Wednesday, November 28, 2012

These Senators Are Disturbed By 3 Simple Things...

1. There White, (Not that this in and of itself is a problem, because there are many Fair Minded White People in this country), many who voted for President Obama in 2008 and again in 2012.

2. Their Racists, (combine this with the White Element, and that makes them Unfair Minded White People).

3. President Obama & Susan Rice are Black.

That's It!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Bye Asshole!

American Politics Are Much Better Without You And Idiots Like You.....

Monday, November 19, 2012

“Stuff”! Is What Elections Are All About……

Dear Mitt Romney:

You Lost!

So now you and your running mate and the rest of your team want to desecrate President Obama for winning.

I have heard several conflicting theories as to why he won:

1. He won because “Those Urban People”, voted “like we never could have anticipated”.

First of all; who are “Those Urban People”?

Of course this is a rhetorical question because the country knows all too well what that means-especially the "minorities" in this country.

The only reason that this could have been a shock and surprise to you and your team is if you had inside information about Voter Repression, which is exactly the angle that you and the rest of your Rightwing Lug Nut Millionaire and Billionaire Friends were counting on.

They tried to buy Democracy and now you’re pissed off because you were forced to face the painful reality that Money can’t buy everything!

2. President Obama won because he targeted his base of people who were most likely to vote for him.

That’s called strategy.

Oh yea! It is also called Community organizing; a skill that you and people like you, (like Sarah Palin), ridicule as a Non-Applicable Skill.

I guess it’s not so funny now-Is it?

3. New Jersey Governer Chris Christie's honest assement of the job that he and President Obama were able to do on a bipartisan basis when his state what hit by a catastrophic emergency and found themselves in need of Federal Governement Assistance.

The very assistance that you Mitt Romney bragged about taking away from the American People

4. And Hurricane Sandy herself

If you really believe this, and you belive in All Mighty GOD, which the majority of you proclaim when it is beneficial for you to do so, then you all should really be frightened. Because if Mitt Romeny lost due to Hurrican Sandy, then that message did not come from the DNC or President Obama-It came from a much higher authority that it would serve you all to listen to.

I find it ironic that you all call yourselves "Evangelicals", and that you love, respect and follow The Lord with all of your body, mind and soul, but yet somehow, you always manage to overlook the parts of the bible that denounces hatred, greed, racism, nationalism and the care and feeding of the poor, the sick and the children.

But anyway!

The hypocrisy of you and your party has and continues to be so apparent to the human ears, eyes and to the hearts of people who want to be treated fairly in this country, and who want to see others have the benefit of being treated fairly as well.

So in one respect, I guess you are right.

President Obama is in the process of keeping his promises to the millions of people who voted for him, and as a result, America will be a kinder, gentler and fairer society for everyone-which is what America is actually supposed to be all about. So the only thing that you are upset about is the fact that President Obama won and is now distributing what you call “gifts” or “stuff” among the people of America-those who voted for him and those who did not.

Your problem is that you did not get the chance to give the gifts away to the rich that you promised like:

1. Tax Cuts for the Rich

2. Deregulation of dangerous and deadly industries like oil, (Koch Brothers & Company)

3. Deregulation of Wall Street

4. Deregulation of the Banking industry, drug industry, the health insurance industry and thousands of other corporations and rich people that you made pre-election promises to in return for allowing them to buy you and your campaign.

5. Using your presidency to block the creation and production of clean energy.

So you had some gifts in your satchel for the people that you represent; and so did the president.

So once again, (in what is a very rare occurrence for you), we heard you speaking the truth about how you really think, act and feel when you think no one’s looking.

It just goes to show how little you really think about people who are not rich like you.

So while you continue to lick you wounds, we will be busy receiving our gifts like:

1. Affordable Healthcare

2. Affordable Education

3. Racial, Sexual and Economic Equality

4. An end to unnecessary death and mutilation of our sons, daughters, husbands, wives and friends by ending unnecessary wars

5. Justice, Equality, Fairness and Opportunity for all of our citizens

Mitt you and the Republican Party lost because you and your party continue to cling to outdated, idiotic, oppressive viewpoints, Policies and procedures that are diametrically opposed to the way that the creator intended his creations to live,grow and prosper.

