Thursday, March 27, 2014

President Obama's Foreign Policies Can Be Implemented Better By A Trained Monkey?-Really Donald!

If a Trained Monkey could do a better job at Foreign Policy than President Obama on Afghanistan and other places in the world, then your group of War Criminals and Liars should have taken lessons from a Trained Monkey.

Monkeys #1, 2, 3 & 4

As far as monkey# 5 is concerned, he proved to the rest of you lying asses that he was not going to be a monkey, liar or a mass murder like yawl were Donald.

He wanted to be a Human Being like GOD intended him to be.

Oh Yea! A man who had spent his entire adult life at war, seen thousands of people wounded and thousands of people killed had the stomach to deal with all of that during his entire career and yet, he did not have the stomach to continue to tell lies to the American People any longer, so he walked away from the cage that all of you apparently are still in..

Hats off to General Colin Powell, (Retired), for walking away from a situation where he was forced to tell lie after lie to cover up Foreign Policies that caused far too many deaths of Americans and other people who are still human in spite of the fact that they are not Americans here and abroad.


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Malaysian Airlines Flight 370-Pain, Suffering & Loss Is A Universal Language

This ongoing mystery of the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 should teach us a very valuable lesson: And that lesson is that we are all mortal, we are all vulnerable and that we all have loved ones who are important to us; who if lost, would cause great pain and suffering in most cases, for the rest of our lives.

Because the pain of loosing a loved one, (unlike loosing money, property or all other material things), that can possibly be replaced; our loved ones cannot be, once they are taken away from us by The Greatest Uncontrollable Inevitable Event In Our Lives: DEATH.

Death is a Universal Language that every sane person on this planet understands all so well as it relates to themselves and those whom they love.

So to everyone who understands this fact, I ask you to not wait until it's too late to tell those who you love very much-how much you love them, and don't just tell them-show them in the ways that you take care of them, protect them and cherish them.

From me and every other sane human being on the planet, we offer our prayers and hopes that your loved ones will be found safe and returned to you very soon.

However, if the reality of the time that has elapsed and the indicators of a possible tragedy, (no matter the cause), has taken your loved ones away from you, we offer our prayers for your peace and understanding and our condolences for the lost of your loved ones.

And for those of you who are using these people's pain and suffering to make this a Political Opportunity to blame and attack people who could not have possibly known about or prevented this tragedy among others; all I have to say to you is that before this tragedy and many others including Benghazi; I already knew that you all were not considerate, respectful or sane,

So to me your behavior is absolutely no surprise.

But that is all I'm going to say about you right now.

Because this, like the earth and life in all of it's splendor-is not about you.

And the sooner all of you who I am refereeing to wake up to this fact, you all will become better human beings and citizens of the United States of America and the world, which will make it a far better place than what you are trying to make it now.

Respect these people's losses for what it is:

A Great Human Tragedy


Saturday, March 15, 2014

It's That Time Of The Year Again! Criminals Posing As Citizens, (CPAC)

Well it that time of the year again,March 6 -March 8, 2014 when the Conservative Hate Fest known as CPAC, (Conservative Political Action Conference),which for me is just code for Criminals Posing As Citizens.

Basically what it is, is a bunch of Idiotic Hate Mongers who compete with each other to see who can HATE the most.

Now last year Governor Chris Christie who was not invited at all, received an invitation to CPAC this year because now he fits in as a Potential Criminal because he is now deeply involved in the "Brideggate Scandal"where allegedly he and several of his high level staff members deliberately shut down the George Washington Bridge, (one of the busiest bridges in the world), leading into Fort Lee New Jersey,apparently because the Mayor of Fort Lee refused to endorse Chris Christie for Governor.

And! Because they figured that the BLACK that he got on him from working with President Obama to help the people of his state during Hurricane Sandy and of course the BLACK that he got on himself as a result of hugging the president has finally been washed off.

And let me just also say that all of these problems in New Jersey just might have been avoided if the Democratic party and yes! President Obama had offered their support to the Democratic Candidate for Governor of New Jersey, Barbara Buono.

I love President Obama and I love the Democratic Party.

