Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year One And All!

Happy New Year!

I hope that whatever your heart desires that is Positive, Good and True will be yours next year.

Wishing you, your families, your friends and the world a Peaceful, Prosperous and Productive New Year.


Monday, December 30, 2013

American Racisim And Hypocrisy On Display For The New Year

Well Here We Go Again!

We have the First African American President who has been legally and successfully elected to the office 2 times; once in 2008 an again in 2012.

And yet! We still have a small hateful, ignorant segment of our country known as "White Racists America" who are still trying to dehumanize, delegitimize and invalidate this president as well as attack the dignity, respect and humanity of him and his entire family, all his friends and his entire administration.

In short, anyone who works with him, agrees with him or who is involved in trying to pursue Justice, Freedom and Equality for all of the people in this country.

But in spite of all of these worthwhile and humanitarian goals, we still have people from this same small segment of our society who want to continue to questions and throw doubt on his legitimacy as an American Citizen who has the LEGAL Right to be President of the United States of America.

But while these same people have been and continue to try and attack the citizenship and legitimacy of this President; at the same time they have been and continue to try and finagle the constitution and other laws of our country to make people president who are not legally qualified to be president, because of their citizenship.

A few years ago, they tried to twist things around so Arnold Schwarzenegger could run for president, even though he failed miserably as governor of California and was not a citizen.

But people like John Wayne, Ronald Reagan, Richard Burton and others seem to appeal to these people because of the fact that the bubble they live in makes these ,(ACTORS), appear to be superhuman hero's who must be qualified to run this country because of the way they keep shit in check with a script.

Many of these people cannot distinguish between what is real and what is not when it comes to picking candidates to run for the highest office in the country and the most powerful office in the world.

So fast forward to the present, and now we have the same kinds of ramblings going on within the same circles of socially and politically ignorant people who want to bend, twist or break the rules to make someone who is not a citizen of the United States of America, (Ted Green Eggs & Ham Cruz), who is contemplating renouncing his Canadian Citizenship.

Now why do you think he would go and do a thing like that?


Friday, December 27, 2013

If You Do Or Say Nothing About Your Unemployment-House Republicans Will Do Or Say Nothing As Well....

If you, or someone you love are one of the 1.3 Million whose unemployment ends at Midnight Tonight due to the Republican's Opposition to your extension, and you don't speak up and speak out about your objection to being treated like a lazy, no good bum because you are still unemployed through no fault of your own, then no one in the House Republican is going to be moved to help you in anyway. The fact of the matter is Republicans just don't give a damn about you unless you are a BIG, BIG, RICH, RICH CORPORATION.

As a matter of fact, the reason that they are opposed to Unemployment Extensions for you is to force people like you who may be making $22.00 per hour, to take a job that pays $8.00 or less per hour.

This helps to maximize all of their rich friends who own and operate businesses profits by getting people like you to do Slave Labor.

If this is aright with you, then there's no need to do anything.

However, if you are not, then you activism is required and your voice must be heard by those who make these kinds of Unfair Public Policies.

The choice is yours! Contact Your Elected Officials.


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

No matter who, how or what you worship or how you celebrate the holidays; please remember and focus on the positive fact (not just today, but always), that in spite of all the Greed, Hatred and Evil in this world, there are still a lot of people with love and kindness in their hearts for the human race and for all living things on this earth.

Please honor and cherish these people, (not just today), but all throughout the year.

Merry Christmas! G.R.C.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Phil Robertson-Is The Rights Defense Of This Bigot A Lesson For The Left?

Here we go again!

We have not even gotten over Paula Deen's Racist Comments in this country,( and neither has she), and now here we go again with Phil Robertson with his Racist and Homophobic Comments, which because of his Religious Toxicity, makes him feel that his truth is the one and only truth as reflected by his opinions in a recent GQ Magazine Article.

First I want to say, why the shock?

I knew that these characters were not progressive when I first looked at them.

Now of course his Racists Brothers & Sisters on the Right are rushing to his defense.

Take notes MSNBC! You should be defending your soldiers in the same manner.

And if something like firing Martin Bashir for what he said is one of your company policies, then dam it! That policy needs to be changed.

Most of the people on MSNBC on the left, would never say anything as harsh as those on the right say on radio and television about us and the president on a daily basis; nor would they say things that were not true just because it hurts us and because it is profitable to lie to their followers who are prime for the picking because they are blinded by hate.

Ever wonder why the media messages on the right are so powerful and penetrative right now?

Its because the media messages on the left are becoming so watered down and weak now, which brings us to a point where we cannot even defend ourselves against the vicious, hateful and racist attacks that continue to come our way on a daily basis.

