Saturday, October 24, 2015

Paul Ryan: I'll Take The Job If You Change The Job's Description and Functions to Suit Me

It's Official. Paul Ryan is the new Speaker of the House.

Don't expect things to get much better with a congress that will change their hearts and minds from Opposition and Hatred of the Current Black President to a Spirit of Cooperation with the Likely Female Presidential Nominee, Hillary Clinton, putting love of the American People, (all of them) first; as opposed to their own Selfish, Hateful, Greedy Motives .

Does your place of employment allow you to do this?

Paul Ryan says that he'll run for the job to replace John Boehner as Speaker of the House, if everyone agrees with everything he says and if he can spend every weekend with his family.

And Republicans say Okay!

The speaker of the house already gets 100 days off per year and the body of government that the speaker is in charge of is scheduled to work only 133 days this year.

Their job is to bring bills to the floor for a vote for consideration of passing the bill along to the senate for a vote and then to the president to sign into law.

Or to receive proposals from the Executive Branch to vote for consideration and then passing that bill along the same or a similar path.

Since President Obama was elected to office they have refused to bring any of his major proposals , (including a jobs bill), which is still sitting on his desk as millions of people remain unemployed or underemployed to the floor of the house for a vote.

They have consistently refused to do the work of the people including the work done to get the Affordable Care Act, (Obamacare), passed into law, which they have tried to repeal over 50 times, including a vote to try to repeal it again just yesterday-but yet they are still bitching an moaning that the law was passed behind closed doors in secret without their cooperation and assistance; which they did not offer.

Just because some Members of Congress have a problem with the Skin Tone of a president that the American People Legally Elected to Office; (twice)!;does not mean that the People's Work will not get done.

That's why he has accomplished so much without you.

And for all who have been paying attention; how much more could have been done for the people of this country and how much further ahead could we be if the President had the cooperation and assistance of Congress since he took office?

But they refused to do that, because they wanted him to fail.

Guess what? He didn't!

President Obama is only a failure; and the country has been destroyed by him only in the lies that you tell the people with Itching Ears and Hateful Hearts who readily accept this bullshit.

And now we have a person running for speaker of the house who has voted down everything that could assist the American People to spend more time with their children or sick parents and other loved ones, who wants to make sure that he does what John Boehner could not do, which is to take every weekend off because he has a wife and small children that he wants to spend time with.

And the reason I am pointing this out is to point out a fact that really irritates me and people like me who are aware of it:

Conservatives preach that they don't want to provide Poor or Middle Class People, (who are becoming the new poor), with Entitlements,(Opportunities to make their lives and their families lives better), the chance to excel and become great through Public Schools and Institutions of Higher Learning or any other advantages that they already have, and are continuing to receive.

It is also irritating to see Conservatives gain support for these Selfish, Oppressive and Austere Acts by making their Poor White supporters, (many of whom are in the same predicament as the people that Conservatives are teaching them to hate), believe that they have something, (that they really don't), that will be taken away by certain groups of people who are just as, if not more impoverished than they are.

The end result being that they win elections by convincing these people who are usually Blinded By Hatred for the people that they are encouraged to hate and fear even more; to vote against their own best interests.

So here we have a guy Paul Ryan who the Conservatives in the Republican Party consider to be "Smart", which in Conservative Republican Terms means, "Devious". And the more smarter they consider their colleagues to be means the more Devious and Deceptive they are.

I mean how smart can a guy be who washes pots at a homeless shelter that are already clean, and produced a budget that was supposed to be the Gold Standard for America, and when it was actually scrutinized by people who are really experts in their fields found the budget to be Unrealistic, Ineffective and most of all Dangerous for the country.

Paul Ryan wants his job to be everything that he doesn't want Average American's jobs to be.

I say all of that to say this: Keep an eye on Paul Ryan; especially if he becomes Speaker of the House, because his policies are dangerous for the vast majority of Americans and only of value to a vast few.


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