Thursday, October 8, 2015

What The Media Refuses To Say About The Republican Party


Hatred & Racism Is Causing The Republican Party To Self Destruct

When John Boehner resigned his position as Speaker of the House after Pope Francis's Visit; I did not have a good feeling about seeing him go, because in the midst of madness, he did step out from the crowd a couple of times to work with the Democrats, even with President Obama,(which really made these Extreme Racist mad), and is one of the reasons that he has been under constant attack.

Because rather anyone is aware of the history of this New Republican Party or not, or rather they are willing to admit it or not-this new Republican Party is filled with Hatred, Racism, Greed, Power Drunkenness and Constant Lies to the American People, (including the Poor, Uneducated Hateful People who they amazingly are consistently able to manipulate into voting against their own best interests), by voting for Republicans.

It's like there is some kind of difference between "White Poverty" and "Black Poverty".

I believe that this phenomena is made possible because they are able to blind them with hatred towards "Them".

It's this "Us" against "Them" mentality that makes it possible for them to do this.

That has always been the case.

So how did Republicans magnify and multiply this phenomena?

They didn't!

This multiplication and magnification of this effect was brought about by the American People-first in 2008 and then again in 2012, when President Obama, (The First African American President in our history), was elected.

The Rightwing Hate Machine began an intensive White Supremacists/Black Inferiority Smear Campaign of then Senator Obama and his family, which continues to this day; even though no one's killing Grandma, the Economy did not crash under President Obama, (like it did under President Bush), we don't have WWW 3 and the world has not come to an end as they had predicted.

And for that I am glad, because these are the same Republican Fear Tactics that have been used for decades by the Right, (which is what led us into the Iraq War and the loss of Massive American, Iraqi and Allie's Lives, and Billions of dollars in Resources, Services and Equipment; mostly provided by "Halliburton".

One thing that I find so disappointing is the fact that Rush Limbaugh has not left the country like he said he would if President Obama was elected.

He has the money?

Why in the hell is he still here?

And if you saw the Second Republican Debate, you would have discovered that apparently, hugging a Black Man is an Evil Sin.

I say that because, Marco Rubio successfully attacked Chris Christie for doing so when the president was in New Jersey to help that state, recover from the destruction that Hurricane Sandy caused.

And according to the audience's response, I have to deduce that there is something Evil, Devious and Sinful about hugging the Black President, (which probably extends to hugging other Black People) according to Republicans.

So why was Dick Cheney so adamant about starting a war with Iraq because they had "Weapons of Mass Destruction"?

Because he earned 39.5 Billion Dollars from the company that he owned-Halliburton:


Can anyone say-"Conflict of Interests"?

So what does this have to do with John Boehner and Kevin McCarthy?

The connection is simply this: These Racists who we have allowed to Infiltrate our Government because they hate the fact that America consist of more than just "Old White Male, Religious Hypocrites, Sexists and Racists; and the fact that we as a country elected the First African American President, are so afraid that they are going to have to share the Wealth and Power in this country with people other than just themselves, that they are willing to destroy America rather than see people who they consider to be Inferior be on even footing with them.

So John Boehner is not part of this Extremist Group.

He is considered to be a Moderate, Institutional Republican, (Old School).

Which means that he is only Moderately Racist and Selfish.

Kevin McCarthy is similar to John Boehner.

So why have they both been subjected to severe attacks from members of their own party?

Because as Hateful and Racists as these 2 men are:

It's not enough.

They want more Intensive Racism and Hatred;( which will absolutely destroy America for Average American Citizens), leaving only the Rich and Powerful with the ability to escape and protect themselves and their families.

The funny part about it is, that this includes the poor people who blindly follow and support them.

America; this is your New Republican Party.

And it has to be Neutralized or Destroyed for America to be saved.

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

John F. Kennedy


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