Saturday, December 12, 2015

Yes! This Is Conservatism In America

The new speaker of the house, Paul Ryan has made the proclamation that what Donald Trump is saying and doing is not "Conservatism".

I have to say that I strongly disagree with you Speaker Ryan.

The ideas that have been touted as American Ideals by Republican Candidates from Richard Nixon thru and beyond Ronald Reagan have been charged with Racial, Ethnic, Religious and Class Dog Whistles that only these Ignorant, Racist and Hateful Blood Thirsty Ignoramuses hear and respond to.

And these are the people that the Rightwing American Conservative Media are targeting while making Tremendous Profits by exploiting their Evil Human Traits.

It's the "Us Against Them Mentality" that they exploit.

And even though people like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly,Glenn Beck and Donald Trump hate President Obama because he is Black; and people like them think that this country should always have a White Male as President; they really have benefited from the (Legal Election, twice!); of the First African American President, because his success strengthens the Hate, Anger and Fear that these Low Information, Uneducated Voters have been taught to feel since they were children, which they perpetuate by continuing to teach their children and their children's children.

Sorry to all the Young Inexperienced Optimists who believe that when this Hateful, Racist Generation dies off, their will be no more.

Sorry!This will never be the case because of the scenario that I mentioned above.

Do you have any idea of how many generations like these have died off before now?

And yet, there are still so many Donald Trumps and others like him in the world today, as witnessed and highlighted for all the world to see by the election of the First African American President?

As I've said many times before: America has a Racial Problem because America doesn't have a Racial Problem.

We can never neutralize Hatred, Anger, Fear and Bigotry by not openly acknowledging and discussing it among ourselves in order to better understand each other as Human Beings as opposed to just Rigid Classifications.

And Wishful Thinking and Hope will not do the job either.

The only thing that will do the job is action taken against people like Donald Trump-which I am very glad to see escalating to a feverish and effective pitch by Americans from all walks of life and from people around the world.

I am not interested in making people love me who hate me and always will, because that is out of my control.

But what I am interested in and have control over, is preventing these kinds of people from violating my Rights and Privileges as an American Citizen.

And that is exactly what I will continue to do.

And I am happy to see that I am not alone.

Great work America!

Great work World!


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