Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year One And All!

Happy New Year!

I hope that whatever your heart desires that is Positive, Good and True will be yours next year.

Wishing you, your families, your friends and the world a Peaceful, Prosperous and Productive New Year.


Monday, December 30, 2013

American Racisim And Hypocrisy On Display For The New Year

Well Here We Go Again!

We have the First African American President who has been legally and successfully elected to the office 2 times; once in 2008 an again in 2012.

And yet! We still have a small hateful, ignorant segment of our country known as "White Racists America" who are still trying to dehumanize, delegitimize and invalidate this president as well as attack the dignity, respect and humanity of him and his entire family, all his friends and his entire administration.

In short, anyone who works with him, agrees with him or who is involved in trying to pursue Justice, Freedom and Equality for all of the people in this country.

But in spite of all of these worthwhile and humanitarian goals, we still have people from this same small segment of our society who want to continue to questions and throw doubt on his legitimacy as an American Citizen who has the LEGAL Right to be President of the United States of America.

But while these same people have been and continue to try and attack the citizenship and legitimacy of this President; at the same time they have been and continue to try and finagle the constitution and other laws of our country to make people president who are not legally qualified to be president, because of their citizenship.

A few years ago, they tried to twist things around so Arnold Schwarzenegger could run for president, even though he failed miserably as governor of California and was not a citizen.

But people like John Wayne, Ronald Reagan, Richard Burton and others seem to appeal to these people because of the fact that the bubble they live in makes these ,(ACTORS), appear to be superhuman hero's who must be qualified to run this country because of the way they keep shit in check with a script.

Many of these people cannot distinguish between what is real and what is not when it comes to picking candidates to run for the highest office in the country and the most powerful office in the world.

So fast forward to the present, and now we have the same kinds of ramblings going on within the same circles of socially and politically ignorant people who want to bend, twist or break the rules to make someone who is not a citizen of the United States of America, (Ted Green Eggs & Ham Cruz), who is contemplating renouncing his Canadian Citizenship.

Now why do you think he would go and do a thing like that?


Friday, December 27, 2013

If You Do Or Say Nothing About Your Unemployment-House Republicans Will Do Or Say Nothing As Well....

If you, or someone you love are one of the 1.3 Million whose unemployment ends at Midnight Tonight due to the Republican's Opposition to your extension, and you don't speak up and speak out about your objection to being treated like a lazy, no good bum because you are still unemployed through no fault of your own, then no one in the House Republican is going to be moved to help you in anyway. The fact of the matter is Republicans just don't give a damn about you unless you are a BIG, BIG, RICH, RICH CORPORATION.

As a matter of fact, the reason that they are opposed to Unemployment Extensions for you is to force people like you who may be making $22.00 per hour, to take a job that pays $8.00 or less per hour.

This helps to maximize all of their rich friends who own and operate businesses profits by getting people like you to do Slave Labor.

If this is aright with you, then there's no need to do anything.

However, if you are not, then you activism is required and your voice must be heard by those who make these kinds of Unfair Public Policies.

The choice is yours! Contact Your Elected Officials.


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

No matter who, how or what you worship or how you celebrate the holidays; please remember and focus on the positive fact (not just today, but always), that in spite of all the Greed, Hatred and Evil in this world, there are still a lot of people with love and kindness in their hearts for the human race and for all living things on this earth.

Please honor and cherish these people, (not just today), but all throughout the year.

Merry Christmas! G.R.C.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Phil Robertson-Is The Rights Defense Of This Bigot A Lesson For The Left?

Here we go again!

We have not even gotten over Paula Deen's Racist Comments in this country,( and neither has she), and now here we go again with Phil Robertson with his Racist and Homophobic Comments, which because of his Religious Toxicity, makes him feel that his truth is the one and only truth as reflected by his opinions in a recent GQ Magazine Article.

First I want to say, why the shock?

I knew that these characters were not progressive when I first looked at them.

Now of course his Racists Brothers & Sisters on the Right are rushing to his defense.

Take notes MSNBC! You should be defending your soldiers in the same manner.

And if something like firing Martin Bashir for what he said is one of your company policies, then dam it! That policy needs to be changed.

Most of the people on MSNBC on the left, would never say anything as harsh as those on the right say on radio and television about us and the president on a daily basis; nor would they say things that were not true just because it hurts us and because it is profitable to lie to their followers who are prime for the picking because they are blinded by hate.

Ever wonder why the media messages on the right are so powerful and penetrative right now?

Its because the media messages on the left are becoming so watered down and weak now, which brings us to a point where we cannot even defend ourselves against the vicious, hateful and racist attacks that continue to come our way on a daily basis.

So even though I don't like the content of what the right says on a daily basis; I have got to admire and respect their protection of those of like minds with like hate.

And I don't understand why we on the left cannot defend ourselves when we are the ones who are all about love, justice, freedom and equality for those who cannot defend themselves.

Now listen Righties, I agree with your vigorous arguments for "Free Speech" (on yawl's behalf and no one else's), but in the name of Free Enterprise and Free Markets,(which you all claim to love just like everything else when it benefits yawl), I have just got to point out the difference between Free Speech and Free Enterprise, which are both American Concepts which I practice and support.

If Phil Robertson and the rest of those backwards characters filled out an application to be employed by a Private Enterprise like A&E to represent their business to its targeted audience in a positive manner. And the Duck Dynasty Stars who signed that contract agreed as a representative of their business to be Positive Public Ambassadors for that network, and they violate any part of that contract; then A&E, (in the interest of Profits), that may be eliminated or minimized as a result of one or more of their employees, because they offend members of their Targeted Market, then Phil Robertson's ass should be and was fired; at least as it stand now.

And he has the benefit of Free Speech, because he has not been imprisoned or shot or fired for the things that he said.

That's Free Speech!

His ass just got fired like thousands of Americans do every month, mostly due to the archaic and inhumane polices put forth by those on the Right who are so hateful that they just do not care about anyone other than themselves and those who are like them. Personally! I miss the good ole days when Racist were openly Racists, because it was easier to recognize my enemies, and locate my friends.

So for once I agree with you.

Phil Robertson like Paula Deen and me, have the right to say anything that I damn well please.

But here's the catch!

We also must accept the consequences of what I say; especially if I work for a company that says if I say or do something that causes them to lose income, (because the people that are our customers say that they will stop patronizing our company), then we are going to fire your ass to keep our customers and protect our profits.

And that is exactly what happened here!

So now that he is unemployed; he'll have plenty of time to "Speak Freely" about his Racist and Homophobic views whenever he wants without that paycheck from A&E.

You know what Righties, your right, Free Enterprise works.


