Thursday, December 19, 2013

Memo: To FOX News About Their Annual Fictitious War On Christmans Propaganda

Apparently for several years now, (led by Bill O'Reilly), and the other Bigots at FOX News, there has been rumor of a Fictitious War on Christmas supposedly launched by Progressives and other people on The Left; (as if there are no Progressives, Liberals, Leftist or Democrats who are Christians). Now of course! This is not factual or based on science and or mathematics. But of course! That does not matter to the people who perpetrate this fraud upon their viewers every year or, their audience whose whole worlds revolves around their Hate Filled Communities and FOX News. Their brains wiring will not allow them to do, see, exam or try anything else. Now those of us who have been dealing with these kinds of creatures know that talking to them is really an exercise in futility. But this is America, and everyone is free to think, believe and act like they choose, (within the limits of our local, state and federal laws). However, recently, (and in the not to distant pass), many of these same kinds of people's behaviors led to rape, murder, cross burning, church bombing and lynching's. And all of that was before they had the benefit of Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Sarah Palin, FOX News and a host of other reinforcing and dangerous brain programming sources programming these people to intensify and multiply their hatred, fear and racism towards people who are just as, (if not more so) human as they are. Well! I guess I can still classify them as human in spite of their behavior. And since this is so dangerous and destructive to our country as a whole, it is impossible to just ignore and not respond to their attacks with equal and opposite force. Now this war on Christmas launched by FOX News and other Racist Media Moguls who launch these types of campaigns to incite the poor, the ignorant, the hateful and the people who have significantly less education then they have, to commit acts of hatred, violence and treason against the people of this country, (including the president), who do not want these things to be a part of our country, which is the majority of people in this country; and they have learned to create Massive Profits by doing this. These rich people use misinformation, disinformation and partial distortion of the facts, (because the best lie is one that is intermingled with the truth), to lead these uneducated, uniformed and hateful people down the path of destruction to our nation and to themselves-failing to mention that fact that if and when all of this hatred erupts, they will retreat to their heavily guarded, fenced in mansions; leaving those they deceived to fend for themselves. So even though we Progressives know their is no point in talking to "you people" on a sincere and honest basis, we will continue to talk and fight to save our nation for all Americans; not just the very limited group that you are referring to as "Americans" when you say it; because their is far too much potential danger in this situation for us to stop trying. So here goes: If you want to know why more and more people are saying "Happy Holidays", as opposed to "Merry Christmas"; it's because we have learned to develop our GOD Given Qualities of Respect, Consideration and Empathy to a high level; and you all have not. We say "Happy Holidays", because we are smart enough to know that everyone in America does not celebrate Christmas, because we are aware of the FACT that we live in the United States of America which is a melting pot of different people with different political view points, religious viewpoints, sexual preferences and so many other differences that make us the United States of America, according to the near Sacred Documents that you all claim to live by. So rather than imposing our personal beliefs and practices on others; we just cover everybody we meet and greet during the holidays by saying "Happy Holidays", and in most cases we get that same consideration and respect in return from most people, except from people like you. So I would like to take this moment to wish everyone at FOX News, and all those who live and breath by every word they say: HAPPY HOLIDAYS!


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