Monday, December 31, 2012

Americans Should Be Actively Outraged

If you have been paying attention to the Republican’s Deliberate and Systematic Gridlock of our Federal Government; you should be fed up, sick of it and outraged at how One Political Party, (Republicans), have been allowed to hold the American People and the Federal Government Hostage, in order to satisfy their need to hate and hurt the First African American President of the United States of America. The Republicans as well as the Democrats ran on Job Creation back in 2008, 2010 and in 2012, because this is one of the most crucial issues that we have faced as a nation over the past 30 years.

So what did the Republicans in Congress do on the first official day of Congress’s Open Session?

They spent all day reading and interpreting the Constitution of the United States of America.

Meanwhile, thousands of people were unemployed, losing their homes and dying due to the absence of Healthcare in their lives; and President Obama was Demonized for working on (what the Republicans begun insultingly referring to as Obamacare). And as a result, many Democrats as well jumped on the bandwagon with Republicans in criticizing the president for taking on healthcare first, not understanding the fact that the Healthcare Reform Act was designed to boost the economy as a side benefit of providing as many American as possible with healthcare.

It is important to note that the Progressive Movement and the effectiveness of our Democracy improved greatly, once President Obama and Democrats stopping hiding from the fact that Obama does indeed care.

If you look around now, I am sure you will see all of the large vacant factories and plants everywhere that were once buzzing with humans and machines 24/7, now setting silent with trash, weeds and debris in the parking lots with hundreds of broken windows all around.

This decline in manufacturing jobs started shortly after President Clinton’s last term in office which took us from George H.W. Bush’s term from 1989-1993, which featured thousands of signs all over the country saying: “We Are Not Hiring Today” to thousands of signs during President Clinton’s Presidency from 1993-2001 saying: “Help Wanted”. After President Clinton, (under suspicious circumstances), we got George W. Bush from 2001-2009; and we all know, (in spite of the Republican’s Convenient Amnesia that seeks to deny one of the worst presidencies and economic collapses in American History); we did not forget all of the “Spending” that Republicans did not bat an eye at, but now all of sudden, they are so concerned about “The Deficit”.

Under George W. Bush we had unfunded spending on Wars, Corporations, Entitlement Programs and many of the very things that Republicans are now using as excuses to destroy the Presidency of Barack Obama.

Those of us who remain awake and do not depend solely on Politicians or FOX News for the information that we need for our survival and prosperity, know that this presidency featured all of the spending mentioned above in addition to, (the typical Republican Catering to Rich People and Corporations), which reward these companies for “Outsourcing” jobs from the majority of the people who took care and fed their families by working in all of those factories and plants that were once buzzing with humans and machines 24/7.

Of course when one domino falls, it is not long before they all fall and result in cutbacks and layoffs in other industries as well, and before you know it, the country is in an Economic Depression, which is where we were when President Obama took office, (even though Republicans continue to implant the lie in the minds of those who have blank space for it), that President Obama is the one who created all of these Economic Problems immediately after he took office.

Now how in the hell did a new President create this much Economic Damage in less than a year after he took office?

He didn’t!

It was just another Hateful, Racist Lie, designed to undermine the Presidency of the First African American President.

And you know what?

The “Mainstream Media”, blames both parties on a regular basis by using False Equivalencies to make their argument.

However, I have not seen the Democrats in The House or The Senate refuse to allow a vote on Proposed Legislation, nor have I seen President Obama refuse to Propose Legislation.

The Democrats, Progressives and Independents seem to be willing to do their jobs and their part in Healing and Saving America for all of its citizens, but here we are today, once again on December 31, 2012, waiting for the Republicans to Compromise on a deal that would benefit Americans across the board.

And as a result, we are now heading off the so called Fiscal Cliff, which will hurt the same people that Republicans always seek to hurt: The Poor and The Middle Class, while allowing them to protect the people that they always seek to protect: The Rich and the Powerful.

So who are the Republicans working for?

Not You!

