Saturday, December 14, 2013

MSNBC-I Miss Martin Bashir


Once again!

You have removed a quality person from your network who was only speaking the truth about a member of the Rightwing Hate Machine-a truth they continue to create and perpetuate that deserves to be recognized and responded to, as Martin Bashir did, and was unfairly attacked and forced to resign for.

And you wonder why the Right is winning their war against the Progressive Movement in America?

It's because you cannot stop a bullet with a peace sign.

You have got to fire back in order to protect yourself.

And please pardon my shooting analogies, but I'm not one who believes that the Right can say and do what they want and I as a Progressive cannot.

Brother Martin was simply speaking the truth and shooting back to protect himself and the rest of us with an appropriate response to all of the Racial Hatred that Republicans and Conservatives have been spreading throughout this nation for far too long-without appropriate and equal responses.

If we do not hurry up and learn how to adequately respond to these vicious attacks, we are going to lose the war.

What you are doing every time this is happens to one of your on air personalities, (who are just speaking the truth), is letting FOX News and the other Rightwing Hate Machine outlets in this country know that they are free to continue their vicious attacks against woman, minorities, immigrants, poor people, sick people, the president and other human beings who find themselves in very difficult situations that no one, (and I repeat no one), even the so called super human conservatives who take advantage of the same kinds of Government Benefits that they do not want people in need to have.

As human beings we sometimes find ourselves in situations that we could not possibly lift ourselves out of without the helping hands that the Progressive Movement in this country stands for and fights for.

MSNBC, the act of attacking one of your own for fighting back against the Hatred, Racism and Greed that we are currently experiencing from the Conservative Movement in America while leaving people like Rush Limbaugh in place will eventually cause us to lose this battle for Freedom, Justice and Equality.

Stop killing off your own soldiers and minimizing our chances for victory while fighting against the wrong things, in favor of doing what we all know is the right thing to do.


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