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Memo: To FOX News About Their Annual Fictitious War On Christmans Propaganda

Apparently for several years now, (led by Bill O'Reilly), and the other Bigots at FOX News, there has been rumor of a Fictitious War on Christmas supposedly launched by Progressives and other people on The Left; (as if there are no Progressives, Liberals, Leftist or Democrats who are Christians). Now of course! This is not factual or based on science and or mathematics. But of course! That does not matter to the people who perpetrate this fraud upon their viewers every year or, their audience whose whole worlds revolves around their Hate Filled Communities and FOX News. Their brains wiring will not allow them to do, see, exam or try anything else. Now those of us who have been dealing with these kinds of creatures know that talking to them is really an exercise in futility. But this is America, and everyone is free to think, believe and act like they choose, (within the limits of our local, state and federal laws). However, recently, (and in the not to distant pass), many of these same kinds of people's behaviors led to rape, murder, cross burning, church bombing and lynching's. And all of that was before they had the benefit of Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Sarah Palin, FOX News and a host of other reinforcing and dangerous brain programming sources programming these people to intensify and multiply their hatred, fear and racism towards people who are just as, (if not more so) human as they are. Well! I guess I can still classify them as human in spite of their behavior. And since this is so dangerous and destructive to our country as a whole, it is impossible to just ignore and not respond to their attacks with equal and opposite force. Now this war on Christmas launched by FOX News and other Racist Media Moguls who launch these types of campaigns to incite the poor, the ignorant, the hateful and the people who have significantly less education then they have, to commit acts of hatred, violence and treason against the people of this country, (including the president), who do not want these things to be a part of our country, which is the majority of people in this country; and they have learned to create Massive Profits by doing this. These rich people use misinformation, disinformation and partial distortion of the facts, (because the best lie is one that is intermingled with the truth), to lead these uneducated, uniformed and hateful people down the path of destruction to our nation and to themselves-failing to mention that fact that if and when all of this hatred erupts, they will retreat to their heavily guarded, fenced in mansions; leaving those they deceived to fend for themselves. So even though we Progressives know their is no point in talking to "you people" on a sincere and honest basis, we will continue to talk and fight to save our nation for all Americans; not just the very limited group that you are referring to as "Americans" when you say it; because their is far too much potential danger in this situation for us to stop trying. So here goes: If you want to know why more and more people are saying "Happy Holidays", as opposed to "Merry Christmas"; it's because we have learned to develop our GOD Given Qualities of Respect, Consideration and Empathy to a high level; and you all have not. We say "Happy Holidays", because we are smart enough to know that everyone in America does not celebrate Christmas, because we are aware of the FACT that we live in the United States of America which is a melting pot of different people with different political view points, religious viewpoints, sexual preferences and so many other differences that make us the United States of America, according to the near Sacred Documents that you all claim to live by. So rather than imposing our personal beliefs and practices on others; we just cover everybody we meet and greet during the holidays by saying "Happy Holidays", and in most cases we get that same consideration and respect in return from most people, except from people like you. So I would like to take this moment to wish everyone at FOX News, and all those who live and breath by every word they say: HAPPY HOLIDAYS!


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Megyn Kelly Of FOX Proclaims Jesus Christ & Santa Claus Are White.

It is a true sign of fear of impending doom and fear of progress by certain races of people who you have always viewed as less than human, which allows you to feel safe and comfortable in the belief that you can continue to keep your foot on the necks of these people and continue to oppress them eternally, when you have to argue about the race of a fictional character such as Santa Claus and a historical figure such as Jesus Christ. Megyn Kelly of FOX News definitely has this problem along with many of her colleagues at FOX News including there producers, executives and even the Uncle Toms who frequent this channel to show how much they hate who they are; (which is how GOD created them to be), BLACK!

And to create the illusion that they are not, they become co-conspirators against entire races of people who refuse to identify themselves with their people, and not just black toms, we see toms from other minority communities as well.

Megyn Kelly On FOX, On Santa Clause, On Jesus and hyped up On Racism.

First of all, Santa Clause looks very differently or is referred to very differently dependent upon the culture of the country where he is being discussed.

Santa Claus

And as far as Jesus Christ is concerned, at the time of Christ, FOX News, Rush Limbaugh and other sources of producing Artificial Racial Hatred were not in existence and neither was this artificial hatred that divided Black & White people.

Jesus Christ

There was no such concept

People like you Megyn created it.

And let us not forget the fact that he was from the Middle East and not Malibu California

Most of the divisions at that time were religious, linage or tribunal in nature. No one was walking around going "Oh your Black I Hate You!"; or "Oh Your White I Hate You!".

It was more like you are a Roman, you are a Jew, you are a practicing blasphemy, I hate you, "In The Name Of A Loving GOD".

But Megyn I know that your actions are based on hatred and fear, which is pretty much what all of you racists at FOX News are driven by, even though you try to dress it up in Evangelical, Patriotic and Freedom Concepts, when in fact you are all a bunch of Psychotic Racists.

But with, or without you, progress for all Americans will continue to be a reality, even though you all cannot handle the truth which forces you to ignore the truth, facts and human nature.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Real Reason Behind Republicans Breaking The Political Stalemate

It Is Not What They Want You To Think It Is.

To the uninformed and the inexperienced political observer, this move towards finally working with President Obama and the Democrats on actually getting something positive done for the American People after over 5 years of Republican Obstructionism and Gridlock, may appear to indicate a "Change Of Heart", in the Political Agenda of the Republican Party and the Rightwing Conservative Movement in America.

But Oh No!

As of matter of fact, the only reason why Republicans are even trying to appear to be reasonable and concerned about the welfare of Average American citizens, is to really just save their own asses and help themselves, which means that they really have not changed at all, and probably never will unless the majority of the American People make it clear, painful and consequential (in negative fashion), for them to continue to do so.

If you want to peep the real Republican Agenda, then pay attention to the people who really are in charge of the Republican Party-the Bill O'Reilly's, the Shawn Hannity's or the Rush Limbaugh's who live and control the "Unrealistic Conservative World", better known as the "Conservative Bubble".

What are they saying about the Republican's new attitude towards cooperation and assistance with the other people who work in Washington, DC on behalf of the American People?

Their saying the same things that they have always said: HELL NO!

Keep the Hatred, Greed, Oppression and Racism towards the president and those "Other People" who are not "True Americans" going on forever.

Yes! It is true that all politicians want to win elections; but the differences in those desires to win lies behind the reasons why they want to win.

Do they want to win to help all of the American People?-or just the chosen few that Republicans refer to as "The American People" in the their speeches when they proudly lie and proclaim that "This Is What The American People Want".

What Americans are they referring to? You know! The Banking Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Major Corporations like Wal-Mart, Exxon Mobile, BP Oil, the Koch Brothers and wall street, (which implemented one of the most evil and dangerous Economic Scams in U.S. History), which brought the entire country to the brink of economic destruction.

That is TREASON my friend.

And guess what?

With the Protection and cover from these same people who want you to believe that they have had a "Positive Change of Heart" Towards Average American Citizens.

If you fall for this, then once again they will force their Evil Agendas on those of us who are not Rich, Powerful or Well Connected.

You see! Republicans have but one focus as far as their political careers are concerned:

They do not want to help America become a better and fairer place for all of us to live in-they only want to win elections so they can be in a better position to implement their plans for protecting the wealth of the wealthy while trying to make the poor poorer or dead.

They are also trying to avoid the pain that they caused themselves by trying to make you forget about the fact that they shut the government down, caused America to lose its AAA Credit Rating by allowing America to hit the Debt Ceiling and a fantastic playlist of other extremely damaging Policies, Procedures, Racist Attitudes and so many more Narcissistic behaviors that have nothing to do with the TRUE Principals that this nation was founded upon and is still struggling to be at the place in reality that only currently only exists on paper.

But the fact of the matter is: Many times when these people speak; if you listen very closely, they will openly tell you what their plans really involve.

But you have to pay attention and sometimes, read between the lines, and you also have to realize that many things can be said by the things that are not said, questions that they refuse to answer.

Pay attention to the exchange below between Shawn Hannity and Paul Ryan and see if you can determine what is really in their hearts and what they really want to happen in American as a result of their current strategy.

RYAN: You’re right on the money. This is not an agreement to balance the budget — that’s what our budget does. Guess what, Sean? Elections have consequences. We’re going to have to win a couple of elections to actually pass the kind of budgets that you and I are in favor of, the one I passed in the House just last spring. The House Republicans have passed three budgets in a row that actually balance the federal budget – HANNITY: So this is not your ideal budget. RYAN: No! It’s not even close to my ideal budget. G.R.C.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

MSNBC-I Miss Martin Bashir


Once again!