So even though I don't like the content of what the right says on a daily basis; I have got to admire and respect their protection of those of like minds with like hate.

And I don't understand why we on the left cannot defend ourselves when we are the ones who are all about love, justice, freedom and equality for those who cannot defend themselves.

Now listen Righties, I agree with your vigorous arguments for "Free Speech" (on yawl's behalf and no one else's), but in the name of Free Enterprise and Free Markets,(which you all claim to love just like everything else when it benefits yawl), I have just got to point out the difference between Free Speech and Free Enterprise, which are both American Concepts which I practice and support.

If Phil Robertson and the rest of those backwards characters filled out an application to be employed by a Private Enterprise like A&E to represent their business to its targeted audience in a positive manner. And the Duck Dynasty Stars who signed that contract agreed as a representative of their business to be Positive Public Ambassadors for that network, and they violate any part of that contract; then A&E, (in the interest of Profits), that may be eliminated or minimized as a result of one or more of their employees, because they offend members of their Targeted Market, then Phil Robertson's ass should be and was fired; at least as it stand now.

And he has the benefit of Free Speech, because he has not been imprisoned or shot or fired for the things that he said.

That's Free Speech!

His ass just got fired like thousands of Americans do every month, mostly due to the archaic and inhumane polices put forth by those on the Right who are so hateful that they just do not care about anyone other than themselves and those who are like them. Personally! I miss the good ole days when Racist were openly Racists, because it was easier to recognize my enemies, and locate my friends.

So for once I agree with you.

Phil Robertson like Paula Deen and me, have the right to say anything that I damn well please.

But here's the catch!

We also must accept the consequences of what I say; especially if I work for a company that says if I say or do something that causes them to lose income, (because the people that are our customers say that they will stop patronizing our company), then we are going to fire your ass to keep our customers and protect our profits.

And that is exactly what happened here!

So now that he is unemployed; he'll have plenty of time to "Speak Freely" about his Racist and Homophobic views whenever he wants without that paycheck from A&E.

You know what Righties, your right, Free Enterprise works.


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Memo: To FOX News About Their Annual Fictitious War On Christmans Propaganda

Apparently for several years now, (led by Bill O'Reilly), and the other Bigots at FOX News, there has been rumor of a Fictitious War on Christmas supposedly launched by Progressives and other people on The Left; (as if there are no Progressives, Liberals, Leftist or Democrats who are Christians). Now of course! This is not factual or based on science and or mathematics. But of course! That does not matter to the people who perpetrate this fraud upon their viewers every year or, their audience whose whole worlds revolves around their Hate Filled Communities and FOX News. Their brains wiring will not allow them to do, see, exam or try anything else. Now those of us who have been dealing with these kinds of creatures know that talking to them is really an exercise in futility. But this is America, and everyone is free to think, believe and act like they choose, (within the limits of our local, state and federal laws). However, recently, (and in the not to distant pass), many of these same kinds of people's behaviors led to rape, murder, cross burning, church bombing and lynching's. And all of that was before they had the benefit of Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Sarah Palin, FOX News and a host of other reinforcing and dangerous brain programming sources programming these people to intensify and multiply their hatred, fear and racism towards people who are just as, (if not more so) human as they are. Well! I guess I can still classify them as human in spite of their behavior. And since this is so dangerous and destructive to our country as a whole, it is impossible to just ignore and not respond to their attacks with equal and opposite force. Now this war on Christmas launched by FOX News and other Racist Media Moguls who launch these types of campaigns to incite the poor, the ignorant, the hateful and the people who have significantly less education then they have, to commit acts of hatred, violence and treason against the people of this country, (including the president), who do not want these things to be a part of our country, which is the majority of people in this country; and they have learned to create Massive Profits by doing this. These rich people use misinformation, disinformation and partial distortion of the facts, (because the best lie is one that is intermingled with the truth), to lead these uneducated, uniformed and hateful people down the path of destruction to our nation and to themselves-failing to mention that fact that if and when all of this hatred erupts, they will retreat to their heavily guarded, fenced in mansions; leaving those they deceived to fend for themselves. So even though we Progressives know their is no point in talking to "you people" on a sincere and honest basis, we will continue to talk and fight to save our nation for all Americans; not just the very limited group that you are referring to as "Americans" when you say it; because their is far too much potential danger in this situation for us to stop trying. So here goes: If you want to know why more and more people are saying "Happy Holidays", as opposed to "Merry Christmas"; it's because we have learned to develop our GOD Given Qualities of Respect, Consideration and Empathy to a high level; and you all have not. We say "Happy Holidays", because we are smart enough to know that everyone in America does not celebrate Christmas, because we are aware of the FACT that we live in the United States of America which is a melting pot of different people with different political view points, religious viewpoints, sexual preferences and so many other differences that make us the United States of America, according to the near Sacred Documents that you all claim to live by. So rather than imposing our personal beliefs and practices on others; we just cover everybody we meet and greet during the holidays by saying "Happy Holidays", and in most cases we get that same consideration and respect in return from most people, except from people like you. So I would like to take this moment to wish everyone at FOX News, and all those who live and breath by every word they say: HAPPY HOLIDAYS!


