Friday, October 25, 2013

Avoiding Government Shutdowns In The Future

Please vote in the 2014 Midterm Elections on November 4, 2014.

Our failure to do this in Mass, in 2010, allowed far too many of the local politicians in the U.S. who should not even be elected as Chief Dog Catcher to be put in positions of power that have allowed them to tamper with our voting and other rights to a dangerous point of degradation, pushing us backwards towards inequality.

Driven by Racism and Hatred for certain groups and classes of human beings,(especially President Obama), these "People" have began to not only attack the president's rights, but to attack the rights of other American Citizens, (many who have struggled for hundreds of years just to be classified as Human).

As one Socially Aware White Journalist so aptly put the sentiments of the Black Community into words: "First they were coming for President Obama; and now their coming for all of us".

And they will never stop coming for us unless we stop them through our Political and Social Awareness; and our Political and Social Activism.

I hope to see you at the polls on November 4, 2014.

We have got to keep the Senate and take back the House.

Remember! When Senator Obama ran for president in 2008, he said: "Change WE Can Believe In", not Change I Can Believe In.

Please do your part to remove the Cancer known as the Tea party from our Government for the benefit of everyone who wants to live in a Safe, Productive and Civil Society.


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