Not Me!

Not even the poor white people that they claim to be working for and protecting.

The election of 2012 spoke volumes of what America Wants and does not want for our country.

Republicans are totally ignoring what the American People Demanded.

Americans Should Actively Be Outraged!

Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

President Obama Is Fighting For You....Will You Fight With Him?

John Boehner And The Republican Party, (Unable To Learn From Their Past Mistakes), Are Gearing Up Again To Destroy President Obama's Presidency By Destroying The Economic Stability Of Our Country.

You See! this new Republican Party, (has been infiltrated by a bunch of Idiotic Racists who never have, and never will), accept the fact that America elected a President with Black Skin-twice.

As a result,this very productive and successful presidencey is (once again), under vicious attacks from the Republican Party and the Rightwing Hate Media; which means that America and Americans, (This Means You!),are under attack as well.

Did you really think that the Racial Hatred that is deeply ingrained in the DNA of these people would simply disappear because of the reelection of President Obama on November 6, 2012?

I hope not!

Because if the people who are in our corner and on our side, (that side being): Equal Rights and Protection Under The Law For All Who Live In America, then that would mean that we are just as, (if not more), delusional than those in the Republican Party, those on TV, Radio, Internet and in Newspapers who set out to make President Obama "FAIL" Voila!: Rush Limbaugh, Mitch McConnell and a host of others, even before he was sworn into office.

So driven by HATE, they played with the economy during the manufactured "Fiscal Cliff Debate". And now these people, (and I use the word very lightly), are going to try and hold the nation hostage again during the "Debt Ceiling Increase Procedure" coming up this March

I didn't call it a debate, because prior to the Sucessful and Legal Election of the "First African American President", raising the Debt Ceiling was somthing that was done by Republcans and Democrats in Congress as a Routine Legislative Process.

The debt ceiling in the United States has been raised 74 times since March of 1962 and 10 times since 2001.

However-NOW! since President Obama took office, this Routine Procedure has now become a method by which Republicans hold the entire country's Economic Security hostage, with the ransom being the total destruction of each and every program that benefits the sick, the poor, the elderly and the middle class, or what they decode as "Entitlment Programs".

This is why I use the term "People" very lightly to describe them; for what type of human beings would have this as their primary goal in life?

And what type of Government Leaders who are charged with the safety, security and the well-being of all Americans, would put forth this much hatred, greed and energy to do such a thing?


And guess what? They will if "We The People" don't get off of our Lazy, Politically Apathetic Asses and Make Some Damn Noise!

If you do not recongize the obvious pattern of RACISM here, then I guess we really have nothing else to talk about, because if you don't see a problem with what has, and is still going on in this country since President Obama was elected, then you won't see a need to be a Proactive Participant in Defending Our Democracy.

But I am asking all who are aware, to not just talk about it!

Be about it!

Tell Speaker John Boehner that the American people have spoken – he needs to LEAD or get out of the way of the people who are actually trying to do good things for this country.

CALL the Speaker’s office – (202) 225-0600

Tweet at the Speaker –

Get to him on Facebook –

And please feel free to do a search on Google to find the contact information for all the other RACISTS who are trying to Destroy our Nation with Hatred and Division because they cannot, and never will, accept that fact that not only is this president equal to many of the other White Presidents that came before him, but that he is, (in many ways), Superior to many of the White Presidents that came before him, especially when comparing Prsident Obama to President George W. Bush.

If you care about America because you are Fair Minded and Inclined to Seek Equality for all of the people who reside in this great nation of ours, rather they are just like you or different,then make some damn noise

Let these Racist Bastards know that We Ain't Having It!

President Obama Is Fighting For You......Will You Fight With Him?

Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Holidays

I'm Happy Cause You Love Me, By Greg Coleman

Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza,Happy New year.

Whatever you believe, whoever you worship or however you celebrate-I wish each and everyone of you a safe, pleasant holiday season filled with love, family and friends.