You have removed a quality person from your network who was only speaking the truth about a member of the Rightwing Hate Machine-a truth they continue to create and perpetuate that deserves to be recognized and responded to, as Martin Bashir did, and was unfairly attacked and forced to resign for.

And you wonder why the Right is winning their war against the Progressive Movement in America?

It's because you cannot stop a bullet with a peace sign.

You have got to fire back in order to protect yourself.

And please pardon my shooting analogies, but I'm not one who believes that the Right can say and do what they want and I as a Progressive cannot.

Brother Martin was simply speaking the truth and shooting back to protect himself and the rest of us with an appropriate response to all of the Racial Hatred that Republicans and Conservatives have been spreading throughout this nation for far too long-without appropriate and equal responses.

If we do not hurry up and learn how to adequately respond to these vicious attacks, we are going to lose the war.

What you are doing every time this is happens to one of your on air personalities, (who are just speaking the truth), is letting FOX News and the other Rightwing Hate Machine outlets in this country know that they are free to continue their vicious attacks against woman, minorities, immigrants, poor people, sick people, the president and other human beings who find themselves in very difficult situations that no one, (and I repeat no one), even the so called super human conservatives who take advantage of the same kinds of Government Benefits that they do not want people in need to have.

As human beings we sometimes find ourselves in situations that we could not possibly lift ourselves out of without the helping hands that the Progressive Movement in this country stands for and fights for.

MSNBC, the act of attacking one of your own for fighting back against the Hatred, Racism and Greed that we are currently experiencing from the Conservative Movement in America while leaving people like Rush Limbaugh in place will eventually cause us to lose this battle for Freedom, Justice and Equality.

Stop killing off your own soldiers and minimizing our chances for victory while fighting against the wrong things, in favor of doing what we all know is the right thing to do.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Have You Ever Shook Hands With Someone You Didn't Like Or Agree With At A Funeral?

I have!

And so did President Obama at World Leader Nelson Mandela's Funeral on Tuesday

Funerals are not usually, (under normal circumstances), a place where people disregard the original purpose of the event, which is to pay their respects to the deceased-Not to launch a war or settle political and ideological differences-especially if the man that you are honoring represented Peace and Cooperation among all people,(including those whom you disagree with); even those who hated you, discriminated against you because of the way that GOD made you, took away all of your God Given Rights and imprisoned you for over 27 years.

But John McCain, (a senior member of the GOP Congress), who very graciously shook the hand of a Mass Murderer, International Terrorist and Enemy of the United States; (and it wasn't even a funeral), just an Apparent Ass Kissing Session, has the Unmitigated Gall to criticize President Obama for shanking the hand of Raúl Castro, the president of Cuba at Nelson Mandela's Funeral on Tuesday?

A president who vowed to resist the propensity of America to force its standards and values on the rest of the world because of its perceived Superiority, (RACISM), and to reach out and establish valuable relationships and lines of communications with countries that are all part of the human family, in the pursuit of a safer and more peaceful planet for all-a position which he ran on and was elected to office on twice.

Rhetorical Question:

Is there an end to the GOP's Hypocrisy against President Obama?


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Nelson Mandela

July 18, 1918 -December 5, 2013

The fight he fought on behalf of his native land transformed the world into a better place for all people.

This is a legacy that we cannot afford to let anyone destroy.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and all those you love.

Give thanks for your life and the lives of everyone who loves and supports you. G.R.C.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Walmart-Take From The Poor To Give To The Poor?

Have you heard what the world's largest employer is doing at one of its stores to keep their profits high and their salaries to their employees unfairly low?

One Wal-Mart store in Ohio is sponsoring a food drive; asking underpaid workers to contribute food items to underpaid workers so they can afford to have food on Thanksgiving.

This is just one of many things that Wal-Mart and other Mega Corporations do to avoid paying their employees a fair and decent salary.

This Wal-Mart situation is indicative of what is so terribly wrong with our country and what is getting worse by the second.

If you are not rich, powerful or well connected, the deck has always been stacked against you. However, previously in this country, there was more wiggle room for people who were willing to work hard, make sacrifices and delay immediate self gratification to succeed.

However, now! The deck has been stacked so high against Average American Citizens who work for a living, that it is virtually impossible to move into the Middle Class if you are Poor, or into the wealthy class if you are Middle Class.

And unfortunately, this is not just a coincidence.

This is a well contrived plan that is designed by the rich who have Conservative Politicians and Media Personalities in their hip pockets.

You constantly hear Conservatives complaining about the National Debt, Budgets and the danger that these conditions are creating for our National Security and Future Generations. However, the notion that we are spending too much to help people who cannot help themselves is total BS.

You hear over and over again in attacks against Progressives and Liberals who give a damn about people other than just themselves that Liberals are destroying the country as a result of outrageous spending on Entitlement Programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Veteran's Benefits, Food stamps and now the Affordable Care Act.

However, have you ever heard any of these same Conservative Voices complaining about billions of dollars in subsidies, (Welfare), given to rich family farmers, mega corporations like Pharmaceutical Companies, Oil Companies and a host of others?

Do you hear these Conservative Voices complaining about companies like Wal-Mart and McDonalds's encouraging their employees to take advantage of state and federal programs designed to help those who are living in poverty?

Hell No you don't.

You know why?

It's because these mega corporations own them, and line their pockets to protect them, and they use poor people who are blinded by hatred or ignorance to fight against programs that they themselves can really benefit from.

In other words, through lies and fear, they convince these people to vote against their own best interests.

That's like volunteering yourself, your family and your community for extinction.

However, Republicans are very good at lying to the American People to keep their pockets lined by these Corporate Entities, because they are greedy and would rather destroy this country and the majority of the people in it, rather than just accepting their already adequate salaries and political contributions.

The only way these companies can continue to get away with the violations that they commit against humanity is with the cooperation and assistance from people in our government.

McDonald's also encouraged their employees to apply for Public Assistance, and published a website instructing its employees on how to live on a budget with such suggestions as buy bruised fruits and vegetables and to “Sing away stress: Singing along to your favorite songs can lower your blood pressure.”

“Break it up: Breaking food into pieces often results in eating less and still feeling full.”

“Quit complaining: Stress hormone levels rise by 15% after ten minutes of complaining.”

But because this website was exposed to the public and generated so much outrage, McDonald's was forced to take that website down.


This is why I always try to impress upon those who are inclined to read what I write to never be quiet about injustice and attacks against humanity by greedy, corrupt and dishonest corporations, politicians, judges, doctors, lawyers etc.

Because if we don't raise hell to affect change, then no change will ever occur.

All positive changes in this country became a reality as a result of the actions of the people.

So the next time you hear Conservatives whining about inflated budgets and deficit crises because the government provides poor, sick and elderly people with assistance that does not even put a dent in the national deficit, remember that at the same time they are doing this, they are also fighting to protect Mega Corporation's rights to implement slave labor programs, poison our environment and ship the few jobs that we do have left in America somewhere else where children and adults work under horrific conditions for pennies an hour.

The problem is not that we don't have enough money to help those who cannot help themselves, the problem is that those who already have it all, want more, and the Republican Party and Conservatives are all about protecting these rich and the powerful people, while ignoring and lying to Average Americans.

And only Average American Citizens United can stop it.