In other words, (like Communisim), your form of goverment goes against the grain of everything that the Better Angels of Human Nature are.

And In case you didn't know before November 6, 2012; (and apparently), judging from your behaviour prior to that date, you did not-now you know. In essence, Mitt: you lost because you and your party are a bunch of racist, sexist, classist, hypocritical idiots who think that you can succeed in this great nation of ours, while creating circumstances, situations and an overall environment that will cause everyone else to fail.

So if you all are still looking for the reasons why you lost, you need look no further then your mirrors.

Republicans are the reason that Republicans lost this election.

America said Hell No!

So all I want to say to you Mitt and your Republican Party Friends who are now publically voicing the contempt that they have had for you all the long is:

Have a very Merry Christmas!


Saturday, November 17, 2012


The Election Has Been Won......

But The Work Is Never Done!

Hatred Is Still Prevalent In The Republican Party And Continuing To Escalate.

We Can't Quit Being Vigilent About These Matters, Because Those Who Hate Won't......

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Susan Rice Not Qualified??????

The Man who picked this to be One Heartbeat Away From The Presidency says that Susan Rice Is not qualified to be Secretary of State?

John: You Have Lost Your Damn Mind!

Saturday, November 10, 2012


First of all, I am sick and tired of hearing Republicans and especially Democrats and Progressives, talking about “what we need to do”; which is to “work together with Republicans to find common ground for the good of the country”.

For the Republicans, it’s hypocrisy.

For the Democrats it’s redundant, ineffective and counterproductive.

Have we not been here before?

Democrats and Progressives have always known that we had to work with the competing party for the good of the country. And before Barack Obama became president of the United States of America, (for the most part), they did.

So now President Obama and the Democrats have had a Mandate Election this year, and the people of America have decided against Hatred, Greed, Lack of Cooperation, Racism and Stupidity by reelecting President Obama to a 2nd. Term.

The people who voted for Democrats during this election want something that they have not been able to get for the past 4 years, and that is Results!

This lack of results is not the fault of President Obama and the Democrats failure to try and work with House and Senate Republicans. Although there is a very popular Talking Point, (Lie), among Republicans claiming that they have tried and tried to work with Democrats on the most important issues of our time, and that the president and the democrats have refused to compromise, which is a BIG DAMN LIE.

The fact of the matter is: The Republicans Definition of “Compromise”, means surrendering all our Democratic Values to their antiquated policies, procedures and world views to the detriment of Average American Citizens, while they concede nothing.

That’s because internationally famous Racists like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor and a host of others set this gridlock into motion so that President Obama would fail; even before he had a chance to try and fix the mess that Republicans had left him from the previous administration.

But this past November 6, 2012, The American People decisively said No! To making a president who has been doing the best he can with what he has to work with, (which is a bunch of Racist Republican Pieces of Shit), to fail.

When I heard John Boehner say after the election that he is willing to work with Democrats on a plan to avoid the Fiscal Cliff that is rapidly approaching, and on other important issues, I was not moved at all by this BS, because it was the same BS that I heard from him after the First Election of President Obama.

And then what did they do?

They held the American People Hostage and caused America to lose its AAA Credit Rating in the world, because President Obama wanted to let the Bush Tax Cuts for the Rich expire, which is what President Bush intended them to do when he implemented them.

But instead of taking back tax breaks that were not meant to be permanent in the first place, from the people who need them the least, they chose to intimidate the president by placing the American People in jeopardy in order to remain faithful to another Conservative Idiot that is not even a government official by the name of Grover Norquist, who made them sign a pledge stating that they would never raise taxes, especially on the “Job Creators”, who have not been creating many jobs over the past 12 years.

