Saturday, November 14, 2015

Suddenly The Polls Are Wrong Donald?

Donald Trump in the lead: Donald Trump- "All of the polls have me way ahead of everyone. I've got a uge lead".

Other candidates climbing in the polls or right on his heals like Ben Carson is: Donald Trump: "Frankly I think the polls are inaccurate or important. I couldn't be in 2nd. Place".

This is one of those very dangerous and ugly games that the Rightwing Hate Machine in America has been playing since their existence, which has been as long as America has existed.

When the Bureau of Labor Statistics says, that the number of jobs created by the Obama Administration was anemic, then they say: "See what did I tell you? This President is destroying this country's economic system by not having enough brains to create jobs."

And when the OBM, (Office of Budget Management), states that our economy is in bad shape,they say: "I told you that this President's Policies are destroying our nations economy, (and killing Grandma)" LOL

But when these Non Partisan Independent Agencies of Government state the opposite; then they say: "Those reports can't be right. Obama must have fudged the numbers."

And did you ever notice that when Republicans debate they speak as if the whole country is on fire and that people who want a job can't find one?

This country is on fire, but not literally yet!

It's on fire with Violent, Racists, White Supremacists Terrorist in Government, Police Departments and in Neighborhoods, who are Violently Opposed to Black People and other Minorities having and keeping Equality in all things American.

But the fact of the matter is:

The private sector has added 12.1 million jobs over 61 straight months of job growth, extending the longest streak on record. Today we learned that total non farm payroll employment rose by 126,000 in March, driven by a 129,000 increase in private-sector employment. This particular month’s job gains were below the recent trend, as job growth in a number of industries slowed somewhat (see point 5). Over the past twelve months, the private sector has added 3.1 million jobs, nearly the highest year-over-year growth in the recovery so far.

Source: Politicususa

If you like Dangerous Lies,(because like none politicians do; people lie); but some lies are very dangerous, Factual Distortions, Character Assassination, Political Incorrectness, (which is just a euphemism for being Mean, Hateful and or Racists towards other people), and then whining and crying when someone is, "not nice to me". with absolutely no Solid Plan for making America everything that is is supposed to be according to its so called Sacred Documents, then vote Republican.

If not, then look for an alternative through research and serious analysis and thought about who you think would be best suited to run this country and keep it on its upward swing.


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