Friday, November 6, 2015

If Republicans Can't Handle Tough Questions-How Can They Handle The Presidency?

If the Media, (who is responsible for promoting their messages are intimidated by these candidates), because they don't want their Past Records to be revealed to the American People before they complete the very difficult task of choosing one person from out of all the noise to keep our country moving in the right direction, then it is our time to become the media.

I hope that you do know that the only people who are this opposed to questions about their pasts are liars who have much to hide that is usually very ugly.

I don't know about you, but I sure want to know the truth about the person's past who has access to the Nuclear Football.

Don't you?

If you're interested in the truth and you have been paying attention to all of the lies, insults and history rewrites that the Republican Party have been implementing during this Election Cycle, then this will definitely resonate with you.

If you're you're not or have not been, then don't watch!

One thing that I noticed about Republicans is that their Brain Tapes only started recording history from November 4, 2008 when President Obama was elected.

But the tapes from Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, George H. W. Bush, Henry Ford, and George W. Bush's Presidencies, (or should I say Dick Cheney's Presidency in the case of George W. Bush?), have been erased.

They have also erased over 400 years of history from their Brain Tapes that includes the Indians, Slavery, Institutionalized Racism, Class Struggles, Sexism and the Never Ending Turmoil that this country has survived since the land was force-ably taken from the Indians .

President Obama is setting the record straight.

I hope that you will not allow yourselves to be deceived by these attempts to Rewrite History in order to regain the White house, which they are still pissed off about losing to a Black Man.


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