Saturday, December 21, 2013

Phil Robertson-Is The Rights Defense Of This Bigot A Lesson For The Left?

Here we go again!

We have not even gotten over Paula Deen's Racist Comments in this country,( and neither has she), and now here we go again with Phil Robertson with his Racist and Homophobic Comments, which because of his Religious Toxicity, makes him feel that his truth is the one and only truth as reflected by his opinions in a recent GQ Magazine Article.

First I want to say, why the shock?

I knew that these characters were not progressive when I first looked at them.

Now of course his Racists Brothers & Sisters on the Right are rushing to his defense.

Take notes MSNBC! You should be defending your soldiers in the same manner.

And if something like firing Martin Bashir for what he said is one of your company policies, then dam it! That policy needs to be changed.

Most of the people on MSNBC on the left, would never say anything as harsh as those on the right say on radio and television about us and the president on a daily basis; nor would they say things that were not true just because it hurts us and because it is profitable to lie to their followers who are prime for the picking because they are blinded by hate.

Ever wonder why the media messages on the right are so powerful and penetrative right now?

Its because the media messages on the left are becoming so watered down and weak now, which brings us to a point where we cannot even defend ourselves against the vicious, hateful and racist attacks that continue to come our way on a daily basis.

So even though I don't like the content of what the right says on a daily basis; I have got to admire and respect their protection of those of like minds with like hate.

And I don't understand why we on the left cannot defend ourselves when we are the ones who are all about love, justice, freedom and equality for those who cannot defend themselves.

Now listen Righties, I agree with your vigorous arguments for "Free Speech" (on yawl's behalf and no one else's), but in the name of Free Enterprise and Free Markets,(which you all claim to love just like everything else when it benefits yawl), I have just got to point out the difference between Free Speech and Free Enterprise, which are both American Concepts which I practice and support.

If Phil Robertson and the rest of those backwards characters filled out an application to be employed by a Private Enterprise like A&E to represent their business to its targeted audience in a positive manner. And the Duck Dynasty Stars who signed that contract agreed as a representative of their business to be Positive Public Ambassadors for that network, and they violate any part of that contract; then A&E, (in the interest of Profits), that may be eliminated or minimized as a result of one or more of their employees, because they offend members of their Targeted Market, then Phil Robertson's ass should be and was fired; at least as it stand now.

And he has the benefit of Free Speech, because he has not been imprisoned or shot or fired for the things that he said.

That's Free Speech!

His ass just got fired like thousands of Americans do every month, mostly due to the archaic and inhumane polices put forth by those on the Right who are so hateful that they just do not care about anyone other than themselves and those who are like them. Personally! I miss the good ole days when Racist were openly Racists, because it was easier to recognize my enemies, and locate my friends.

So for once I agree with you.

Phil Robertson like Paula Deen and me, have the right to say anything that I damn well please.

But here's the catch!

We also must accept the consequences of what I say; especially if I work for a company that says if I say or do something that causes them to lose income, (because the people that are our customers say that they will stop patronizing our company), then we are going to fire your ass to keep our customers and protect our profits.

And that is exactly what happened here!

So now that he is unemployed; he'll have plenty of time to "Speak Freely" about his Racist and Homophobic views whenever he wants without that paycheck from A&E.

You know what Righties, your right, Free Enterprise works.


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