Friday, November 22, 2013

Honoring A True American Hero Today

Today I participated in a National Moment of Silence in memory and honor of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th. President of the United States of America, who was shot and killed 50 years ago today, on November 22, 1962.

I was amazed how during this brief moment of silence, I was transported back to the exact time and place where I was when this American Tragedy occurred.

I could actually hear the announcement come over the PA System approximately 1:00PM stating that President Kennedy had been shot and killed at 12:30PM in Dallas, Texas.

Immediately I was 7 years old again in Ms. Richardson's 2nd.grade classroom, where all around me on the 3rd. floor of my elementary school, I heard screams, whimpering and uncontrollable crying from adults that I had only witnessed at funerals of close loved ones.

Shortly thereafter, they announced that school was being closed early and that all students were being sent home.

When I and the other classes on the 3rd. floor were lined up single file outside of our respective classrooms, I noticed that not only was my teacher crying uncontrollably, but so were the other teachers on the 3rd. floor including the men.

As we made our way out of the building down the stairs, I heard and saw other adults on the 2nd. and 1st. floors also showing deep sorrow over the event.

Of course, I did not really comprehend what this was all about when my grandmother and other parents were lined up at the exit to meet their kids, to take them home, but I noticed that my grandmother was also crying along with other parents and teachers.

It wasn't until I began to listen intently to my grandparents talk about what had happened and the significance of it to the majority of Americans, especially those who had not even gained their rights and freedom, and not even their identification as being worthy of called "Human Beings".

For days, I listened and learned about my history, the history of my race and the history of the Kennedys in addition to the impact that they had on American Society, and what I now refer to as the Progressive Movement in America, (which only means that people who are fortunate care for and help others who are not), and that we strive to make America align more closely with its sacred documents which some "False Patriots" are currently bending and twisting to meant the opposite of what they clearly were intended to mean: Truth, Justice, Freedom & Equality for all.

The older I got, the more I began to understand how losing President Kennedy negatively impacted the progress of all Americans.

I also began to understand that President Kennedy's assassination was implemented by some of the same dark and powerful forces that were awaken and activated by the election of President Obama in 2008, and then again in 2012.

I say all of that to say this: I thank GOD for President Kennedy and his contribution to America's Progress in Social Issues, International issues and Science and Technology, including putting the first man on the moon.

And I am so blessed to have had parents who were politically knowledgeable and active to the point where I now consider myself to be a watchman on alert for any and every enemy of all the things that America was truly meant to be based on its so called "Sacred Documents".

That is the side I'm on, and that is the side that I will continue to be on-The side of Progressive Politics and not Regressive Politics.

Just to illustrate the difference, I challenge you to pay attention to the negative changes that are being imposed upon us by these same dark forces as we continue to struggle through the Legal and Successful Election and Reelection of our First African American President, Barack Obama, and all of the things that he is trying to do to benefit the majority of Americans who are not millionaires, billionaires or well connected to the "American Power Structure".

When I was growing up, we were the country of Positive Hopes, Dreams and Accomplishments like putting a man on the moon and curing illnesses that were considered incurable.

Now you don't even hear the word "CURE" mentioned in commercials or on the news.

All you hear now is: "There is no cure for this or that disease, but if you continue to pay us forever for these pharmaceuticals, you can live a full and productive life".

And as far as science and progress are concerned; these people don't believe in Global Warming in spite of all the severe and devastating weather events that are taking place around the globe that pretty much prove it, but they do not even want to fix our highways, bridges, schools, libraries, fire houses or law enforcement facilities.

In my youth, I seen disease cured, science advanced and medicine working towards cures for diseases that causes millions of people to suffer.

But now, (due to greed), "Cures" is not even a part of the American Vocabulary any more-only never ending, painful and profitable "Treatments".

See the difference?

Want to return to progress?

Then we all must participate in the battle to fight against regress; because POWER concedes nothing without a fight.

Study your history and relate those studies to current events.

And then act accordingly to protect one another.

The Assassination of JFK


Friday, November 15, 2013

A House Divided Cannot Stand

A Warning For Democrats

A House Divided Cannot Stand

22 Then one was brought to Him who was demon-possessed, blind and mute; and He healed him, so that the blind and[a] mute man both spoke and saw. 23 And all the multitudes were amazed and said, “Could this be the Son of David?”

24 Now when the Pharisees heard it they said, “This fellow does not cast out demons except by Beelzebub,[b] the ruler of the demons.”

25 But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. 26 If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand? 27 And if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges. 28 But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.


a. Matthew 12:22 NU-Text omits blind and. b. Matthew 12:24 NU-Text and M-Text read Beelzebul.

Source: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+12%3A22-28&version=NKJV

Remember this headline from 2010.

Democrats lost big because young voters stayed home

Source: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/ezra-klein/2010/11/democrats_lost_big_because_you.html

Prior to this Political Ass Whipping Democrats suffered in 2010 at the hands of Republicans who do not represent Average American Citizens, Democrats committed the following sins:

1. Did not Support or Defend the Leader of the Democratic Party: President Obama

2. Did not Support or Promote the Merits of the Affordable Care Act, (Obamacare), to American Voters.

3. Did not Defend, Promote or Exhibit the Principals of the Democratic Party which is to give as many people as possible an equal chance to succeed, (even if they have not already succeeded by being rich and or powerful), and even if they cannot afford to buy you.

4. Fought amongst each other like cats and dogs

Note: If Republicans smell shit and tell their devotees and their comrades to make sure that everyone says they smell roses-then everyone who they are associated with would say that they smell roses, even though they know that it is shit they smell; which is what they are doing now in reverse.

They know that the Affordable Care Act, (with sincere support and honest concern for the millions of Americans who die every day because they don’t have health insurance), would be an undeniably successful program, like the Social Safety Net Programs that millions of our citizens benefit from now that started out as disasters and wound up being a part of the fabric of America; like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, VA Benefits and George W. Bush’s Part D Prescription Drug Plan, which started out, (in spite of Republican lies), just as screwed up,( if not more so) than “Obamacare”.

5. Let Republicans and Elections strike fear in your hearts, which caused severe division in the party which is a brilliant strategy employed by Republicans which far too many Democrats are falling for -again!

Ever notice that Republicans only start talking about “Bipartisanship” when Democrats are attacking the president or each other?

Strange isn’t it?

6. Abandoned all of the progress that we as a country have made to level the playing field through centuries of sacrifice, hard work and in some cases, the loss of life and limbs.

And now! Here we are again with a chance to protect the Senate, take back the House and be in a position to help millions of people in this country who are sick, poor, uneducated, disadvantaged, disabled and who have no ladder to step up on to move themselves out of their dire situations without Government Assistance, (which is something that rich people and corporations receive on a routine basis), even though they! Don’t need the help.

As Democratic Leaders, you all should know that Republicans are notorious for protecting this welfare for the rich while trying to eradicate the poor and the powerless through policies that are aimed at knocking down people who are already lying flat on their backs, where as Democrats, are supposed to be in the business of giving people a helping hand and a chance to get up.

This is what President Obama’s Affordable Care Act and many of his other policies are designed to do.

But because he is BLACK and Republicans decided in the very beginning of his presidency that he must be a “One-term President”, and now that his Signature Domestic Achievement; the Affordable Care Act is on the verge of being a success, they are trying to once again divide and conquer.

And to my horror, fear and shame; it appears as if they are succeeding, because instead of sticking by the truth about what the ACA and our party’s principals of helping people who cannot help themselves can do for this country, you are allowing these people to instill fear in your hearts as a result of something being imperfect, (which is what every damn thing that human beings create is); and now you are all in a panic, which is right where Republicans want you.