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Megyn Kelly Of FOX Proclaims Jesus Christ & Santa Claus Are White.

It is a true sign of fear of impending doom and fear of progress by certain races of people who you have always viewed as less than human, which allows you to feel safe and comfortable in the belief that you can continue to keep your foot on the necks of these people and continue to oppress them eternally, when you have to argue about the race of a fictional character such as Santa Claus and a historical figure such as Jesus Christ. Megyn Kelly of FOX News definitely has this problem along with many of her colleagues at FOX News including there producers, executives and even the Uncle Toms who frequent this channel to show how much they hate who they are; (which is how GOD created them to be), BLACK!

And to create the illusion that they are not, they become co-conspirators against entire races of people who refuse to identify themselves with their people, and not just black toms, we see toms from other minority communities as well.

Megyn Kelly On FOX, On Santa Clause, On Jesus and hyped up On Racism.

First of all, Santa Clause looks very differently or is referred to very differently dependent upon the culture of the country where he is being discussed.

Santa Claus

And as far as Jesus Christ is concerned, at the time of Christ, FOX News, Rush Limbaugh and other sources of producing Artificial Racial Hatred were not in existence and neither was this artificial hatred that divided Black & White people.

Jesus Christ

There was no such concept

People like you Megyn created it.

And let us not forget the fact that he was from the Middle East and not Malibu California

Most of the divisions at that time were religious, linage or tribunal in nature. No one was walking around going "Oh your Black I Hate You!"; or "Oh Your White I Hate You!".

It was more like you are a Roman, you are a Jew, you are a practicing blasphemy, I hate you, "In The Name Of A Loving GOD".

But Megyn I know that your actions are based on hatred and fear, which is pretty much what all of you racists at FOX News are driven by, even though you try to dress it up in Evangelical, Patriotic and Freedom Concepts, when in fact you are all a bunch of Psychotic Racists.

But with, or without you, progress for all Americans will continue to be a reality, even though you all cannot handle the truth which forces you to ignore the truth, facts and human nature.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Real Reason Behind Republicans Breaking The Political Stalemate

It Is Not What They Want You To Think It Is.

To the uninformed and the inexperienced political observer, this move towards finally working with President Obama and the Democrats on actually getting something positive done for the American People after over 5 years of Republican Obstructionism and Gridlock, may appear to indicate a "Change Of Heart", in the Political Agenda of the Republican Party and the Rightwing Conservative Movement in America.

But Oh No!

As of matter of fact, the only reason why Republicans are even trying to appear to be reasonable and concerned about the welfare of Average American citizens, is to really just save their own asses and help themselves, which means that they really have not changed at all, and probably never will unless the majority of the American People make it clear, painful and consequential (in negative fashion), for them to continue to do so.

If you want to peep the real Republican Agenda, then pay attention to the people who really are in charge of the Republican Party-the Bill O'Reilly's, the Shawn Hannity's or the Rush Limbaugh's who live and control the "Unrealistic Conservative World", better known as the "Conservative Bubble".

What are they saying about the Republican's new attitude towards cooperation and assistance with the other people who work in Washington, DC on behalf of the American People?

Their saying the same things that they have always said: HELL NO!

Keep the Hatred, Greed, Oppression and Racism towards the president and those "Other People" who are not "True Americans" going on forever.

Yes! It is true that all politicians want to win elections; but the differences in those desires to win lies behind the reasons why they want to win.

Do they want to win to help all of the American People?-or just the chosen few that Republicans refer to as "The American People" in the their speeches when they proudly lie and proclaim that "This Is What The American People Want".

What Americans are they referring to? You know! The Banking Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Major Corporations like Wal-Mart, Exxon Mobile, BP Oil, the Koch Brothers and wall street, (which implemented one of the most evil and dangerous Economic Scams in U.S. History), which brought the entire country to the brink of economic destruction.

That is TREASON my friend.

And guess what?

With the Protection and cover from these same people who want you to believe that they have had a "Positive Change of Heart" Towards Average American Citizens.

If you fall for this, then once again they will force their Evil Agendas on those of us who are not Rich, Powerful or Well Connected.

You see! Republicans have but one focus as far as their political careers are concerned:

They do not want to help America become a better and fairer place for all of us to live in-they only want to win elections so they can be in a better position to implement their plans for protecting the wealth of the wealthy while trying to make the poor poorer or dead.

