Thursday, October 17, 2013

What Did This Latest Republican Manufactured Crises Teach Us?

1. This is a Democracy and Majority Rules

2. Americans refuse to be taken hostage by a few ideological Idiots who cannot deal with the reality that America is changing; (for the better, for everyone).

3. How much power “We the People” actually have when we actively participate in our Economic, Political and Justice Systems in America.

4. That we must continue to fight against those who feel that the world is theirs and that GOD created them not as equals, but as superior beings because of the color of their skin.

5. That Democrats, (who I am very proud of), can stick to their guns and support the President when that support is indeed justified. Because if one Political Party can stick to their guns and unite around lies that hurt the American People as a whole, then certainly Democrats who have the truth can do the same for the benefit of the country, which they did.

6. When Democrats, Republicans and the President put the people of this country first by working together, instead of practicing Racism, Hatred, Greed and Political Ideology, then America is a much better and safer country for us all.

America is in no way perfect, and it will only get worse if we continue to make pretend that it is.

However, we have made significant progress over the past 60 years as a result of the Activism of our Forefathers and Mothers, and all of the decent people of all races who had the vision, forethought and sense of fairness to know that when something is wrong, positive changes need to be made.

Republicans welcomed the Tea Party and gave them power. And now they are turning against them using the very power that Republicans gave them.

And finally! The Slave Master Fantasies that these people have in regards to President Obama and other minority members of this nation was, and will continue to be rejected by the Majority of Americans in this country.


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