But regardless of this Racism and Deliberate Gridlock on the part of Republicans, the president has miraculously been able to pass some Landmark Legislation that has and will continue to benefit millions of Americans, such as The Affordable Healthcare Act, or as the Racist Republicans refer to it:


The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act for Woman

The Repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

Wall Street and Banking Industry Reform, Laws to protect and sustain our environment; and other Significant and Historical Legislation as well as a record number of Female Appointments to the Supreme Court and in other important positions within his administration.

So since President Obama has the best interest of the American People at the heart of his policies, he made some concessions to these idiots that many of us in his base were not pleased with, (to say the least). And now I am hearing these ramblings in the media, (both Conservative, Liberal and “Neutral”), about this fight coming up that deals with the Fiscal Cliff that America is about to fall off of, and about other crucial issues that can only be resolved through “Compromise”, which seems to be profanity to Conservatives.

I say all of that to say this: I know that Conservatives are not really living in the real world, and that “The Truth” and “Facts” are disposable commodities for them. And as such, people like Karl Rove, Donald Trump and Sheldon Abelson in conjunction with their one and only Fools Media Outlet-FOX News, are trying to DE mandate the Mandate. So it is up to those of us whose brains are wired correctly, (rather they be Conservatives, Liberals or Independents), to fight for and protect the truth in these upcoming battles.

And the truth is this:

We won the election; and won it big.

So Republicans should not anticipate any one sided massive concessions on our Democratic Principals.

The people of America have spoken loud and clear about what they want and do not want.

So if anything, the Republicans are the ones who need to make major concessions now.

The Republican Party in its current form is not relevant to, or effective in, solving the plethora of complex problems as they relate to the realities of life for the majority of Americans in our country in Present Day Society.

This is no longer a “Lilly White Male Society” where Lilly White Man can get away with whatever they want to, no matter how Hateful, Stupid, Inhumane, Immoral or Criminal these things may be.

It doesn’t matter what all of you think, wish, or try to speak into existence with your Hatred; Ignorance of Science, Facts, Math- and people who are different from you.

The physical world does exist, and so do the many beautiful people of all kinds in it, who made it clear to all of you that they don’t want what your party has been selling for far too long in this country.

They don’t want the Hatred; the Greed, the Racism, the Lies, the False Attacks, or you’re Constant Catering to only the Rich, the Powerful and the White.

And I realize from experience what happens when lies suddenly collide with indisputable truth:

It hurts really bad and it leaves the victims dazed, confused and disoriented.

This is why the Republicans are still trying to explain their losses in a manner that makes it about something other than them.

But you don’t need a degree in journalism to recognize the simple reasons why Republicans lost.

So stop trying to use Fancy Analogies and Complicated Political Analysis to explain it.

1. It was because Democrats and Progressives stopped being afraid and ashamed of being Democrats and Progressives, and began to speak about and protect the values of this large and varied group of people.

2. Republicans continued to present their Antiquated Policies of Lies, Hatred, Greed, Racism, Sexism, Class Warfare, Division and Stupidity. And they attempted to imprint these dark human characteristics on President Obama’s Administration and the people who were supporting him.

We who don’t have degrees just call that lying.

Mitt Romney lied about everything in the universe except his unhealthy desire for power, prestige and control, which he let slip out when he was not on guard.

He behaved like somebody who was being interrogated at the police station after police pulled him over and found 10 kilos of cocaine in his trunk- As if his life and freedom depended on it.

And I don’t know about you! But this made me think: If he will lie about trivial things like the words that he said just hours earlier; what lies will he tell once he is given power and control of this country and its economy.

Imagine my amusement when I heard Karl Rove say yesterday that President Obama won due to “Voter Suppression”. LOL!

Once again here is another Republican Idiot who is trying to Rewrite History by accusing our side of the very thing that they have been attempting, (apparently unsuccessfully), to do in the past, and more recently, since President Obama “Legally” won the election in 2008.

And to all of you Democratic Senators and Congressman who lean Right, because of your Racist Attitudes towards The President, we’ll be watching you too; because I noticed that in 2010, there were a lot of you who were behaving like Republicans because you are racists too, and because you were representing Racist Republican Districts.

I understand that it is your job to represent the people in your districts.

