Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Racist Republicans Accusing People Who Call Them Out Racists-Even The President.....

Has anyone noticed over the past 8 years that Racist Republicans who are called out for their Racists Attitudes, Perspectives and Behaviors have been calling the people who Recognize and Respond to their Racism-Racists?

It's just another deceptive tool used by Republicans to deceive those who just do not know, or bother to study the modern history of the Republican Party, which has been multiplied times 10 by the Tea Party, which immediately appeared out of nowhere after the First African American President was elected.

And you can usually tell where a group or organization stands by the behaviors exhibited by their leader

Example: The leader of the Republican Party-Reince Priebus is now accusing President Obama, a president elected 2 times by a coalition of voters of different, races, sexual orientation and religions, of establishing a "Culture of Hate".

As I have said time and time again:

The Republican Playbook for Governing consist of lying all the time about everything.

The desire for a new direction in government in America through the election and reelection of President Obama has really never been about race, except for those who are Racists.

It's all been about people with common interests and goals working together to make the country better for everyone concerned.

The Republican Party cannot honestly say that unless the common interest and goals involve HATE, RACISM, GREED and the Destruction of Human Life.


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