Thursday, September 17, 2015

Last Night's GOP Debate

It's not just Donald Trump-It's all of them.

I am not even going to discuss who won or lost the debate last night. Because for me its hard to tell.

But I will say this: if we allow anyone of these people to become President of the United States, the country will lose and be setback some 50 or 60 years.

You cannot solve old lingering issues with old lingering ideas such as, men attempting to enplane and control woman's bodies, practicing Hatred and Division through Racism, Sexism and American Exceptional ism; (a concept that is akin to Racial Supremacy), which implies that GOD didn't create other nations as good as he created America; and that this gives us the right to Enslave, Slaughter or move into these people's territories with Military Force to make them align their behaviors, policies and customs to ours, so they become clones of Americans.

I'm not saying that we should not take measures Diplomatically or Militarily to stop the Inhumane, Abusive and Deadly Treatment that some of these countries leaders inflict upon U.S. Citizens and even their own citizens. I am just saying: Why in the hell is the first response (by people who do not have to sacrifice their sons, daughters, mothers, fathers and friends have to be WAR?

Why not try Diplomacy first if it saves thousands of lives in the end?

All I heard last night by the majority of candidates is how to hurt people and to make it legal to do so.

Do we have an immigration problem?

Yes we do!

But not all of the immigrants who come to this country are Rapists, Murderers and Gang Members.

This is still a popular false notion about African Americans in this country that has, (unfortunately), stood the test of time.

Is being forced to blow someone's brains out a desirable choice to make?

Of course not!

But there are times when that has been or can become necessary.

Its just one of those ugly facts of life.

Which brings me to abortion, and the lies and manipulation of facts about Planned Parenthood and the videos that the Right Wingers continue to use as an excuse to shut this organization down.

All of the candidates who talked about these videos did not bother to tell the audience that these videos, (like the ones that closed down Acorn), were edited to match Conservative Talking Points on the subject.

I heard so many twisted facts, about the Iran Nuclear deal to fit their thirst for blood, and some downright out and out lies about negative statements previously made about woman, African Americans, Immigrants and just about everybody else that they see as inferior. Some of these incidents were lies by omission

One thing about the Right Wing Hate Machine in America is that they don't bother to check what the people talking to them are saying.

And the Slick "Non Politicians", who may not be old politicians, but are politicians none the less, are acutely aware of this, and they use it to their advantage every time.

So I say all of that to say this again: Their were some standouts in last night's debate, but even the standouts have old ideas that have not worked, continue to not work, and that probably won't work now, in this new and dangerous world in which we live.

Everything, of course was President Obama's fault. George W. Bush either did not exist, or he was a hero for all of the mistakes he made during his 2 terms as president. And can someone please tell me why everyone continues to invoke St. Reagan, who would not even be welcome in this Newly Formed Hyper Hateful Party?.

Last night debates really didn't bring us any significant new ideas, it was the same old crap.

It's mostly people who are hungry for power, (which is really not a good reason to seek the office of the President of the United States of America).

It would appear to me that you would have to think about people other than yourself, and other people who do not look, sound or think like you, as long as they are conducting themselves in a legal manner.

It requires a Love for this country and the people who live in it, which contrary to popular believe on the Right is exactly why President Obama wanted to be president.

So he could help some damn people.

And now that brings me to the Democrats.The American Democratic Party is still practicing Archaic Campaign Techniques with nothing new, fresh or creative to offer.

If any one of these Republican Candidates get into office, it will hurt a lot of people in this country. And I hope that this is something that Democrats; (both the leaders and the voters), will work very hard to prevent.

But the Democratic Leadership needs to make some Drastic Changes too.

And one of the main ones is that you need to stop just sending out Robotic Emails to people begging for money, and then turn a deaf ear to them when they want to participate in our Democracy by being heard by sharing their Thoughts Ideas and Opinions.

This is why so many times in the last few months, Democrats have not met their financial goals from donations.

And on several occasions Republicans actually out raised Democrats.

People do not want to just shell out their hard earned money to people who do not want any input about how it should be spent.

To the Democratic Leadership: If you want to win this crucial 2016 Presidential Election and the Midterms that follow; you need to change the way that you do business just as much as the Republicans do.

Because if the Democratic Party loses; America loses.

I hope you hear me!


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