Since they could not make him a “One-Term President”, they now want to destroy what will go down in political history as one of the most successful progressive accomplishments of all times.

Those of you who are committing these acts of betrayal due to temporary negative circumstances and the Republicans acting like they like you and are in one accord with you, makes you appear as Puppets Dangling from Republican Strings.

These things are not only hurting the president, but you are also hurting the majority of the American People who are not rich or powerful.

You have the truth!

You have the power!

And the principals that you stand for are designed to help as many Americans as possible.

So what are you Democrats doing with all of these positive attributes in 2013?

1. Not Supporting the Leader of the Democratic Party: President Obama

2. Not Supporting or Promoting the Merits of the Affordable Care Act, (Obamacare)

3. Not Defending, Promoting or Exhibiting the Principals of the Democratic Party which is to give as many people as possible an equal chance to succeed, (even if they have not already succeeded by being rich and or powerful), and even if they cannot afford to buy you.

4. Fighting amongst each other like cats and dogs

5. Letting Republicans and Elections strike fear in your hearts, which is causing severe division in the party which is a brilliant strategy employed by Republicans which far too many of you are falling for-again!

Hell! They are even making pretend that they love President Clinton now, because of a stupid statement that he made that basically supports the idea that people who have insurance that will not protect them when they get sick, should have the right to keep it.

Well Hell Bill!

Why don’t we reverse the laws on smoking inside of buildings and let non-smokers get cancer because of someone else’s foolish pleasure?

How about not wearing Motor cycle Helmets?

How about not requiring drivers to have Auto Insurance?

How about not requiring home owners to have Home Owner’s Insurance?

How about we remove Airbags and Seatbelts from all Automobiles?

What about removing Speed Limits on our highways?

6. Abandoning all of the progress that we as a country have made to level the playing field through centuries of sacrifice, hard work and in some cases, the loss of life and limbs.

I am a proud Democrat who takes pride in the fact that the party that I am a member of has the desire and ability to learn from its mistakes for the worthwhile goal of helping as many people as possible succeed in this country.

Why would you repeat the mistakes of 2010 when you have the roses and they have the shit?


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Racist Republicans Accusing People Who Call Them Out Racists-Even The President.....

Has anyone noticed over the past 8 years that Racist Republicans who are called out for their Racists Attitudes, Perspectives and Behaviors have been calling the people who Recognize and Respond to their Racism-Racists?

It's just another deceptive tool used by Republicans to deceive those who just do not know, or bother to study the modern history of the Republican Party, which has been multiplied times 10 by the Tea Party, which immediately appeared out of nowhere after the First African American President was elected.

And you can usually tell where a group or organization stands by the behaviors exhibited by their leader

Example: The leader of the Republican Party-Reince Priebus is now accusing President Obama, a president elected 2 times by a coalition of voters of different, races, sexual orientation and religions, of establishing a "Culture of Hate".

As I have said time and time again:

The Republican Playbook for Governing consist of lying all the time about everything.

The desire for a new direction in government in America through the election and reelection of President Obama has really never been about race, except for those who are Racists.

It's all been about people with common interests and goals working together to make the country better for everyone concerned.

The Republican Party cannot honestly say that unless the common interest and goals involve HATE, RACISM, GREED and the Destruction of Human Life.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Why Are The Only Constituents Facing Catastrophic Healthcare Changes From Republican Districts?

I watched for several hours today as Congress drilled Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, (you know the agency responsible for the implementation of the Affordable Care Act), (or as Republicans have labeled it for Devious Political Purposes), “Obamacare”, because they know that white people who are adamantly opposed, hateful and or fearful about a (Black Man) running the (Whitehouse) would look upon this law with a Negative Racist Charge.

This has been proven time and time again with public opinion polls when the question was asked: “Do you approve of Obamacare?” and the answer was a stern “no!”

However, when the benefits of the Affordable Care Act were explained and the question was asked: Do you approve of “The Affordable Care Act”; the answer was a definite: “Yes!”

You see! Every devious move Republicans make are not by accident, they are by design.

And these moves are not designed to help Average Middleclass American Citizens or those who are poor or struggling to get into the Middleclass.

These moves are designed to protect the interests of Rich and Powerful People and Corporations who they are heavily dependent upon for financing to keep them employed.

And in the interest of full disclosure, Democrats are dependent upon Rich and Powerful People and Corporations to finance their campaigns as well with one significant difference:

The difference with the Democrats is very important to note: (for the most part), it is the level of Civic and Social Responsibility that the rich people and corporations that Democrats deal with aspire to, as opposed to those rich people and corporations that Republicans deal with like the Koch Brothers and others who would destroy the world for future generations by poisoning the planet for PROFITS.

And the one common theme that I observed by Republican Members on the Committee is that they are all very concerned with the fate of all of the people in this country who are unable to obtain healthcare as a result of the “Glitches” inherent in the Healthcare.Gov website.

However, these are the very same people who tried to destroy President Obama’s Signature Accomplishment: “The Affordable Care Act” and the country with it; by shutting down the U.S. Government for 16 days, and pushing us to the brink of Economic Disaster by attempting to refuse to raise the Debt Ceiling.

And now; just a little over 2 weeks after the shutdown of the U.S. Government in one of far too many attempts to destroy Obamacare, they are sitting in front of the American People trying to make pretend that they are outraged by the fact that the website entrance to the ACA is not functioning properly which is preventing thousands of Americans from signing up for healthcare.

Republicans think that we are stupid.

Are we?

Let us not forget that for over 3 years now, Republicans voted to “Repeal” the Affordable Healthcare Act 42 times.

When those attempts failed; they tried to “Defund Obamacare”.

And now that the website is having problems, (which are consistently being corrected), they are now outraged and concerned about something not working right that they did not want to work right in the first place.

These are the same kinds of lies, treachery and deceit Republicans attempted to use to destroy this president when 4 Americans died in Benghazi.

Instead of trying to get to the bottom of the incidents and conditions that led to the death of 4 Americans at that embassy so that these types of attacks could be prevented in the future, they used these deaths to Politicize, point fingers and to attack Susan Rice because she was a close ally of President Obama, as they are now doing with Kathleen Sibelius

I am not saying that some hearings on very important issues such as the Benghazi Attacks, the IRS Scandal, the NSA, etc. are not necessary.

What I am saying is: Behind every act that humans carry out, intent makes a big difference in the outcomes of the results of those acts.

If the intent is for a positive purpose, then even though things may initially go wrong, the intentions of the people who are involved in getting a positive result, usually wind up getting a positive result in spite of the fallibility of the human species.

However, if people are doing something with evil intentions behind it, then this will usually result in a very negative result.

I almost died in 2002 as a result of not having healthcare even though I was gainfully employed.

So personally I think that providing millions of Americans with Affordable Healthcare who would otherwise go bankrupt or die without it, is a worthwhile and good intentioned goal in spite of the difficulties encountered on the way to getting there.

So I think that it has and should continue to be successful.

However, Republicans have one and only one goal in life, which is the same goal that they have had for the last 4+ years, and that goal is to destroy this administration even if they have to destroy the country and all of the people in it to do so.

And that brings me to my final point: Why is it that the only people who are having Catastrophic Problems with their healthcare as a result of the Affordable Care Act are only in the Republican Districts that these people represent?

It’s because the people who represent these districts, have been completely unwilling and uncooperative with President Obama’s Administration in ironing out all of the problems and concerns about the Affordable Care Act.

