Wednesday, December 2, 2015

14 People Dead, 17 Injured In San Bernadino

Condolences to all of the people who lost loved ones to death, or those who have loved ones that have been severely injured.

And even though these suspects committed an Unspeakable Act of Violence against Innocent People, they still were: Given a chance to surrender.

Given a chance to negotiate.

1 Suspect was taken into custody.

1 suspect was apparently suffering from Non-Life Threatening injuries.

1 suspect is apparently at large.

1 suspect is apparently dead, because law enforcement didn't have a choice.

A Black Person; no one dead, already in custody-shot to death, choked to death, or murdered by a Wanna Be Police Officer who was given a Legal License to Kill by the Justice System as demonstrated by the fact that he is still a Free Men.

If you think America is still the land of Freedom, Justice and Equality for All, then you are in a very deep trance. And one day, if it happens to you or someone you love, you may just be shaken awake by this dark reality.

I hope the most likely victims will wake up way before this happens, and come together to figure out a way to stop it.

No Human Being of any Race should be treated so Unfairly and inhumanely in a country that proclaims "Equal Justice Under The Law".


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