Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Happy Veteran's Day!

As an individual, I am truly appreciative of all the sacrifices that you as veterans make including Life & Limb.

Normally I would stop right there, and not be political. But today I am not going to do that.

I mean you no disrespect by being political on a day that is celebrated in your honor-those of you who are still with us and those who have been taken away by war.

But in view of last night's Republican Debate and the Hypocrisy of Congress and other Politicians on the subject of Veteran's Benefits and how Veterans are Neglected, Abandoned and left to their own devices after they have given their all to this country-I have just got to say that I am sick and tired of it.

I am sick and tired of certain Hateful Factions of Congress Creating the Illusion of a President who does not care for your Health, Safety and Care that you earned as a result of your service; or that of your families. When those of us who are not blinded by hate who are actually paying attention to what they have done and continue to do and not listening to what they say, know that they have deliberately set out to sabotage this president on this issue and every other policy that he has tried to put forth for the benefit of the nation, because "They Hope He Fails".

Its nice that we honor you today.

Its nice that we have bumper stickers, ribbons and other decorative apparel that we can wear or put on our vehicles, in our windows and on our doors.

But the fact of the matter is; that these superficial acts that we do to honor you are okay. But it is my opinion that you should not have to wait months to see a doctor, or die in the process, or that your families should not have to fight so hard to receive some kind of assistance when the Head or Heads of the Household are not there to keep and help the family cope with their absence.

I also truly believe that if and when soldiers lose their lives or limbs in battle in defense of this country, the families of those solders should be well taken care of and should receive all of the Respect, Honor and Assistance that they are deserve without delay, stalling or resistance from those responsible for seeing that they do.

So to all of you Fake Politicians who will tell as many Self-Serving Lies about Loving and Caring for Veterans and their families to as many fools who will listen. And to those of you who love to take advantage of Photo Ops to give the illusion that you do; we just want you to know that those of us who are not Blind, Deaf or Dumb know the difference between Actual Concern and False Concern.

How in the hell do you Validate Fake Concern by shutting down the government to put Veteran's Benefits and pay in Jeopardy, because you have a personal grudge against someone else on the other side?

And its so easy to discern who is who and what is what. Because, those who show False Concern are in the Majority.

And those who are Genuine are in the Minority.

Don't you think we can tell this by the fact that things that should be getting done are not getting done, and have not been getting done for quite some time now?

So I am asking all of you who are genuine to do something about those who are fake for the sake of our Veterans, our Country and the World.

Happy Veteran's Day!


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