President Obama has asked these Republican Representatives time and time again to work with him to fix the things within this law that will make it better, so that as many Americans as possible can get the healthcare protection that they need.

And they have refused.

So if you are a member of one of these districts, and you have received a notice from your insurance company notifying you of the fact that you have been cancelled, or that your premiums are increasing, (which is something that happened before the ACA was even signed into law), and as a matter of fact, is one of the things that the ACA is designed to prevent; then you need to ask those people who are supposedly “representing you”, why they failed to work with the president to correct these problems over the past 3 years.

Now you can ask-but I am almost 100% certain that you won’t get an honest answer, so I am going to answer for them :

Your representatives don’t wont “Obamacare” to work.

So they would rather let you experience these kinds of problems as a result of the changes that insurance companies are making as a result of this new law, rather than working together with Democrats and the President to make sure that you understand these changes and know how to respond to them to retain or replace your healthcare plan if necessary.

This is the truth that they won’t tell you.

And one thing that I have always known is that, it is one thing for the enemy, (who is against you); lies to you.

But it is another more sinister and dangerous thing when your friends who are supposed to have your best interest at heart, lies to you.

Think about that!


Friday, October 25, 2013

Avoiding Government Shutdowns In The Future

Please vote in the 2014 Midterm Elections on November 4, 2014.

Our failure to do this in Mass, in 2010, allowed far too many of the local politicians in the U.S. who should not even be elected as Chief Dog Catcher to be put in positions of power that have allowed them to tamper with our voting and other rights to a dangerous point of degradation, pushing us backwards towards inequality.

Driven by Racism and Hatred for certain groups and classes of human beings,(especially President Obama), these "People" have began to not only attack the president's rights, but to attack the rights of other American Citizens, (many who have struggled for hundreds of years just to be classified as Human).

As one Socially Aware White Journalist so aptly put the sentiments of the Black Community into words: "First they were coming for President Obama; and now their coming for all of us".

And they will never stop coming for us unless we stop them through our Political and Social Awareness; and our Political and Social Activism.

I hope to see you at the polls on November 4, 2014.

We have got to keep the Senate and take back the House.

Remember! When Senator Obama ran for president in 2008, he said: "Change WE Can Believe In", not Change I Can Believe In.

Please do your part to remove the Cancer known as the Tea party from our Government for the benefit of everyone who wants to live in a Safe, Productive and Civil Society.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

What Did This Latest Republican Manufactured Crises Teach Us?

1. This is a Democracy and Majority Rules

2. Americans refuse to be taken hostage by a few ideological Idiots who cannot deal with the reality that America is changing; (for the better, for everyone).

3. How much power “We the People” actually have when we actively participate in our Economic, Political and Justice Systems in America.

4. That we must continue to fight against those who feel that the world is theirs and that GOD created them not as equals, but as superior beings because of the color of their skin.

5. That Democrats, (who I am very proud of), can stick to their guns and support the President when that support is indeed justified. Because if one Political Party can stick to their guns and unite around lies that hurt the American People as a whole, then certainly Democrats who have the truth can do the same for the benefit of the country, which they did.

6. When Democrats, Republicans and the President put the people of this country first by working together, instead of practicing Racism, Hatred, Greed and Political Ideology, then America is a much better and safer country for us all.

America is in no way perfect, and it will only get worse if we continue to make pretend that it is.

However, we have made significant progress over the past 60 years as a result of the Activism of our Forefathers and Mothers, and all of the decent people of all races who had the vision, forethought and sense of fairness to know that when something is wrong, positive changes need to be made.

Republicans welcomed the Tea Party and gave them power. And now they are turning against them using the very power that Republicans gave them.

And finally! The Slave Master Fantasies that these people have in regards to President Obama and other minority members of this nation was, and will continue to be rejected by the Majority of Americans in this country.


Monday, October 14, 2013

Friday, October 11, 2013

What Would You Do If You Were Under Attack?

What Would You Do? If someone was threatening your family, friends community and livelihood

Well maybe you should start thinking about your answer, because somebody is!

Take Action Now!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Shameful Republican Shields

Shields the Republicans use to hide their selfish, Hateful and Destructive Deeds behind.

1. WWII Veterans

After their irresponsible and dangerous behavior led to the shut down of the Federal Government; Republicans showed up at the WWII Veteran’s Memorial after veterans traveled cross country to visit the memorial in their honor for a photo op, to give the illusion that they give a damn.

If they gave a damn, it wouldn’t have been closed in the first place.

2. At the same location, a Republican Member of Congress verbally attacked a Female Parks Police Officer for trying to do her job by preventing WWII Veterans from entering a park that was officially closed as a result of what? -The GOP Government Shutdown.

3. Children with Cancer

But the most despicable shield of all was their attempt to use Children who have cancer as a shield by singling out the program sponsored by the National Institutes of Health that was closed by their Government Shutdown.

This program administers Experimental Drugs to children in a desperate attempt to prolong their lives.

Once again, if they were so big on Humanitarianism, then Public and Media Outrage over this program would not be necessary.

This program that effectively prolongs the lives of very sick children would have been a major consideration on the part of Republicans, and as a result of conscious, they would not have just sit back and let this program and other important programs like it shutdown in the first place.

And to add insult to injury, Republicans have been publically praising the work of the very Law Enforcement Officers who are working for free now because of them.

These officers providing FREE Services protected their asses last week, when a Connecticut woman tried to ram through one of the gates at the Whitehouse, (with a 1 year old child in the car). She then proceeded to Capitol Hill where she was shot and killed by police.

So in spite of the shooting at the Naval Base a few weeks ago, and the incident that happened last week at the Whitehouse and the Capitol, Republicans still want to cut more Mental Health Services for people like these who are very troubled and could possibly be saved by adequate Psychiatric Services.

Here’s the truth about how Republican see things:

Republicans want to be the only people in American who are Safe, Secure and Productive.

In addition, Republicans are also trying to Pass Small, Selective, Temporary Pieces of legislation that they know the country is most outraged about because they see it on TV.

They are doing these things to Run and Hide for Political Coverage from their Dirty Deeds. in the hope that they can sell people other than those from the Low Information Districts that they represent on these vicious lies.

America, this is what Republicans have been doing ever since President Obama was successfully and Legally Elected to the Office of President of the United States of America on November 4, 2008.

As a matter of fact, they were working on the things that you see coming to fruition now, even before President Obama officially took office.

They are continuing to do the very things that led us to where we are today; on the brink of a complete breakdown of the U.S. Government and the Destruction that will follow.

It’s called Anarchy.

And if and when it gets to that point, I guarantee you and all other Sensible Americans that this will be Dangerous and Deadly for us all.

But the one positive thing that we can all gain from this story is the fact that when Public Outrage occurs in direct response to what Republicans do, or in this case refuse to do, they immediately respond to our outrage, which is why I always try to remind people of just how powerful “We The People” are.

The problem is that unlike “The People” in other countries; when the government is screwing with them, their government cannot ignore the outrage of these people.

But here in America, we have a tendency to just let the government do its thing, rather what they’re doing is good for us or not.

I can tell you for sure that this Government Shutdown that has been created by one small group of Racists Idiots in the Republican Party, and those who are afraid of these people because they are more worried about getting reelected as opposed to seeing that the American People are alright while they do have the power, is not good for America, and will grow increasingly more destructive the longer it lasts.

And if we default on our National Debt on October 17, 2013, GOD only knows what will happen to this country, because before now, no one has been irresponsible, destructive or stupid enough to try it. We should not be outraged about 1,2,or 3 programs shutting down, we should be actively pissed about the fact that the government is shut down by a few idiots who don’t care about what happens to people as a result-Period!


