Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Kevin McCarthy Admits that Benghazi Hearing's Committee was a Political Ploy

Once again! a Republican demonstrates the true nature of how they operate and the intentions behind those operations.

John Boehner's most likely replacement for Speaker of the House, House Majority Leader, Kevin McCarthy got a little too lose while speaking to Sean Hannity at the Rightwing Hate Machine's most comfortable media home-FOX News.

During this interview McCarthy openly admitted what we already instinctively knew, and that is; at the Tax Payer's Expense, they conducted a Political Smear Campaign against Hillary Clinton and kept it running for as long as they possibly could to destroy Hillary Clinton's chances at becoming President of the United States of America.

Now as a lifelong Democrat, I am not using this to make excuses for her recent email scandal which in my (Semiprofessional Political Opinion) was and still is being handled very poorly by her Campaign Management Team.

However,before they hated Barack Obama, they hated Bill Clinton, his wife Hillary and their daughter Chelsea.

And just like Barack Obama made history by becoming the First African American President, which raised their level of Hatred and Racism to levels that were and still are very dangerous for the country.

But it is important to note that they are equally hateful about the idea of losing power to the First Female President Hillary Rodham Clinton, (a Liberal).

Historically, Rightwingers have always hated the Clinton's for their Powerful Political Successes and for rising from the ashes after so many Political Scandals, (some self inflicted and some manufactured by the Haters on the Right).

This committee was not concerned with the safety and security of the country or for the 4 Americans that lost their lives. They just wanted to create a bogus extended discussion about rather or not the attacks were Planned Terrorists Attacks, or a Sporadic Uprising that came about as a result of a video produced here in America that ridiculed "The Profit Muhammad", and why someone said it was one while it was the other.

Watch as Kevin puts the Republican Party's Shenanigans on full display for America to see.

And as you watch, please remember that these Multiple Bogus Investigations were done with Millions of your Tax Dollars at the same time that they were willing to shut down the U.S. Government because they are supposedly "Fiscal Conservatives".

Now of course, he is already trying to say that what he said is not what he meant by trying to walk it back, but the fact of the matter is that he said what he said; (and just like other Republicans who slip up and tell The Truth on Rare Occasions-He meant it.

Watch another Republican as he validates African American's and other Minorities's Suspicions that Republicans are Deliberately and Systematically Demolishing Voting Rights for all of the groups who effectively helped to elect Barack Obama as President of the United States of America, (twice!). This groups includes African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Young People, College Students, woman and the Elderly.

Make absolutely no mistake about it-Republicans are only interested in one thing: POWER. We have had numerous examples of them showing their true colors, (which does not include a love for People of Color, Poor People, Non Big Business People, Disadvantaged People or Sick People, (including Children). Here's a sad and scary fact that you need to know about the upcoming 2016 Elections: Our worst Democrat of the few who have entered the race would be less destructive to this country than their best candidate.

If you want this country to continue making progress that benefits All Americans, please heed to this warning.

Because this is how the Modern Republican Party has always operated and this how they will continue to operate.

Winning is everything and the safety and security of Every American from Every Group in this country is not their Primary Focus.


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