Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Another GOP Cameleon Out Of The Race

You know it's not often that I revel in other people's failures and shortcomings,because I've had more than my share in life and I know how badly it feels.

But when it comes to the benefit of the country and all of the Americans in it, (who are not rich, powerful, well connected or the right color); I can't help but wish Scott Walker a genuine non fond farewell.

As I said before his departure, this kind of person is dangerous for this country which consist mostly of people who work for a living like Teachers, Policeman, Fireman and other Municipal, State and Federal employees; which people like Scott Walker hate and are trying to destroy, simply because these Government Jobs were and still are the Main Vehicle that allowed Minorities and other Disadvantaged People to work themselves up into the Middle Class.

And When I see people trying to destroy the unions that represent them and trying to cause these people to lose their jobs-I have no love for you at all.

And let us not forget, the people who work for Private Industry for the same Minimum Wages that have been at a stand still for far too long.

I wish I could say I'm sad to see you go, but I'm actually quite glad to see you go.

And I'm looking forward to the departure of the other GOP Candidates who are running for president for all the wrong reasons, and who will say or do anything to win at all costs, including the destruction of the American Middle Class and the Poor.

So I don't know if this is wishful thinking or just accurate political analysis based on the current GOP Statistics as they stand today; but gazing into my Political Crystal Ball, I see another individual similar to Scott Walker, who wants to punch teachers in the mouth leaving soon as well.

I predict that New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie will be next to slip and fall out of the race.

Trust me!

America will be a far better place because of it.

You see! most of these GOP Candidates are Koch Addicts who cannot continue in the race when they run out of Koch.

I don't believe a word that any of these characters say.

Because they are all Professional Liars who Prey on the Ignorant and the Hateful.

So I hope that the country is paying attention to these scams, so that we don't turn over "The People's House" to them which I believe could be disastrous for America.

Don't let them in.

Do all that YOU can do to keep them out of our house.


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