Don’t Let Hate Win

I don’t mean to be pessimistic about the ability of people to change who and what they are; because I have personally witnessed positive changes within myself and others who were previously struggling with issues that made the quality of their lives and the lives of those around them very unpleasant, unfulfilling and at times very dangerous.

However, these positive changes are rare and usually only occur when a person puts forth an enormous amount of consistent personal effort, dedication, sacrifice and discipline, or is involved in some very tragic and traumatic event that involves either them personally, or someone whom they love very much.

These types of events usually result in much needed positive transformations that benefit the individual, the people who are close to them and in many cases, society as a whole.

Short of this phenomenon, science has proven that the average level of consciousness of a human being; (you know that natural ability to sympathize, empathize and be concerned about other living creatures and the world in which we live), will only rise on average about 2 percentage points from birth to death for the majority of people on earth.

The whole point of this discussion on consciousness is to point out the fact that most people do not change without some very powerful positive, (but usually negative), event or experience that touches them personally.

So in essence; some people are hard to learn, and some people will never learn. Case in point: Conservatives, Republicans, Tea baggers, Rightwing Ideologues, Racists, Etc.

Since the 50’s and early 60’s, the majority of people who wear these badges have been hateful towards sick people, elderly people, poor people, black people, immigrants, woman and progress of any kind that does not specifically benefit them.

And not since the 60’s has this countries’ consciousness been involved in a systematic strategy to keep this hatred in check, which is why we are currently experiencing it now to degrees that we thought, (or wished), were a thing of the past.

And to this day, instead of acknowledging what the problem actually is, we are still just dancing around the issue of what is really wrong with the Republican Party. The Republican Party itself is still having a problem trying to determine why they lost the election of 2012.

In the process they are constantly complicating the explanation with euphemisms, lies and excuses.

For example: One of the major themes that I keep hearing from Republican Strategists is that “We have to learn how to present our message to the electorate more effectively”.

But let me tell all of you Republicans/Conservatives/Tea baggers the real reason why you all lost this very Important and Historically Significant Election of 2012.

You see! It doesn’t matter how you package SHIT-It still stinks.

It's not how you package your messages.

It's the warped contents of your messages that are so distastful and uanaccpetable to the American People.

And they told you this in no uncertain terms on November 6, 2012, by reelecting President Barack Obama to a second term.

You know that this is true; but if you had to admit this to yourselves; that would mean that you would have to change the Hatred that you feel towards President Obama, people who look like him, and in short, everyone who is not “Just Like You” to love and concern for this country and its people-all of its people.

So based on science, we cannot expect the Republicans to make any significant positive changes unless they are forced to do so.

So it is time of those of us who do not want to live like this, and be governed by people like this, to put an end to it.


By remaining active and participating in our Democracy by letting your voices be heard online, by making phone calls and writing letters to your government officials, and by reminding each other and those who see things their way, that this is not, cannot, and will never be accepted as a way of life in America, (even though up until now), it always has been.

It’s time for a reality check.

Everything that Republicans are doing to this country can be tracked back to one source and one source only:


We’ve started to shake off the effects of hatred in this country and have done a good job of it.

However, it is very important that no matter how much progress we have made towards a kinder, gentler and fairer society in the last 400 years, we all must realize that the forces that created these hateful conditions in the first place never stops.

This fact should be very clear to all of us, since the 2012 elections are over and the American People spoke, and spoke loudly about what they wanted and what they did not want for this country.

And to this day; Republicans blinded by hatred, greed, racism, sexism, classism and every other ism that they can come up with, are refusing to submit their will to the will of the American People.

And the only thing that can change this deep dark reality is the American People.

Don’t Let Hate Win……..

Do your part.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Prayers And Condolences For The Dead And Their Families In Newtown Connecticut

Today in Newtown Connecticut, 18 Children, 8 Adults and 1 Gunnman are dead after the gunnman went on a shooting rampage at an elementary school.

The gunnman also killed his mother who worked at the school, and another relative in their home, in or near the same town.

