Thank you Senator, John McCain R, Arizona & Senator Susan Collins, R Maine for your participation in helping to save Obamacare again, so that innocent people would not have to die just so 45 can prove a point.

These 2 Senators realized that something this important should not be done without both parties participating and not without the American People speaking their minds in hearings that are designed to help leaders make informed decisions on important issues that affects the people of America-And not uninformed stupid rushed decisions that would cause millions of people to lose their healthcare and possibly their lives.

And most importantly Thank You-ALL the Americans who didn't just sit back and say "Someone ought to do something" by realizing that they are the someone who ought to do something.

But as far as this joker is concerned, I give him credit for his "No Vote", but he does not get any credit for his reasoning.

He like many members of the "Freedom Caucus" who were opposed to this and the other bills to kill Obamacare did not want the bill to fail for the same reasons as the Senators listed above. They simply did not think the bill kicked enough people off of healthcare and did not send enough money to those donors who demanded that they kill Obamacare so that they can get the Massive Tax Cuts that they demanded.

In addition, they feel that every vestige of President Obama's Signature Legislation should be totally destroyed, and that the First African American President should be written into the history books as a failure or written out of the history books altogether.


Because he is Black, Did Well & Successfully United the country, (with the exception of those who are going to Hate no matter what), for the benefit of as many Americans as possible.

Was he perfect?

Hell No!

Were the White Presidents before him perfect?

Hell No!

So the only difference was his Dark Skin.

The Calls

The Public Protests

The Petitions

The Blogs

The Observant & Active Media Outlets

The Sharing of Information

Community Leaders

Politicians with Conscious

Religious Leaders



But don't celebrate too long; because Evil Never Sleeps & Never Quits.

If you don't believe me, pay attention to the times on some of 45's Tweets.

They will regroup and try again and again and again as we have witnessed for the past 9 + years.

The will be back.

So We'll have to be ready to start the resistance all over again.

But in the meantime, let's celebrate another victory against a Very Evil and Dangerous Government Tyrant & his Evil Minions who do his bidding for him, (which just for the record are all lawyered up now) Wink! Wink!.

Great Job True America............

One thing people who HATE can't stand is people who LOVE.

Let's not be manipulated to our own detriment by this Racist, Greedy, Hateful Fake Ass Patriotic, Criminal Enterprise that Donald Trump has set up in "The People's House" .

We Want Our Country Back!

It's never been perfect and most likely will never be. But before Trump; at least we were moving in the right direction.

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Don't Stop!.......... Don't Celebrate! On Obamacare Repeal Yet!

Rich People Can Live Without The Tax Cuts.......... But We Can't Live Without Healthcare..........

This Fight Is Not Over; because EVIL never sleeps.

Washington DC Congressional Office Voicemail Systems Have Been Overwhelmed.

Phone calls are now being directed to their Local District Offices.

But don't stop now!

This is a matter of Life & Death-Literally!

Keep Marching!

Keep Protesting!

Keep Emailing!

Keep Hitting Their Twitter Pages!

Keep Hitting Their Facebook Pages!

And Keep Calling Their Offices!

Attention Human Beings!

Click Here!

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

Like Us On Facebook.


Monday, September 25, 2017

Do Your Part To Save Obamacare For The People Who Can't Afford Healthcare

Groups Opposing The Republican's Healthcare Bill

And Republican & Democrat Medicare Directors from all 50 States.

Now in the interest of full disclosure, most of the Conservative Groups on the Right Side of this list are not opposed to Trumpcare because it will hurt people. They are opposed to Trumpcare because they don't think it hurts enough people.

Don't let all of the Confusing Rhetoric from Republicans about the Cassidy/Graham Bill make you think that this situation is more complex than it is; and that it is too complex for us as Average American Citizens to understand. They do this so we don't get involved, and just leave everything to them so they can take care of it.


Ignore all of the seemingly Complex Mathematical Formulas.

Ignore all of the Fake Statistics.

Ignore all of the Evading Questions from the Republican Whitehouse, Congressman & Senators.

And definitely ignore all the lies coming from Republicans from everywhere on every news network that they can get on to tell lies about this bill.

Here's the truth about this Murder For Profit Scheme.


You see!

This Healthcare Bill is not about Healthcare at all.

It's a Massive Tax Cut for the Wealthy.

The Donors who give these Republicans money to help them get and stay in office, have given them a directive to make sure that they get Massive Tax Cuts no matter who they hurt or kill in the process.