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Whose Fault Is This?

Well! That depends on rather you are susceptible to lies or searching for the truth.

The First Lie: Both sides are at fault.


President Obama has been bending over backward since his term began to find Common Grounds with Republicans who have been known as the “Party of Racist” for quite some time now. However, no one negotiates with someone who they want to fail.

Congress is at fault.


The Democratic Party of Congress has been trying to bring multiple pieces of legislation to the floor for debate, but the Racist Republican part of Congress has refused to vote on these proposed pieces of legislation.

They won’t even allow their members to vote on these pieces of legislation, which is what they are paid to do.

It’s everybody in Washington’s fault.


There are some people in Washington who really came there to do the best they can for the American People and not just for the Koch Brothers, Big Pharma, Banks, Oil Companies, Millionaires, Billionaires and Wall Street

It’s President Obama’s Fault.


They have blamed President Obama for all the damage that they have been creating since before President Obama became president…..damage to our economy, our culture of Fairness, Justice and Equality for all, and the Progressive Spirit of our nation.

It’s so amazing to see a group of people who have not been doing their jobs ever since November, 2008, blaming others for the SHIT that they themselves have been doing and have not been doing, because they HATE the Black President and “Want Him To Fail”; which means they want America to fail.

And what’s even more amazing and frightening, is the percentage of people who are not tuned in to the truth who believe this Bullshit.

But these things are not accidents.

These are well planned Strategic, Political Moves initiated, (at the pleasure of and with assistance from the Koch Brothers and other Right Wing, Racist Rich People),created by Gerrymandering almost Purely White, Purely Republican, Purely Racist and Purely Ignorant Districts by redrawing these cities and towns to provide cover and support for the dangerous and stupid shit that they do; including shutting down the Federal Government, and in a few weeks possibly refusing to raise the Debt Ceiling which will make the United States default on the debt that it owes.

This could crash the U.S. Economy and the World Economy.

No one really knows what kind of Detrimental Effects this will have on the Global Economy, because no U.S. Government Official has been stupid enough to try this.


Congress has been raising the Debt Ceiling as a matter of Standard Procedure since the days of Ronald Reagan’s Presidency.

Here are some facts about why the other party shut the government down and the lies they attempt to use to sell this to the American People.

First of all: The Affordable Care Act is not a piece of legislation as they have been successfully convincing a small segment of our society for over 3 years now; a bill that needs to be passed.

The Affordable Care Act dubbed by the other party as “Obamacare” has already been passed in both houses of congress, signed into law, challenged for Constitutionality, (by the same Idiots who are responsible for this shutdown), litigated in the Supreme Court of the United State of America and upheld as the Law of the Land, which is where it currently stands and will continue to stand for what I hope will be as long as America Stands.

And I say that because I almost died while working for the State of Maryland as a Contract Employee without health insurance.

I tried to buy it on my own but could not afford it.

And when I finally found a plan that I could afford on my own, (Blue Cross & Blue Shield), wouldn’t sell me a policy because my height was disproportionate to my weight, (Pre-Existing Condition). I also tried to buy a State Group Policy before Open Enrollment and the Customer Service Rep said that I would probably have to get another job or 2 just to pay for it.

And by the time Open Enrollment came and I had an opportunity to purchase Group Health Insurance at a cheaper price, I was already in the hospital where I was told that they did not know why I wasn’t already dead.

It’s also important to note that President Obama ran on Jobs, Fairness, Forward Movement and yes! “Obamacare”, and won the majority of the votes in 2004 and 2012.

The very things that they are now trying to destroy, are the very things that the majority of Americans voted for-So in essence, these people are telling you and me, to go to hell.

You going?


The Democratic Party’s leader has a jobs bill sitting on his desk which has been sitting there for 3 years waiting for the other party to just discuss the possibility of passing it, so that millions of Unemployed Americans can get a job.

I didn’t say pass it.

I said to just debate the merits of the bill on the floor, (which is what both houses of congress are paid to do).

Their job is to pass legislation for the president to sign into law.

The Democratic Party’s leader has been a staunch advocate for fixing our Infrastructure, improving our Education System, Improving Healthcare, Enforcing Regulations on Major Corporations like BP, (who got away with Murder when the Oil Rig blew up in New Orleans killing 11 people) as a result of a problem that they were aware of.

And the Democratic Party has been begging the other party to VOTE on all of these bills that were designed to protect and serve the Citizens of the United States of America for the good of the entire country-Not just the Rich, the powerful, the well-connected or those who share this Racial Hatred towards President Obama and people who look like him, or the White People who voted for him and are supporting his agenda for America.

But these people are Hell Bent on destroying President Obama’s Administration and reversing all of the Progress that we have made as a society; even if it means destroying the whole country to do it.

These people have no Peripheral Vision, no Forethought, no Consideration for others and no World View, because their entire world exists in a bubble where people get their facts from Rightwing Conservative Media Sources that exploit their ignorance and hate for profit to the detriment of the entire nation.

But what did the other party do?

They did what they have been doing since President Obama was elected in 2004 and reelected in 2012, and what they continued to do up until 12:00AM October 1, 2013-Delay, Obstruct, Rebel and Hate the new President of the United States because of the color of his skin; in much the same way that Racists treated Jackie Robinson as the First African American Major League Baseball Player.

These people are being controlled like puppets on a string by rich people who are far more intelligent than they are, because their stupidity is intensified by their lack of concern for the American People, their hatred of President Obama and their lack of skill when it comes to how to Safely and Effectively Govern in a Major Superpower Country like the United State of America.

The fact of the matter is: Republicans do not like anything that helps people who find themselves in touch situations, unless they themselves are in a tough situation, in which case they will without a second thought; take advantage of all the benefits and advantages that the United States Government has to offer (THEM).

For over 50 years presidents have been trying to implement a program to provide Healthcare at Affordable Rates for all of our citizens.

And for over 100 years they have failed, until President Obama was elected and risked his job by using up most if not all, of his Political Capital to get the Affordable Care Act passed into law, (not for Purely Political Reasons), but because he actually watched his mother die from cancer while trying to figure out how she could pay for healthcare to save her own life.

He simply does not want to see millions of other Americans suffer and die like his mother did, because she could not afford healthcare.

This is Personal for President Obama.

So that makes the Affordable Care Act a landmark piece of legislation that will put President Obama into the history books as not only the First African American President, but as the First President to Successfully Pass a healthcare law that helps millions of Americans who could otherwise wind up dying as a result of being without it.

Republicans do not want a Black Man to get credit for something as significant as this, because they are racist.

Just like they don’t want a Black Man to get credit for repairing the damage that they created to our Nation’s Economy, Crumbling Infrastructure, Educational Systems or anything else that can change the direction of this country in a positive manner.

They want President Obama to destroy his legacy while denying millions of people a chance to stay alive if they are involved in an accident or get sick.

He should not accept this.

And we should not accept this.

This is why the Government is currently shutdown.

So if you are receptive to the truth as opposed to being susceptible to lies, you already know who is responsible for this Government Shutdown.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Obama Cares!

Have you heard of the Affordable Care Act? which was branded by Republicans as "Obamacare" to create negativity in the minds of the hateful racists who are not interested in the survival and excellence of our country if that survival and excellence comes as a result of efforts by a Black Man.

These people would rather die first before they would accept something that could very well save their lives in an Emergency Medical Situation in the future.

Well I say let them!