But I hope that you will be able to teach the people in your districts about the power of compromise when it comes to safely and effectively governing over anything-Especially the United States of America. Make them understand that compromise is necessary for the success of our nation as a whole.

I mean you are leaders.

Aren’t you?

And if you cannot lead as Democrats, then convert to Republicanism ;( which in some strange way is beginning to look like some form of cannibalism).

Mr. President, I think I speak for most of the people that I have met and talked to, who voted for you in 2012 when I say, we voted for you again to get the job done right, by any Legal, Constitutional and Presidential means necessary

So please Mr. President; do not give into the Republican’s Intimidation or Bait and Switch Techniques.

We reelected you to put America back on track.

We have your back Mr. President.

Do what you have to do to get the job done, and don’t let nobody turn you around.

There's No Recession For The Poor


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thank You!

To each and every one of you who participated in our Democracy by voting in yesterday’s election, which resulted in a clear cut victory for President Obama, and as a result America- I just want to offer my deep and sincere appreciation, concern and respect for you as a human being and as an American.

I have not been able to relax for quite some time for the past 4 years, because I knew that when America elected its first African American President,(after the joyous celebration was over), it would awaken the Sleeping Giant that had almost devoured America in the past:


Yes! RACISM is alive and well and flourishing in America, and it never ceased to exist.

It just took the election of the first African American President to bring it from the deep recesses of America’s Collective Consciousness into the Mainstream of our American Political System.

I also knew that the level of Enthusiasm and Political Activism on the part of those who played a major role in the successful election of President Obama the first time would be greatly diminished this time, because the novelty of electing the First Black President would wear off.

However, during the entire early voting period and yesterday, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I was wrong. In the midst of a Hurricane, Voter Suppression and other natural and manmade disasters; President Obama won 93 percent of African-Americans, 71 percent of Hispanics, and 73 percent of Asians. He also took 55 percent of the overall female vote, down one percentage point from 2008, and a whopping 60% of the youth vote.


So even though there was a slight decrease from the number of people who came out in 2008 for the president; for the most part, the same groups and almost the same number of people helped win this election for President Obama and America.

Now What?

Well for sure, we cannot do what we did after the last election, which was to just leave the president to fend for himself all alone in the never ending fight to achieve Freedom, Justice and Equality for all Americans no matter what the color of their skin is, their last name, how they worship GOD, or who they want to spend their lives with.

And we cannot expect this Black President to be a Super Hero that can accomplish miracles overnight that White Presidents before him could not accomplish, (while facing some of the greatest Racial and Political Opposition and hatred that I have ever witnessed since I began following politics as closely as I do now), which I have been doing since 1991when I first got hooked on Tim Russert on Meet the Press.

When President Obama talked about “Change We Can Believe In”, notice that he did not say “Change I Can Believe In”, he said “We”, not “I”. That’s because no president or any other elected official, (Black or White), can effectively and efficiently govern over anything, (especially an entire country like the United States of America), without the support of the people who elected them.

And if anybody that you talk to thinks this president or any other president can restore and save the whole country without the consistent support of the people, then you have 1 of 2 choices: You can teach them about the Political Process in the American Democracy, (because they obviously don’t know how the process works). Or, you can just ignore them and not waste your time if they are not interested in acquiring new knowledge.

But in any event, from here on out, we have to continue to be Politically Active as much as time and circumstances permit. And we must help President Obama to help the country. Because just like 2008 and hundreds of years before then- RACISM is still a dominant factor that affects a large number of people’s view of this president, this country and the world.

As a matter of fact, some people are so filled with ignorance and hatred that they don’t even want to acknowledge the natural laws of the universe that we are all subject to.

So I want to thank each and every one of you for the contributions and sacrifices that you made during this Presidential Election, which prevented us from going in a different direction, (which is how Mitt Romney Described it in his recession speech this morning); and that direction would have undoubtedly been backwards.

I also want to encourage you to remain alert, knowledgeable and active in the never ending pursuit of Freedom, Justice and Equality. These are the True American Values that we are all entitled to as Americans.