That's all there is to it.

And one more thing: Please don't fall for this Block Grant Lie.

Block Grant Money has never been advantageous to poor people in business, education, upward mobility or in any other way, and it won't be in healthcare now.

The other prominent lie that Trump and his Minions are trying to fool the American People with is the lie that this healthcare bill includes coverage for Pre Existing Conditions without overcharging and potentially denying people with Pre Existing Conditions insurance all together.

If you don't listen & comprehend the whole statement in the lies that they tell, they might sneak this little caveat past you: "We are simply giving the states money to use to insure people including people with Pre Existing Conditions, and the state will have the choice as to how they want to spend the money".

So you see; this is the same thing as State's Rights.

So just like Racist States in the South and in other locations fought for "States Rights", to prevent African Americans and other Minorities from using Public Bathrooms, Setting anywhere they wanted to sit on a Public Bus, eating in any Restaurant that they wanted to eat in, and to protect these States Right to Rape, Murder, Burn Crosses on Black People's Lawns and to Lynch Black People without not being charged with any crime. This is a more modern form of "States Rights", giving states the right to charge people with Pre Existing Conditions, (like being pregnant), more money for healthcare or denying their healthcare all together which is MURDER.

In essence; Republicans don't give a damn about Poor White People, (like the very people who voted for Trump) or for Minorities.

And they don't care about Average Middle Class Citizens either.

All they care about is the money that they will not get from their Wealthy & Powerful Donors if they do not destroy Obamacare and take the savings and give these donors the Massive Tax Cuts that they are demanding.

And as a side benefit, they get to destroy the First Healthcare Bill that covered more Americans than had ever been covered in America before-Something that many presidents before President Obama had tried and failed to do .

So, the problem is not that it was accomplished.

The problem is that President Obama is Black and they are Hateful, Greedy Racists who want to write his accomplishments out of the history books, like they are currently trying to write Slavery out of the history books.

I say, don't fall for this Republican BULLSHIT!

I say let's stand together and fight!

Get The Trumpcare Toolkit Here.......

And then take action!

One thing people who HATE can't stand is people who LOVE.

Let's not be manipulated to our own detriment by this Racist, Greedy, Hateful Fake Ass Patriotic, Criminal Enterprise that Donald Trump has set up in "The People's House" .

We Want Our Country Back!

It's never been perfect and most likely will never be. But before Trump; at least we were moving in the right direction.

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

Like Us On Facebook.


Sunday, September 24, 2017

A Few Rooms Full Of Idiots Verses America?- That's Not A Fair Fight........

Today is NFL Sunday In America, (America's Largest Religion). And the NBA Season is about to begin.

Donald, I think that you are going to lose this fight.

You are President of White Nationalists, Nazis, Skin Heads the Ku Klux KLan and other Assorted White Nationalists-But not of the United States of America.

You and your White Supremacists are a minority in this country and they will be returned to that status permanently while you are here, after you are gone and from here to eternity.

Fortunately the majority of Americans know how dangerous and destructive a war between the races will be for their families, friends and communities and the survival of human life in America and around the world.

Your kind are not welcome here.

And the one thing that you Hateful Bastards need to realize is that Love is going to win in the end, in America.

And that you cannot uninvite people to the White House who had no intentions on coming in the first place, (Dumb Ass). Ala Stephen Curry and many other members of the NBA World Champions Golden State Warriors.

Remember, you have very few dogs in this fight Donald Chump.

We Want Our Country Back!

It's never been perfect and most likely will never be. But before Trump; at least we were moving in the right direction.

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

Like Us On Facebook.


Saturday, September 23, 2017

Fuck You! #TakeAKnee

Today, freedom of speech, or the freedom of expression, is recognized in international and regional human rights law. The right is enshrined in Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, Article 13 of the American Convention on Human Rights and Article 9 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights.[17] Based on John Milton's arguments, freedom of speech is understood as a multi-faceted right that includes not only the right to express, or disseminate, information and ideas, but three further distinct aspects:

the right to seek information and ideas;

the right to receive information and ideas;

the right to impart information and ideas

Fuck You!

One thing people who HATE can't stand is people who LOVE.

Let's not be manipulated to our own detriment by this Racist, Greedy, Hateful Fake Ass Patriotic, Criminal Enterprise that Donald Trump has set up in "The People's House" .

We Want Our Country Back!

It's never been perfect and most likely will never be. But before Trump; at least we were moving in the right direction.

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

Like Us On Facebook.


