Thursday, October 3, 2013

Whose Fault Is This?

Well! That depends on rather you are susceptible to lies or searching for the truth.

The First Lie: Both sides are at fault.


President Obama has been bending over backward since his term began to find Common Grounds with Republicans who have been known as the “Party of Racist” for quite some time now. However, no one negotiates with someone who they want to fail.

Congress is at fault.


The Democratic Party of Congress has been trying to bring multiple pieces of legislation to the floor for debate, but the Racist Republican part of Congress has refused to vote on these proposed pieces of legislation.

They won’t even allow their members to vote on these pieces of legislation, which is what they are paid to do.

It’s everybody in Washington’s fault.


There are some people in Washington who really came there to do the best they can for the American People and not just for the Koch Brothers, Big Pharma, Banks, Oil Companies, Millionaires, Billionaires and Wall Street

It’s President Obama’s Fault.


They have blamed President Obama for all the damage that they have been creating since before President Obama became president…..damage to our economy, our culture of Fairness, Justice and Equality for all, and the Progressive Spirit of our nation.

It’s so amazing to see a group of people who have not been doing their jobs ever since November, 2008, blaming others for the SHIT that they themselves have been doing and have not been doing, because they HATE the Black President and “Want Him To Fail”; which means they want America to fail.

And what’s even more amazing and frightening, is the percentage of people who are not tuned in to the truth who believe this Bullshit.

But these things are not accidents.

These are well planned Strategic, Political Moves initiated, (at the pleasure of and with assistance from the Koch Brothers and other Right Wing, Racist Rich People),created by Gerrymandering almost Purely White, Purely Republican, Purely Racist and Purely Ignorant Districts by redrawing these cities and towns to provide cover and support for the dangerous and stupid shit that they do; including shutting down the Federal Government, and in a few weeks possibly refusing to raise the Debt Ceiling which will make the United States default on the debt that it owes.

This could crash the U.S. Economy and the World Economy.

No one really knows what kind of Detrimental Effects this will have on the Global Economy, because no U.S. Government Official has been stupid enough to try this.


Congress has been raising the Debt Ceiling as a matter of Standard Procedure since the days of Ronald Reagan’s Presidency.

Here are some facts about why the other party shut the government down and the lies they attempt to use to sell this to the American People.

First of all: The Affordable Care Act is not a piece of legislation as they have been successfully convincing a small segment of our society for over 3 years now; a bill that needs to be passed.

The Affordable Care Act dubbed by the other party as “Obamacare” has already been passed in both houses of congress, signed into law, challenged for Constitutionality, (by the same Idiots who are responsible for this shutdown), litigated in the Supreme Court of the United State of America and upheld as the Law of the Land, which is where it currently stands and will continue to stand for what I hope will be as long as America Stands.

And I say that because I almost died while working for the State of Maryland as a Contract Employee without health insurance.

I tried to buy it on my own but could not afford it.

And when I finally found a plan that I could afford on my own, (Blue Cross & Blue Shield), wouldn’t sell me a policy because my height was disproportionate to my weight, (Pre-Existing Condition). I also tried to buy a State Group Policy before Open Enrollment and the Customer Service Rep said that I would probably have to get another job or 2 just to pay for it.

And by the time Open Enrollment came and I had an opportunity to purchase Group Health Insurance at a cheaper price, I was already in the hospital where I was told that they did not know why I wasn’t already dead.

It’s also important to note that President Obama ran on Jobs, Fairness, Forward Movement and yes! “Obamacare”, and won the majority of the votes in 2004 and 2012.

The very things that they are now trying to destroy, are the very things that the majority of Americans voted for-So in essence, these people are telling you and me, to go to hell.

You going?


The Democratic Party’s leader has a jobs bill sitting on his desk which has been sitting there for 3 years waiting for the other party to just discuss the possibility of passing it, so that millions of Unemployed Americans can get a job.

I didn’t say pass it.

I said to just debate the merits of the bill on the floor, (which is what both houses of congress are paid to do).

Their job is to pass legislation for the president to sign into law.

The Democratic Party’s leader has been a staunch advocate for fixing our Infrastructure, improving our Education System, Improving Healthcare, Enforcing Regulations on Major Corporations like BP, (who got away with Murder when the Oil Rig blew up in New Orleans killing 11 people) as a result of a problem that they were aware of.

And the Democratic Party has been begging the other party to VOTE on all of these bills that were designed to protect and serve the Citizens of the United States of America for the good of the entire country-Not just the Rich, the powerful, the well-connected or those who share this Racial Hatred towards President Obama and people who look like him, or the White People who voted for him and are supporting his agenda for America.

But these people are Hell Bent on destroying President Obama’s Administration and reversing all of the Progress that we have made as a society; even if it means destroying the whole country to do it.

These people have no Peripheral Vision, no Forethought, no Consideration for others and no World View, because their entire world exists in a bubble where people get their facts from Rightwing Conservative Media Sources that exploit their ignorance and hate for profit to the detriment of the entire nation.

But what did the other party do?

They did what they have been doing since President Obama was elected in 2004 and reelected in 2012, and what they continued to do up until 12:00AM October 1, 2013-Delay, Obstruct, Rebel and Hate the new President of the United States because of the color of his skin; in much the same way that Racists treated Jackie Robinson as the First African American Major League Baseball Player.

These people are being controlled like puppets on a string by rich people who are far more intelligent than they are, because their stupidity is intensified by their lack of concern for the American People, their hatred of President Obama and their lack of skill when it comes to how to Safely and Effectively Govern in a Major Superpower Country like the United State of America.

The fact of the matter is: Republicans do not like anything that helps people who find themselves in touch situations, unless they themselves are in a tough situation, in which case they will without a second thought; take advantage of all the benefits and advantages that the United States Government has to offer (THEM).

For over 50 years presidents have been trying to implement a program to provide Healthcare at Affordable Rates for all of our citizens.

And for over 100 years they have failed, until President Obama was elected and risked his job by using up most if not all, of his Political Capital to get the Affordable Care Act passed into law, (not for Purely Political Reasons), but because he actually watched his mother die from cancer while trying to figure out how she could pay for healthcare to save her own life.

He simply does not want to see millions of other Americans suffer and die like his mother did, because she could not afford healthcare.

This is Personal for President Obama.

So that makes the Affordable Care Act a landmark piece of legislation that will put President Obama into the history books as not only the First African American President, but as the First President to Successfully Pass a healthcare law that helps millions of Americans who could otherwise wind up dying as a result of being without it.

Republicans do not want a Black Man to get credit for something as significant as this, because they are racist.

Just like they don’t want a Black Man to get credit for repairing the damage that they created to our Nation’s Economy, Crumbling Infrastructure, Educational Systems or anything else that can change the direction of this country in a positive manner.

They want President Obama to destroy his legacy while denying millions of people a chance to stay alive if they are involved in an accident or get sick.

He should not accept this.

And we should not accept this.

This is why the Government is currently shutdown.

So if you are receptive to the truth as opposed to being susceptible to lies, you already know who is responsible for this Government Shutdown.


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