For all others who want to live, grow and possibly prosper in our country, I advise you to go to The Affordable Care Website beginning October 1, 2013 and sign up for the Affordable Care Act, so that you can protect yourself and your loved ones from Financial Ruin in the face of a Medical Crises, which we all have had or are going to have because we are human and prone to these types of Catastrophic Events in our lives.

Protect yourselves with "Obamacare".

Because Obama Cares!

Sign up for "Obamacare" beginning October 1, 2013.


Monday, September 30, 2013

The Republicans Have Just Shutdown The United State's Government-On Purpose!

The Republicans Are Responsible For This Government Shutdown.......

These Racist Republicans had a private meeting on the night of the Presidential Inauguration before President Obama even sit down in the Presidential Seat at the Whitehouse.

At the Direction of America's Most Prominent Racist: Rush Limbaugh, they plotted and swore an oath to do whatever it takes to make President Obama "A One-Term President" even if that means the total destruction of the United States Government, regardless of the Detrimental Effects that this will have on millions of Americans.

They Failed!

And since President Obama was reelected in 2012, they have continued in their efforts to destroy this Presidency, no matter what the cost is to Americans-Even the Americans who worship, adore and follow them in their hatred and stupidity, and who blindly accept their lies as facts to the death.

Only Crazy Hate Filled People or those who have been Mass Hypnotized would not recognize and remember that this Government Shutdown is the Manifestation of all their Hatred for President Obama and anyone else who does not look like them, think like them, earn like them or act like them.

And what makes Poor People supporting their efforts so ridiculous is the fact that the people who are Manufacturing these Social and Economic Crises in an effort to destroy the country are Millionaires who can move anywhere they want in the world when "The SHIT Hits The Fan".

You Cannot!











So just like 17 years ago when Newt Ginrich pulled this same stunt and was eventually thrown out on his ass by his own party-Never forget the following: This Government Shut Down Is Being Brought to you By the Racists/Hateful Republicans in the House and the Senate.

Don't Ever Forget This America!

Especially on November 4, 2014.

Now of course you will hear Republicans doing what they do best which is lying to Americans, especially those Americans who are still living in their minds, in "Pre Civil Rights times", which is where they think they are going to take America back to.

However, I believe that the majority of American People will not sit back on their asses smothering in Political Apathy while a small bunch of Backward Thinking Racist Idiots try to control the masses

Please America-Don't let this happen.

It's time to do whatever it takes to stop these bastards from hurting everyone else in this country with their Hatred, Racism and Destructive Behaviors.

It's time to educate ourselves, to mobilize ourselves, and to fight so that we can eradicate this dangerous and deadly cancer from our American Democracy.

These Democrats Are Fighting Mad.......

We Should Be Too.........


Saturday, August 31, 2013

State’s Rights Warning

If you have been paying any attention to our Socio-Economic and Political Environment since the Legal Election of President Obama in 2004 and his Legal Reelection in 2012, you have probably been hearing a lot about Hatred and Distrust of the Federal Government.

People who were once considered to be very patriotic people; who love this country, (all of a sudden), began screaming things like: “We want our country back”. “Kill Big Government”. “Drown Big Government in the bathtub”, Etc., etc., etc.

First of all, let me just set the first part of their protests straight-They don’t own any damn country.

These people, (who are now trying to “reclaim their country”); have no damn country to reclaim.

First! They superficially befriended the American Indians who are the “True Americans” of this land, and then they betrayed the Indians by raping, murdering and taking their land and making them prisoners on a reservation of the very land that they owned before these people came and took it from them through deception and violence.

In addition, after they took the land from the Indians, they came and kidnapped Human Beings from Africa to build this country (that is now known as the United States of America), for free as slaves; including that Whitehouse in Washington, DC where America's First African First Family now resides.

Seems like “Justice” to me.

But I say all of that to say this: If you don’t know what the significance of "State’s Rights" is; then go back and check out the historical significance of “State’s Rights”, and you will understand why their cries to take power from the Federal Government and return it to the states is such a big damn deal for them, now that the President of the United States is BLACK.

They want to go back to the times when they could rape, murder and kill people who they consider not worthy of living the life that the Creator gave them.

They don’t want the government to provide Public Education, because they are not educated, or they don't want anyone else to be educated other than them

They don’t want the Federal Government to step in to protect minorities from violence while trying to keep Public Institutions from being Segregated.

And, they don’t want the Federal Government to provide Public Jobs, because to this day, the Private Sector is still plagued with Racism and Discrimination against African Americans and other minorities, Gay People, Ex-Offenders and others who they view as Sub Human because they are different from what they consider to be the norm.

Whereas, the Federal Government has Federal Programs to address all of these people’s employment needs and more.

As a matter of fact, it was Public Sector Jobs implemented by the Federal Government that created the American Middle Class for African Americans as well as other minorities.

And the Federal Government also made it possible for minorities to participate in the Educational Programs that allowed them to qualify for these jobs; thereby creating more of an even playing field.

This is why these people are vigorously attacking Policeman, Fireman, Teachers, Crossing Guards, School Cafeteria Workers, Postal Workers, VA Employees and other Public Sector Jobs Programs that allowed Minorities to create Middle Class Families as a result.

Now! Because these Federally Sponsored programs created decent lives for far too many Minority Families; including the family that has them really Afraid and Pissed Off now, which is "The Obama Family" because of his and his wife’s Monumental and Historical accomplishments, and their 2 Beautiful Black Children who have the same genes.

If you want to see the most dangerous result of the Movement to return to the "State’s Rights Doctrine", just take a look at what happened in Sanford, Florida on February 26, 2012, when a 17 year old teenager by the name of Travyon Benjamin Martin was Stalked, Hunted Down and Executed by George Zimmerman, who is now FREE.

George Zimmerman killed a Black Teenager based on his distorted analysis of past events and his Racial Biases towards Young Black Males.

And now Trayvon is dead, his parents hearts are broken forever, and George Zimmerman has been found not guilty in a case that was as plain as the nose on your face.

He wanted this “Punk” and “Assholes who always get away”, not to get away.

He wanted Trayvon dead.

He killed Him.

And he got away with it because of "States Rights", in the form of the "Stand Your Ground Law in Florida and in several other states in the U.S.

And now! In addition to getting away with murder, George Zimmerman wants the State of Florida to pay a portion of his expenses as a result of his murder of Trayvon Martin.

And because of the Laws in the "State" of Florida; he will probably be compensated for his execution of an unarmed Black Teenager.

This is what "State’s Rights" are all about.

But I am so glad to know that ACTIVISM is in full effect now; (as it always needs to be), and that this is not over.

I am so glad that Trayvon Martin’s Parents are not accepting this decision as the final word and are continuing the fight against this Racist Act against their son.

I hope that all of you who have read this will contribute to the Legal Fund for Trayvon Martin at: http://www.trayvonmartin.org/ Join in as many “Peaceful Protest as you can.

And Fight! until we have a Civil Lawsuit in place against George Zimmerman.

And, continue to fight until the Department of Justice files a Civil Rights Violation Suit Against this murderer.

And Fight! To protect all of the progress that it has taken this nation to make over 400+ years.

For every one person fighting to be FREE, there are always Hateful, Evil People who are waiting for those fighting, to let down their guard so they can swoop in and reclaim the control that they lost.

These people do not want to "Peacefully Coexist" in America-They want to control everything and everyone in it.

It's up to the people who don't think like this to stop them in their tracks by "Actively Opposing Their Efforts".

Please remain Vigilant and Active in Protecting the Rights and Freedoms of ALL Citizens of the United States of America.

You Won The Battle, (But You'll Never Win The War)

Thank you,