We offer our prayers for the dead and the living and our condolences to the survivors and the families of the survivors.

HATE, By Greg Coleman

Don't Let HATE Win!

President Obama won the election on November 6, 2012.

The majority in this country made a decision to move away from the backward practices of hatred, greed, racism, sexism, classism and every other” ism” that Angry, Hateful Old White Men from the South, and the North, East and West can come up with.

And now, even though we “TOOK” the country back from these people who live their lives to hate others who are different from them; it appears as if we are in the process of repeating the mistakes that we made between 2008 and 2010, which allowed these same hateful people an opportunity to gain momentum.

The momentum The Republican/Teaparty gained in 2010 was a result of our Political Negligence,that put people in place (Locally), who created the District Gerrymandering and Voter Suppression Campaigns initiated for the express purpose of stealing the presidency away for President Obama.

We created this political reality because far too many Americans thought that those ”Local Small Elections” were insignificant.

Far too many people took the attitude of: “I’m waiting for the “Big One"”.

And when the “Big One” came, we had already given The Rightwing Conservative Hate Machine the power, that gave those rich bastards like the Koch Brothers the inspiration and the opening to use their Billions to steal our votes and therefore our Constitutional Right to participate in our Democracy.

Fortunately! Their efforts failed miserably.

However, unlike what far too many people on our side will do; (which is to get heated at the time of the confrontation and then cool down after we think the fight or the imminent danger is over), just because the election is over; the Rightwing Hate Machine has never stopped trying to destroy America for their Hateful and Selfish Purposes.

I said the same thing on November 6, 2012 as I did on November 4, 2008:

“The Election Is Over, But The Fight Has Just Began”.

I just have to ask: When will we stop being weak and afraid to fight these hateful bastards to the end the same way they fight us.

Their capacity for hatred is unlimited.

And it seems sometimes, as if our resolve is far too limited.

And what is even more sickening and disgusting is how, (with the exception of a few like Joy Anne Reid, Al Sharpton, Michael Eric Dyson, Jonathan Capehart and a few others), the media and the political leaders who speak about these issues, (both blacks and whites), are still denying the truth about why the president himself is constantly under unjustified attacks along with Eric Holder, Susan Rice and the white staff members who work with him for the good of our country.

You do remember what they used to publically call white people that worked with Black People-don’t you?

But just because you don’t hear it in public anymore-don’t think for one second that all the Racial Epitaphs that many of us grew up hearing in public, are not currently being used in private.

And to my surprise and dismay,I find that you are more likely to hear a White Politician or Commentator boldly tell the country what is really behind the Rightwing Radical Movement In America:


I can accurately, (with historical precedence), guess what they say about President Obama, Susan Rice, Eric Holder and other African Americans in his administration, and the White People who are working with him to protect American Democracy.

So I just want to ask anyone who is reading this the following question:

Are we willing to stop the Forward Motion that we have made as a country over the past 200 + years, and as a people over the past 400 + years, or allow those who have never eliminated hatred from their hearts, (and who never will), to control and conquer other human beings that they consider to be “Lesser Beings" than them?

Or, do we want to continue to “FIGHT” against the people who are trying to destroy this country as a whole, and certain races and classes of people specifically?

I know where I stand!

We have got to continue to apply pressure to and against those who seek to destroy us as a nation, so we can protect ourselves from destruction.

Because if you don’t think that, (given a chance these hateful people will destroy us), then you obviously do not know anything about history or politics.

I assure you that they absolutely will!

My plea to you is to not let them.

As long as far too many politicians and commentators continue to deny RACISM and Hatred as the Driving Force behind the Rightwing Conservative Movement in America on TV,Radio and in Print, it will continue to be a major problem that will divide and conquer our nation.

Because, we can never fix anything that we don’t acknowledge as being a problem.

HATE! Is Definitely One Of Those Things……

Don't Deny Hatred.

Face It Head On.