However, whenever we relax and take our eyes off of those values and their attainment, that is when we give the people who are always standing behind the scenes, (or as they have been in the past 4 years), right in our faces- the opportunity to take these precious values from us. President Obama needed you to win the election.

And now he needs your continued support to succeed.

Please continue to give it to him.

Thank you, G.R.C.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Another BIG Republican Lie

There is an ongoing lie that has always been perpetrated by Right Wing Conservatives, Republicans and White Supremacists about the Democratic way of life causing the decline of America’s Inner Cities.

This lie continues to be perpetuated to great heights during this current election cycle.

If you are politically or socially inexperienced and prone to these kinds of psychological attacks, rather you are a Republican or Democrat, please consider the following facts:

Drugs and violence has always been a major problem in our neighborhoods during both Democratic and Republican Rule. However, if you are older than 40 years old, you know that prior to the Reagan Years, no one owned corners, high rises or playgrounds from which they openly distributed drugs and committed acts of violence against the community.


Read on!

Prior to the Reagan years, there were not so many people who were home and unoccupied all day who had so much time on their hands that they used it in a manner that was self-destructive as well as being destructive to the community.

There was not an abundance of corner stores owned by Koreans and other Asians. This is not a slam of Koreans or other Asians, this is just fact. The majority of the stores in our community were Black Owned Mom & Pop Shops, White Owned Mom &Pop Shops, along with a sprinkling of Jewish Owned and Italian Owned Stores.

We also had many Black Small Business Men and Woman, and White, who owned shoe shops, Barber Shops and Restaurants that provided many of the youth in the community with their first job experiences, which helped train and prepare them with the necessary discipline for being successful in their chosen career fields.

We did not have so many Closed Society Immigrants who would not hire anyone except their families and their own kind.

Therefore, even though society at large was still like it is now, racist, prejudicial, hateful and very opposed to minorities making progress in life; our neighborhoods were self-sufficient in spite of the deplorable conditions that we had to face then and which we are currently facing again now, since the election or President Obama.

The reason why Black People were succeeding in spite of the negative conditions in this country was just the opposite of what Right Wing Conservatives would have you believe; which is one of many lies they are once again trying to sell to the American People.

And that lie is: The Democrats and their policies led to the decline of our Inner Cities.

The fact of the matter is that many Black People as well as other poor people who are now successful in life, did not get that way because of past, present and future Republicans proposed solutions, which includes, Rich People paying nothing or next to nothing in taxes and regular working stiffs paying almost all of what they earn in taxes, slowly phasing out all Entitlement Programs that help take care of Seniors and Sick People, and other assistance programs that offer Educational Assistance, Homeowner Assistance, Birth Control Assistance, Recreational Programs, Employment Assistance, Government Subsidized Jobs, Cultural Enlightenment Programs, etc. etc. etc.

You see, from 1961 to 1963, this country saw the uplifting of thousands of underprivileged individuals of all races because of Democratic Polices, Programs and Procedures in areas such as: Economic Development, Public Education, Civil Rights, Civil Liberties, Human Rights, Children’s Rights, Space Exploration and Programs for the original citizens of this nation, the Native Americans.

In other words, these Democratic Values increased the levels of Hope, Faith and Opportunities in our country in spite of the very dismal and bleak futures that many of these currently successful individuals had to face in their lives.

And I just got to say, when I see many of these Black Idiotic Republicans talking about destroying the same programs that they were beneficiaries of, and defending the hateful racist attacks of these Right Wing Hate Mongers and War Mongers, it makes me sick to my damn stomach. But I find peace in knowing that the Laws of Nature dictates that the things that you do will come back to you.

So as usual, this lie, like all of their lies, is diametrically opposed to the truth.

The fact of the matter is: (to those who deal in facts), that between 1961 and 1963, under President Kennedy, (A Democrat), the minorities in this country reached levels of success that were previously unheard of. But here is another fact, the Parasitical Elitist who have controlled the Republican Party since the late 1960’s, do not want minorities to thrive in this country. As a matter of fact, they would like to have the power to annihilate anyone who does not think, act, believe or do like they do.