Wednesday, September 20, 2017


God Bless all of the People who have been impacted by these Super Storms and those who are still in it's path.

And my sincere condolences to the people who have lost loved ones in these storms and in the devastating earthquake in Mexico.

We don't have a lot of time, so if you want to read the article below please do so.

However, as I've said many times before, we cannot fall asleep due to the fact that HATE never sleeps.

Please call the Government Hotline at: (202) 224-2131 and tell your representatives in congress to fight this bill tooth and nail.

If the number is busy, (which is a good sign), please try again at your earliest convenience.

This bill will kick over 20 million people in America who are not Wealthy, Well Connected or People of Excessive Means off of Obamacare, which will in many cases result in Certain Death.

They are lying about the bill to Democrats, they are meeting in secret, they are keeping the harm that the bill will actually do from the American People and they are not even meeting with all of the Medical Organizations that oppose this Hateful and Greedy Legislation.

They are doing the same thing that they tried before.

However, this time they are closer to achieving their Evil, Hateful Agenda than they have ever been before.

Please! Let's all do our part to help stop them.

Please call the Government Hotline at: (202) 224-2131 and tell your representatives in congress to fight this bill tooth and nail.

If the number is busy, (which is a good sign), please try again at your earliest convenience.

Or, in Maryland, you can reach Senator, Chris Van Hollen at: (202) 224-4654 and Senator Ben Cardin at:(202) 224-4524.

Tell Republicans Too!

Thank you!


The Cassidy- Graham Bill

Thursday, September 14, 2017

The Truth About Trump's Attacks On Immigrants-And Other People Of Color

The Darkening Of America

People of color should definitely not fall for these tricks.

I know that sometimes immigrants can get on our nerves in many ways, but that is not because someone is an immigrant, it's because their an asshole.

And all of us know assholes that come from many different segments of society,(not just immigrants).

But the point I am trying to make here is that this Propaganda Campaign devised by the Trump Administration to paint all immigrants as Rapists, Murderers, Drug Dealers, Thugs and Violent Criminals is nothing new.

The Germans experienced it.

The Irish experienced it.

The Orientals experienced it.

And many other immigrant groups have been attacked by hateful, racist people who are not tolerant of people who are not the same as them.

But what is so ironic is the fact that many of these same immigrants who were attacked in this manner are now attacking Muslims, Jews, Hispanics, Latinos, etc, as if they are truly the indigent people of this land.

This has happened to every group of new immigrants when they first showed up on the shores of America after it was taken by Treachery, Deceit and Force from the Indians through Theft,Rape, Murder and other such evil acts that all "Good God Fearing People", (like these people claim to be); would be able to commit without even giving God a thought.

And then they called the people who they took the land from "Savages" in order to justify their Animalistic, Violent Behaviour towards the Original Natives of this land.

And then they called us "Animals" in order to justify forcing us to build up the country that they forcibly took from the Indians for FREE; and to Beat, Rape, Lynch and commit other inhumane acts against slaves.

That's called Religious Hypocrisy.

And it is still in full effect as we speak.

America has a dirty little secret that they have tried to keep buried-hidden behind the Flag, The Bible, Revisionists History and the National Anthem, (which has the stanza removed that glorifies and celebrates Slavery). And that is: America always Dehumanizes its Victims in order to Justify their Violence towards them, (as in the Blue Klux Klan), constantly proclaiming after they've killed someone unjustifiably that "I feared for my life." "He looks like a bad dude" and, "He appeared to be an animal." The aforementioned immigrants came looking for "The American Dream"

But not us!

We came here by Force in Chains and experienced the American Scream. And unfortunately, (even though that nightmare simmers down from time to time), it has come back with a vengeance as a result of the Successful Election and Reelection of President Barack Obama and because of Donald Trump's co opting of the Racist Tea Parties Birther Movement, which helped put him where he is now, which is where he does not belong.

He also had our Arch Enemy Russia's help.

So, unless you came by slave ship as all of our ancestors did, eventually they got used to these immigrants with White Skin and begin to give them a considerable amount of Freedom, Justice, Opportunity and Equality.

Mean time, our ancestors were still being treated like Dirty Wild Animals who had no place in American society other than to build it up for free, to be beaten, driven from their homes, to be broken up as families because Massa struck bargains with other slave owners to sell slaves off; therefore taking children from their parents, husband and wives from their mates-sometimes to never be reunited again.

And this treatment of our people has left us genetically predisposed to certain issues that we were forced to adopt because of our initial enslavement and our current more sophisticated enslavement in America.