And Lets Work To Minimize, Neutralize or Eliminate it from our country.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Don't Stop Now! Republicans Are On The Ropes

Don’t Stop Now! Republicans Are On The Ropes

Warning: If you think that Republicans wouldn’t have made every attempt to destroy Democracy and the Progressive Movement in this country if the numbers would have come out in their favor on November 6, 2012, then you are obviously out of touch with reality and should avoid reading this.

For all who are aware, alert and awake, and have been since the world wind appearance of then Senator Obama, (Now President Obama).

Wait a minute!

That felt good.

I said: Then Senator Obama, (Now President Obama), for a second term, (which is really quite an incredible occurrence), since so many of the Racists did everything in their power to destroy this man’s presidency before it even began.

But guess what!

After all of the Hatred, Racism, Deception and False Attacks against President Obama’s Nationality, Religion and Political Philosophy, this Black Man is still standing and representing the United States of America as good as, (and in many ways), better than many of his White Predecessors.

But as capable and as accomplished and intelligent as this black man is; he would be nothing without us.

It is the people of this country who decided on November 6, 2008, that they were just not buying what Mitt Romney and the Republicans were selling:

1. Hatred 2. Greed 3. Racism 4. Sexism 5. Religious Bigotry And so forth and so on.

And because “We the People”, of the United States of America stood tall and stood strong united, to Reelect the First African American President to a second term, the Republicans are now singing a different song.

Jim DeMint, the Tea Party Senator who was responsible for some of the most Diabolical and Dangerous Political Rhetoric since the good old days of Governor George Wallace.

Eric Cantor is at least, faking like he is not trying to steal John Boehner’s Leadership Role as Speaker of the House.

Dick Armey, another Tea Party leader, head of the Tea Party’s Freedom Works is splitting from this Rightwing Nut Group.

And now instead of the Republicans denying that George W. Bush ever existed, they are now denying that Mitt Romney ever existed, and have actually brought George W. Bush out of hiding to discuss Immigration Reform in an attempt to make immigrants and other Fair Minded American Citizens forget all of the hatred that they slung at Immigrants, African Americans, Gay People, Woman and Religious People who either are not Christians or People Who Don’t Believe In Any Divine Being.

This is the reason for the Separation of Church and State as it is outlined in The Constitution.

Not the one that the Tea Party is talking about; I’m talking about the one that classifies African Americans as People as opposed to Property.

That’s the constitution that the Tea Party worshiped so much because they thought that that they could use it to invalidate his presidency.

However, because of our Political Awareness and Activism, they are all Going Back to the Toilet in Defeat, as I predicted in my song: You Won The Battle, (But You’ll Never Win The War).

This is the same Activism and Political Awareness that is needed now to keep this country on its upward trajectory towards all of the things that Rightwing Conservatives only believe in, if they apply only to them: Freedom, Justice and Equality.

So as you probably know by now- and you most likely do if you have read this far.

I cannot repeat or remind all Fair Minded Americans enough; that, Election Day Was Not the End of the Fight,-It Was Just the Beginning of the Fight.

So Please!

Don’t Stop Now! The Republicans Are On The Ropes.

Keep Them There.

Trust Me!

If the shoe were on the other foot right now, they would do the same or worse to us.

We have got to stand by our President; because he is standing by us.

Ho, Ho, Ho-Off The Cliff We Go!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I'm A Conservative, by Greg Coleman

This little dity is dedicated to John Bohener and the rest of the Racist Republicans who are still trying to make President Obama fail the American People.

It Ain't Happening!

Your job as House and Senate Republicans is to vote on Proposed Legislation-Not to Destroy the Democratic Process by using "False Legal Tactics" to Prevent A Vote.

Vote Now! On the President's Budget Proposal to stabalize The American Economy by Creating Jobs, Repairing Our Crumbling Infrastructure and Securing our Nation to protect it against our enemies, inside and outside the U.S..

Americans voted on November 6, 2012 to put an end to this Republican Bullshit....

Do Your Damn Jobs.