But unlike Republicans who ignore, approve and support any and everything that Fellow Republicans do, no matter how ugly, dangerous or evil it may be or who it hurts; I still do not to this day, understand why President Obama paled around with Chris Christie which probably gave New Jersey Democrats the False Impression that it was okay for Democrats to vote for Chris Christie instead of Barbara Buono .

I understand that President Obama came to Jersey Prior to the elections to see what progress had been made at repairing the damage in Jersey as a result of the Federal Government Funds that were sent to New Jersey, (which now apparently Governor Christie doled out based on Favoritism and Political Support),but I don't understand and don't like the fact that he did not spend any time at all helping Buono's Campaign.

And I also do not like the fact that the Democratic Party did not put money into her campaign.

There's no way to defeat an enemy that is committed to a cause and to each other, (even if that cause is Hatred), if those of us who are trying to win the battle against HATE do not remain committed to that cause and to each other.

Democrats let Barbara Buono down, and as a result, they let the people of New Jersey down who now have a governor who hates teachers, unions, workers, people who disagree or don't support him; and questions that he does not want to answer.

And when he spoke at CPAC, guess who his first target of attack was: I know you guessed already if you did not see it, but let me tell you anyway-President Obama.

And after being booed initially, it wasn't too long before he had endeared himself to the Blood Thirsty Morons who seek to destroy our country because it now has a Black President.

So instead of discussing ways to unite this country in such a manner that people can work together, brainstorm, mastermind and come up with various ways to help those who need help, stop those who are just gaming the system and make America a better place for all-the only thing that these people do every year is see who can hate everyone else, including each other the most.

So here's my question for you: Do you want to have common sense people who are constantly working to find solutions together, to the very complex and difficult problems that we face as a nation, or do you want Criminals Posing As Citizens to be in charge of this country whose only purpose is to broadcast Hatred, Greed, Racism and Destruction because they want to take their country back to where it was a "Lilly White Man's World"?

And as far as Commons Sense is concerned, the closing speaker for today, which they consider to be representative of all that they stand for will be Sarah Palin.

If you want the first choice, please make sure that you participate with those who want the same thing, and do not take this upcoming Midterm Election lightly, as far too many people did in 2010.

Those elections are what created all of the problems that we are having with Voting Rights, Woman's Rights, Worker's Rights,A Woman's Right To Control Her Own Body, Vast Support for laws like "Stand Your Ground", which is nothing more than a new method to allow Racist to exterminate people of color without Any Legal Consequences.

Are you aware of how many people died in the past because of these same conditions that these bastards are trying to recreate/

And do you know how many people suffered and died to change these conditions so that we can now live better lives than those who came before us?

Here's what you need to know or learn:

How to protect the Senate and take back the House so that President Obama can move "Forward" with his Progressive Agenda, including getting important up or down votes on legislation that is very important to our future, including the "Jobs Bill", that has been setting on the President's Desk for over 3 years now, because Republicans refuse to allow a vote on it-but yet they can find the time to vote for the 50th. time to Repeal The Affordable Care Act, (Obamacare), a law that is helping millions of people to get much needed healthcare, many for the first time in their lives.

Remember! Power Concedes Nothing Without A Fight.

We need to fight to protect this country and all of the progress that we have made over hundreds of years.

If you don't know what you can do-ask someone who knows.........

We Need You Now! Time is running out............


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Paul Ryan Insults Urban, (Black) Men Accusing Them Of Not Having A Culture Of Work.

Paul Ryan: "We have got this tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work, and so there is a real culture problem here that has to be dealt with," Ryan said on Bill Bennett's "Morning In America," as recorded by Think Progress.

When I hear Republicans like Paul Ryan talk like this;the first question that comes to mind is how long have you been a Black Man In America, living in the Inner City in Poverty?

Isn't it strange, amazing or at least interesting to you that the people who consider themselves to be experts on the plight of African Americans and every other minority that suffers as a result of the Institutionalized Racism in America are Rich What People, (Particularly Rich White Men), who have never been Black or a member of any other minority living in America who has been fighting all their lives just to survive, (not to be rich),but just to get by in this country that still stinks of racism.

And if you don't see it, acknowledge it or respond to it in an effective manner, you are either sadly mistaken, extremely misinformed, ignorant or a racist, (which makes you part of the problem).