They are also trying to avoid the pain that they caused themselves by trying to make you forget about the fact that they shut the government down, caused America to lose its AAA Credit Rating by allowing America to hit the Debt Ceiling and a fantastic playlist of other extremely damaging Policies, Procedures, Racist Attitudes and so many more Narcissistic behaviors that have nothing to do with the TRUE Principals that this nation was founded upon and is still struggling to be at the place in reality that only currently only exists on paper.

But the fact of the matter is: Many times when these people speak; if you listen very closely, they will openly tell you what their plans really involve.

But you have to pay attention and sometimes, read between the lines, and you also have to realize that many things can be said by the things that are not said, questions that they refuse to answer.

Pay attention to the exchange below between Shawn Hannity and Paul Ryan and see if you can determine what is really in their hearts and what they really want to happen in American as a result of their current strategy.

RYAN: You’re right on the money. This is not an agreement to balance the budget — that’s what our budget does. Guess what, Sean? Elections have consequences. We’re going to have to win a couple of elections to actually pass the kind of budgets that you and I are in favor of, the one I passed in the House just last spring. The House Republicans have passed three budgets in a row that actually balance the federal budget – HANNITY: So this is not your ideal budget. RYAN: No! It’s not even close to my ideal budget. G.R.C.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

MSNBC-I Miss Martin Bashir


Once again!

You have removed a quality person from your network who was only speaking the truth about a member of the Rightwing Hate Machine-a truth they continue to create and perpetuate that deserves to be recognized and responded to, as Martin Bashir did, and was unfairly attacked and forced to resign for.

And you wonder why the Right is winning their war against the Progressive Movement in America?

It's because you cannot stop a bullet with a peace sign.

You have got to fire back in order to protect yourself.

And please pardon my shooting analogies, but I'm not one who believes that the Right can say and do what they want and I as a Progressive cannot.

Brother Martin was simply speaking the truth and shooting back to protect himself and the rest of us with an appropriate response to all of the Racial Hatred that Republicans and Conservatives have been spreading throughout this nation for far too long-without appropriate and equal responses.

If we do not hurry up and learn how to adequately respond to these vicious attacks, we are going to lose the war.

What you are doing every time this is happens to one of your on air personalities, (who are just speaking the truth), is letting FOX News and the other Rightwing Hate Machine outlets in this country know that they are free to continue their vicious attacks against woman, minorities, immigrants, poor people, sick people, the president and other human beings who find themselves in very difficult situations that no one, (and I repeat no one), even the so called super human conservatives who take advantage of the same kinds of Government Benefits that they do not want people in need to have.

As human beings we sometimes find ourselves in situations that we could not possibly lift ourselves out of without the helping hands that the Progressive Movement in this country stands for and fights for.

MSNBC, the act of attacking one of your own for fighting back against the Hatred, Racism and Greed that we are currently experiencing from the Conservative Movement in America while leaving people like Rush Limbaugh in place will eventually cause us to lose this battle for Freedom, Justice and Equality.

Stop killing off your own soldiers and minimizing our chances for victory while fighting against the wrong things, in favor of doing what we all know is the right thing to do.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Have You Ever Shook Hands With Someone You Didn't Like Or Agree With At A Funeral?

I have!

And so did President Obama at World Leader Nelson Mandela's Funeral on Tuesday

Funerals are not usually, (under normal circumstances), a place where people disregard the original purpose of the event, which is to pay their respects to the deceased-Not to launch a war or settle political and ideological differences-especially if the man that you are honoring represented Peace and Cooperation among all people,(including those whom you disagree with); even those who hated you, discriminated against you because of the way that GOD made you, took away all of your God Given Rights and imprisoned you for over 27 years.

But John McCain, (a senior member of the GOP Congress), who very graciously shook the hand of a Mass Murderer, International Terrorist and Enemy of the United States; (and it wasn't even a funeral), just an Apparent Ass Kissing Session, has the Unmitigated Gall to criticize President Obama for shanking the hand of Raúl Castro, the president of Cuba at Nelson Mandela's Funeral on Tuesday?

A president who vowed to resist the propensity of America to force its standards and values on the rest of the world because of its perceived Superiority, (RACISM), and to reach out and establish valuable relationships and lines of communications with countries that are all part of the human family, in the pursuit of a safer and more peaceful planet for all-a position which he ran on and was elected to office on twice.

Rhetorical Question:

Is there an end to the GOP's Hypocrisy against President Obama?


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Nelson Mandela

July 18, 1918 -December 5, 2013

The fight he fought on behalf of his native land transformed the world into a better place for all people.

This is a legacy that we cannot afford to let anyone destroy.