The Republican Party engaged in an attack on African Americans in this country by implementing a program that they called “The Southern Strategy”, which utilized White People’s Hatred, Fear and Ignorance of the Humanity of Black People as a catalyst for separating the Republican Party from the Black Race and changing it from the party that opposed slavery under Abraham Lincoln to what we’ve had since the early 1960’s, evolving into what we have now, which is the Racially Motivated Tea Party, which was formed as a counter attack against the election of President Barack Obama, America’s First African American President.

Don’t let them fool you with the cover story of working for “Smaller Governments”, “Lowered Spending and less interference of the Government in the lives of our citizens. You cannot get any more involved in a citizen’s life than controlling a woman’s womb or controlling who loves who, or controlling how, when and why people have sex.

The Tea Party has one purpose and one purpose only, “To Make This President a One-Term President”, at any and all costs, even if that means destroying everything and everybody, (except them), in this country.

And they don’t mind using uneducated, hate filled Ignoramuses to do it. Here are the facts: if you are a Middle Class American or a Poor American, it doesn’t matter rather you are Black, White, Yellow, Red or Brown, The Republican Agenda has nothing for you, your community, your family, friends or your future.

The current leader of the Republican Party Ticket, Mitt Romney, thinks that “Patriotism”, (which used to mean love of a country, including its citizens), has changed that definition to mean: “I’m rich, getting richer, making my rich and powerful friends richer and more powerful, and if I have to buy companies, close them down and put “My Fellow Americans” in the Unemployment Line” then that is what I will continue to do, because this is the true measure of success in America.

And to add insult to injury, once your job is “Outsourced”, or “Offshored”, Mitt Romney thinks that you should not be able to get Food Stamps, Unemployment Insurance, Educational Assistance, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, or any of the other Safety Nets that have helped the Middle Class in times of need, and that have helped, (those who desire to do so), to move from the ranks of the Poor, Uneducated, Sick and Unemployed into the American Middle Class.

So on November 6, we all have a moral obligation to ourselves, our communities, our families, friends and our country.

We have the power in our hands, (in spite of all the big Corporate Money being spent), to preserve and protect the progress that we as a country have made over the past 50+ years, (out of the Dark Ages), or to allow a group of people who only care about themselves, their families, friends and associates, (not yours), and Greed, not just profit, to change how we live, and not in a positive manner.

On November 6, our votes will determine if we are going to continue to be a great and powerful nation, or a nation where a few live lavish lives, and the rest of us live like citizens of a Third World Country.

I sure hope that we will use our strength in numbers to not let that happen.

Mitt Romney’s Economic Policies in Action:

He profits rather you can provide your family with shelter, food or healthcare or not.

What a sweet deal for Mitt Romney and those like him!


Sunday, November 4, 2012

You Won The Battle, (But You'll Never Win The War), By Greg Coleman

Don't Just Get Mad......

Get involved in the choices being made for you!

Fight the Rightwing Hate Machine!

And prevent them from stealing all our rights one by one......

Make your voices and your choices known.

The election is over, but the fight is not!

G.R.C. Records, LLC.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Reasons You Hate Him Are The Reasons We Love Him

Obama Care’s

The Food Stamp President

"Waste" Money on Programs like FEMA

Spends Money on the Sick

Spends Money on the Poor

Spends Money on Education

Spends Money on the Homeless

Spends Money on Infrastructure

Spends Money on Creating Jobs

Cuts Taxes for the Middle Class

Wants Those Who Make More To Pay Their Fair Share of Taxes

Believes Woman are intelligent enough to make choices about their own bodies.

Believes that all people should play by the same set of rules

Believes that everyone who does the necessary work, and makes the necessary sacrifices should have an opportunity to achieve “The American Dream”

Believes all Americans should be treated equal no matter where they are from, what their last names are, the color of their skin, or who they love.

Believes we are all in this together

These are all the reasons why Republicans HATE President Obama.

These are all the reasons why we love him.