This is just the same old Republican Bullshit that simply shows that Republicans still support the notion (that most young people have been fooled into believing is no longer a reality)- WHITE SUPREMACY/BLACK INFERIORITY.

The Republican Party is stuck in the Pre-Civil Rights era when we were considered to be lazy, unintelligent, useless, worthless, dirty with abnormally high libido levels and extremely low moral levels.

Granted, there are people in the Black Race who have some or all of these negative characteristics, but guess what?-These negative traits are not only found in the Black Community, they are found in some people in all communities.

Trust me! I have worked with them, talked to them, lived with them, fought with them and am still involved in those fights to this day in and around my neighborhood which is 81.48% White based on 2012 statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau, and only 13.1% African American according to the same government statistics.

And here is what I discovered, in areas heavily concentrated by human beings of any race including "Lilly White",where the resources are scarce and people are fighting one another to survive, every community that has been systematically isolated from the wealth, power and resources in America that are supposed to be equally available to all; has the same crime problems, lack of education, lack of self control, (sexually or otherwise), and high murder rates.

So don't buy into this "Black on Black Crime Bullshit" that White Supremacist try all to successfully to sell you.

They know that if they can convince you that this phenomena is a reality, then they know that you will believe it; place in your hearts and minds, and that it will become a Self Fulfilling Prophecy, (which it has).

But let em tell you the truth about Human Nature and Crime and Murder.

In White Communities, White People Kill White People-In Chinese Communities, Chinese People Kill Chinese People-In the Italian Community, Italian People Kill Italian People-And in every other community where human's live, they kill each other for a variety of reason.

So as they say "Knowledge is Power".

So just because your Black does not mean that it is preordained that you kill another Black Child, Woman or Man-unless you continue to allow the Racist's Social Scientists convince you that you must

I'll go you one better-Rich People Kill Rich People Too!

Somewhere right now their is some rich person plotting or actually carrying out the murder of another rich person because he or she is not satisfied with owning 1/2 of the company or the money or the power-They Want It All!

So what Paul Ryan Said is Congruent with what the Modern Day Republican Party truly feels, believes and practices. And this is why all people of all races who care about living in a country where everyone has a chance to live their lives to the fullest without destroying the live of others and who think that everyone should have the right to success based on their own personal efforts, sacrifices and hard work, should be using as much of their spare time as possible to do their part to remove these very dangerous people who are trying to turn back the clock and make America their's and their's alone.

As I said before, if you don't know how you can help "The Cause"-ask someone who is already involved in "The Struggle" what you can do.

A few weeks ago Rep Louie Ghomert from Texas blamed Single Mothers for creating the poverty situation in America.

Republicans just don't want to admit the fact that there is a Systematic Program in place in this country, (that has been in place called "Institutionalized Racism" that not only creates poverty, it also makes it a never ending cycle which leads to severe health issues, piss poor schools in certain neighborhoods which all leads to funneling poor people into the Industrial Prison Complex which is now worth billions of dollars and finally, premature deaths.

After the fact, Paul Ryan claims that he was not even thinking of race when he made that statement.

But you know as well as I do, that when racist say they don't notice color or they deny that racism exists or that they are not racist or that they have "A Black Friend(s)", it usually means that they are racist.

Further more, how can Ryan say that he was not thinking of race when he made this racist statement, when he used the viewpoints, research and literary works of 2 "White Nationalist", Racists who believe, practice and preach about the Inferiority of the Black Race to support his hypothesis.

Charles Murry

Robert D. Putnam

It's time to "Take Our Country Back" from these people who are trying to take our country back to the hell hole that it was for hundreds of years for certain races and classes of people.

And in spite of the lies that they consistently tell about wanting to do all these things for the benefit of the country, the fact of the matter is: they are only doing what the hell is best for them and their Racist Corporate and Billionaire Donors.

We already lost a seat in Florida.

Please make sure that we keep the Senate and take back the house in November, so that President Obama can continue to implement Programs that will allow people to help themselves instead of just having 2 classes of people in this country: The Rich and Slaves, which is the I Ideal Vision of America that Republicans believe in and are fighting for.