Which is why Republicans and other Conservatives make me laugh when they talk about how hard their parents worked when they got here and how they had to pull themselves up by their boot straps.

What they fail to mention is the fact that when their parents were working so damn hard to put them through college so that the next generation could do better-our parents were still in chains working hard, but working hard for nothing more than the fear of Assault, Attacks and Murder.

So tell me Conservatives: How in the hell do you pull yourself up by your bootstraps when you don't have any damn boots?

So America is not now or ever been an even playing field for everyone.

This is Conservative Bullshit.

And if you hope to survive and see your family, friends and communities survive, you really need to recognize it as Bullshit; (especially under this Trump Administration).

But I say all of that to say this: In their latest effort to "Divide & Conquer" People of Color, (which White Racist Americans are famous for), now the Trump Administration is introducing a new Propaganda Campaign to persuade African Americans that the immigrants that they are trying to get rid of are the reason why we cannot get jobs, which is some more Bullshit.

And don't forget that many of the people that they are deporting are not just Hispanic or Latinos, (that's what they want you to focus on).

The fact of the matter is that there are many Black Skinned People who are being targeted as well.

Remember!we couldn't get good jobs, (even if we were qualified), before all of these immigrants came to America for the same reason that we are still can't; because at its roots, America has and continues to hate Black People and other people of color.

Republicans and other Conservatives are trying to get rid of as many people of color as possible because they don't want them voting for Democrats.

And White Conservative Racists have had this fear every since President Obama took office.

That is why they have systematically put Sophisticated Voter Suppression Programs in place all around the country.

For Example, this administration's "New-Voter Fraud Commission", which is actually a commission to expand Voter Suppression.

Now they are reintroducing "Divide & Conquer" to their arsenal to turn people of color against other people of color, because Conservatives know that people of color together outnumber them.

And that is something that scares the shit out of White Racists who feel "Left behind"-Boo Hoo!

They are not left behind.

They just don't like the fact that because of the New Global Economy and the Advancement of Technology; they now have to compete with people who are White and those who are not.

What they really fear is the Total Destruction of White Privilege and needing to compete with people whom they consider to be Inferior to them.

So please don't let them trick you.

All of us Americans who want Freedom, Justice & Equality for all must stand together. And yes! That includes Decent Fair Minded White People and people from all walks of life who want the same things for themselves and their families.

I ask that any differences between anyone or any group that is interested in reaching these goals, and making America Greater for everyone, (not just 30% of Hateful Idiots), settle those differences and then agree to work together for the benefit of the country as a whole.

And they know that if they can keep Decent Americans fighting against each other that makes us vulnerable to their Physical & Psychological Attacks against us all.

Because one thing people who HATE can't stand is people who LOVE.

Let's not be manipulated to our own detriment by this Racist, Greedy, Hateful Fake Ass Patriotic, Criminal Enterprise that Donald Trump has set up in "The People's House" .

We Want Our Country Back!

It's never been perfect and most likely will never be. But before Trump; at least we were moving in the right direction.

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

Like Us On Facebook.


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Where In The World Is; (Rush Limbaugh?)

I don't know where he is, but I know where he is not.

He is not in Florida or any of the other states where those who were foolish enough to follow him off a cliff by remaining in areas where hard hitting hurricanes destroyed life and property.

Let this be a lesson to you that just because people use the term "Conspiracy" or "Fake News" for Profit, or for Profit & Political Gain, does not mean that they are telling you the truth.

It means that they are simply using simple, feeble minded people to make Profits and to gain Political Advantage against the opponent By Using YOU!

Besides; if you were paying attention to Rush Limbaugh and people like him, you would have known that he was Full of SHIT when he said before President Obama won the first time that he would leave the country if he did.

President Obama won in 2008, and Rush Limbaugh is still here.

President Obama won again in 2012.

Rush Limbaugh is still here.

Did you really think that a person like Rush Limbaugh who has no principals was going to leave your money on the table for a principal; just because a Black Man became president?

Of course not!

He didn't leave then, and he didn't stay with you fools now in Florida after calling Hurricane Irma a "Fake News Conspiracy".

When will you people stop allowing Rich People like Rush Limbaugh and the others like him, (yes that includes YOUR PRESIDENT), Donald J. Trump to take the little bit of money that your poor asses have by telling you lies that your Hateful, Itching Ears want to hear.

I guess never!

lease get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

Like Us On Facebook.