Thank GOD!


Thursday, November 1, 2012

The RightWing Is Eating Its Own

This Is How You Govern For The Benefit Of The American People

The most important election of our time is only 5 days away.

And as a reality check to the Rightwing Idiocy which teaches and preaches that we don't need each other, we shouldn't love and be concerned for our fellow man, and that we, (all of a sudden), do not need a government, (especially one that features a black at the head of it), GOD sent us a sign named Sarah, to bring us all back into alignment with the true nature of the universe, this world and this country.

And as a result of Sarah, 2 men who would normally be on the opposite side of the political fence, had to come together for the good of American Citizens in New Jersey, who had experienced great, uncontrollable loss and pain in their lives as the result of a Natural Disaster.

And as these 2 man did what they had to do for the health, safety and recovery of the people of this country who were hardest hit by Hurricane Sandy; the Rightwing Idiologues were busy showing their true colors again; by spewing hateful rhetoric towards these 2 politicians who were actually doing the very thing that is absolutely necessary for the survival and growth of our nation as a whole. And this is the one thing that has been completely absent in the Republican Dominated House since President Obama took office

Compromise..... These hateful bastards have done eveything that they could possibly do to destroy this presidency out of hatred, greed, selfishness and yes! Racism.

Mainly Racism.

So now the Rightwing is mad as hell, because instead of Chris Christie saying: "I absolutely refuse to let a black man help me, help the citizens of the state of New Jersey, who elected me for just that reason",I guess he was supposed to just keep the Hate Train rolling full spead ahead,), and refuse the help of FEMA, (One of the many Federal Agencies that Mitt Romney and the Republican Party want to eliminate), which they will do if we are so Poltically Apathetic as to allow them to.

Rush Limbaugh, (The Leader of the Rightwing Conservative Movement),has even went as far as accusing President Obama and Chris Christie of Homosexuality, because they spoke with deep admiration and respect for the excellent job being done by both of them to assist all of the citizens of New Jersey and all over this country who were hit hard by Sarah.

So what does this illustrate about Republican Leadership?

It illustrates the point that I have been making since before Prsident Obama was even legally elected as the 44th. President of the United States of America: And that is: These Evil Bastards are operating out greed, dishonesty and hatred for the president because of his skin color as opposed to operating out of a genuine love for this country and its people.

That means that they will do anything to destory President Obama, even if it means destroying this entire country and all of the people in it. They really don't care who gets destroyed-as long as they can destroy this president.

We've seen examples of this time and again since President Obama took office.

Even when this country's government was on the verg of a shutdown, because of the Republican's insistence on keeping tax cuts for the rich alive and well long after they were set to expire by the president who put them in place, (George W. Bush), you know the one they don't like to mention; They sit back and opposed every compromise that President Obama put on the table, putting at risk, thousands of federal employee's, military personnel and poor and sick people's checks.

These Cold and Heartless Bastards, did not, do not and will never care about anyone but themselves

And to all of you Poor Republicans who they have fooled into following them; guess what?

When their finished using you to complete their evil plan towards president Obama, they will dispose of you also, because you may not want to believe or except it, but you are part of the 47% that Mitt Romney was telling his rich friends about in that "private meeting" that mistakenly became public.


You see! Even though you've been led to believe this-all of the 47% are not Black.

There just not rich,not powerful, and not well connected, just like you aren't.

But Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and the Elitist in the Republican Party will lie to you, cheat on you behind your back and then dispose of you when you no longer contribute to their quest for Unlimited and Unfettered Power and Domination.

Just ask "Other Michael Steel". So to all of you who are within the sound of my voice via this blog post, please do not let these Evil Bastards think that America is now a country where we are willing to accept lies, deciet and betrayal from our political leaders, and that we are willing to sit back and let them continue to press on towards Global Dominance.

Say "NO" to their Hateful, Greedy and Racist Agenda by saying "Yes" to Obama/Biden on Tuesday or sooner if possible.

Save America for all Americans-Not just a Chosen Few.


This Is How You Hate To Their Detriment