If you don't believe in this type of America, (which those of us who are old enough to remember), was really a hateful and dangerous place to live, then please keep the work of those who got us this far by bombed, spit on, attacked by dogs and killed by doing your part so that their sacrifices will not be in vain.

Thank you,


Thursday, March 6, 2014

You Don't Deal With Republican Charlatans, (Darrell Issa), By Making Pretend That They Aren't Republican Charlatans.......

Who Is Darrell Issa?

He is another Racist Republican who has absolutely no interest in getting to the truth in any investigation that he is conducting.

There have been many events, errors and scandals that have occurred since President Obama took office as much as the many that occurred on Bush's Watch, including the ignorance of important intelligence weeks before the terrorist took down the Twin Towers in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington , DC and a plane in Pennsylvania.

Approximately 4000+ American Live were lost.

Then the Bush Administration launched a Fictitious Attack against Saddam Hussein in Iraq-A war which killed another 4000+American Citizens and thousands of Iraqi Citizens based on vengence for the 911 attacks, weapons of mass destruction and the inhumane of treatment of citizens in Iraq by Saddam Hussein .

And after all of this unnecessary carnage, here is what Darrell Issa had to say: Issa Calls 9/11 Attacks in New York a Plane Crash.

On September 11, 2012, There was a Major Attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya. U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other U.S. nationals were killed in the attack.

And do you know what Republicans led by Darrel Issa spent so much of your time and your money on?- Rather or not it was a pre plannned Terrorist Attack or a spontaneous reaction to an Anti Islamic Movie made by some idiot here in America.

They wanted to use this discussion as an excuse to attack and try to destroy the political career of Susan Rice because she went on the Sunday Talk Shows and revealed the talking points that were given to her by the U.S. Intelligence Community.

It was also another excuse to try and unseat President Obama whose only crime thus far has been being BLACK.

In spite of all the lies that those of you who watch FOX News may be convinced is the truth-President Obama has done nothing any more unconstitutional, evil, dishonest or illegal than those who came before him.

His only crime is GWB-Governing While Black.

So Darrell Issa, Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor, John Boehner and a host of other (Traditionally Racist Republicans), have spent billions of The American People's dollars since 2008 to try and destroy this president

As a matter of fact: The Taxed Enough Already Party AKA The Tea Party was created by Racist Millionaires and Billionaires, (like the Koch Brothers and others), who hated the fact that a new America was evolving to a place where they will eventually not hold on to all of the wealth and all of the power.

This is why they are so hateful towards President Obama who speaks a lot about the equal distribution of wealth and power, and this is why they always accuse him of being a "Socialist or Communist from Kenya.

So these educated rich people prey on the hatred of others who are not as Politically Savvy or as rich as they are and used their life long hatred of people of color to use them like pawns on a chessboard to try and destroy the president.

It's so crazy and so bad that even the things that Republicans used love, they now hate if President Obama says he like it.

One of the many techniques that Republican have in their Dirty Politics Bag Of Tricks Is" The Mirror Image Technique"

In other words, they try to accuse you of things that they are guilty or guiltier of.

It's sought of like "Pot Calling The Kettle Black", or in this case, it's like calling the President, the Attorney General and everyone else who works for and supports Obama's Agenda, Thugs as a euphemism for what they used to call us in public and what they now call us in private.

So how does a criminal become the leader of an Investigative Committee?- Because as long as you are a White Criminal, then America can be very forgiving as opposed to being a criminal of another color.

Let's do a brief review of the man who is now in charge of judging other people's short comings, faults and failures.

And how do you handle people like this who are tying to break and make our system of Government "Severely Uneven"? Like This!

That's how you handle Treacherous and Deceitful Racists Democrats; who are trying to destroy this country by destroying everyone else who in Not Rich, Not Powerful and Not White.

And don't even try to use the Mirror Image Technique here by calling me a Racists simply because I recognize it when I see it, and I respond to it as the circumstances dictate.

This should be Text Book Policy and Procedure for Democrats.

Democrats need to stop praising the enemy, making excuses for the enemy and trying to be Politically Correct by misrepresenting these people's character by soft shoeing around the fact that many of these people are doing what they are doing simply because they do not want to share this country, (or this planet), with the people who built it for free or with the other people who do not fit their profile of who is a "Human Being Worthy Of Living" and those who are not.

And the sad part about it is I am so damn sick and tired of seeing Black Politicians using Euphemisms to describe Hatred, Racism, Greed and Evil towards the president and those who look like him, and "The Others", who they lie and fight to keep out of the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave".

As Democratic Representative, you should embrace the truth instead of hiding from it like cowards who don't have the best interest of the American People at Heart.

Most Americans are just Average American Citizens who are not Rich, Not Powerful, Not Well Connected and not trying to treat the earth like it belongs only to them.

The elections of 2010 should have been a wake up call for all of our Democratic Representative, but so many people saw yawl acting like Republicans that they figured what the hell; rather than voting for Democrats acting like Republicans, I might as well vote for real Republicans.

This is exactly why now our voting rights have been chipped away, our support systems for the sick, the poor, the elderly and the uneducated are being slowly but surely destroyed, and and the Republicans have voted for the 50th. time to Repeal Obamacare after running in 2010 on "Jobs", "Jobs", "Jobs".

It is now 2014, and I have yet to see the rich create any jobs, or wealth "Trickle Down" from the wealthy.

? All I've seen is Republican BS supported by Democratic Silence

Failure to act like Democrats and Promote Democratic Valuess is also why none of the things that President Obama has proposed to created jobs and make this country a better place for everyone concerned has been and continues to be blocked by Republicans who told us all to our faces that they wanted President Obama to fail.

Congressman Cummings didn't feel like letting lies stand as the truth.

He did the right thing by calling out this criminal on his BS.

If you are a Democrat, the extension of your name is Democracy, and it is your job to protect it with the truth like Congressman Cummings did, instead of cowering in fear and letting these lies stand.

Wake Up America and smell the HATE and then do your part to minimize or eliminate it.

Our Democratic Representatives cannot do it alone-And neither can "We The People".

It's going to take all of us to fight to protect the progress that it took us so many years, tears and lives to obtain.

Take a hint from Rep. Cummings VS Darrel Issa.

Just remember that if you loose-America looses.


Saturday, March 1, 2014

Why Arizona Governor Jan Brewer Vetoed A Bill That Would Have Treated Gay People Like America Used To Treat Black People

Because She Had To!

I've said it a thousand times before, and I will consider to say it until the people who need to know it the most, (the young, created, strong and talented people who have so many positive, creative contributions that society needs them to make), comprehends this very powerful and honest fact.: No Positive Change Becomes Reality Until Multitudes Of People Force Those Who Are In Power To Make Them.

Average American Citizens do have power even though those who are in power continue to promote the idea that we don't so we won't even try.

This is the 2nd. intelligent decision that I can remember her making even in the midst of Hateful Conservative trying to oppose her:

1. She expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, (Hatefully Known By Conservatives As Obamacare), so that her citizens would have healthcare which is a very necessary human need.

2. She vetoed a bill that would not allow human beings who don't love the way that a few people with a false sense of superiority because of their religion makes them think that it is okay to discriminate against these people because of the opinions that they have in their heads. Now Jan Brewer did not do these things because she has become a Kinder, Gentler more Liberal Spirit; but she did it because the best way to make a human being do what is right is by making doing wrong cost them so dearly that the only choice they have is to do what is right.

This not only applies to all of us as human beings, but the very important thing that Average American Citizens seem to forget is that this especially applies to our Political Leaders.

Average American Citizens speak to Major Corporations with their pocketbooks and wallets and then Major Corporations speak to Politicians based on how we behave with our money as far as rather or not we decide to support companies that support our needs, wants and values as a whole.

If Jan Brewer did not Veto this Discriminatory Bill in Arizona, the only people that would be left are the people who sponsored this Religiously Bigoted Bill kneeling down in the center of town praying for pennies to fall from heaven.

And when Arizona's Economic Structure Collapsed she would have taken the blame for it and would have been ran the hell out of the Governor's Offices and Arizona.

So Average American Citizens do have a say in what Major Corporations and our Government Leaders do and do not do.

If this were not true, the world, (all though it is is from form perfect and there is plenty of work that still to be done); it would be a much more painful and unfair world for certain groups of people.