Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Real Reason Behind Republicans Breaking The Political Stalemate

It Is Not What They Want You To Think It Is.

To the uninformed and the inexperienced political observer, this move towards finally working with President Obama and the Democrats on actually getting something positive done for the American People after over 5 years of Republican Obstructionism and Gridlock, may appear to indicate a "Change Of Heart", in the Political Agenda of the Republican Party and the Rightwing Conservative Movement in America.

But Oh No!

As of matter of fact, the only reason why Republicans are even trying to appear to be reasonable and concerned about the welfare of Average American citizens, is to really just save their own asses and help themselves, which means that they really have not changed at all, and probably never will unless the majority of the American People make it clear, painful and consequential (in negative fashion), for them to continue to do so.

If you want to peep the real Republican Agenda, then pay attention to the people who really are in charge of the Republican Party-the Bill O'Reilly's, the Shawn Hannity's or the Rush Limbaugh's who live and control the "Unrealistic Conservative World", better known as the "Conservative Bubble".

What are they saying about the Republican's new attitude towards cooperation and assistance with the other people who work in Washington, DC on behalf of the American People?

Their saying the same things that they have always said: HELL NO!

Keep the Hatred, Greed, Oppression and Racism towards the president and those "Other People" who are not "True Americans" going on forever.

Yes! It is true that all politicians want to win elections; but the differences in those desires to win lies behind the reasons why they want to win.

Do they want to win to help all of the American People?-or just the chosen few that Republicans refer to as "The American People" in the their speeches when they proudly lie and proclaim that "This Is What The American People Want".

What Americans are they referring to? You know! The Banking Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Major Corporations like Wal-Mart, Exxon Mobile, BP Oil, the Koch Brothers and wall street, (which implemented one of the most evil and dangerous Economic Scams in U.S. History), which brought the entire country to the brink of economic destruction.

That is TREASON my friend.

And guess what?

With the Protection and cover from these same people who want you to believe that they have had a "Positive Change of Heart" Towards Average American Citizens.

If you fall for this, then once again they will force their Evil Agendas on those of us who are not Rich, Powerful or Well Connected.

You see! Republicans have but one focus as far as their political careers are concerned:

They do not want to help America become a better and fairer place for all of us to live in-they only want to win elections so they can be in a better position to implement their plans for protecting the wealth of the wealthy while trying to make the poor poorer or dead.

They are also trying to avoid the pain that they caused themselves by trying to make you forget about the fact that they shut the government down, caused America to lose its AAA Credit Rating by allowing America to hit the Debt Ceiling and a fantastic playlist of other extremely damaging Policies, Procedures, Racist Attitudes and so many more Narcissistic behaviors that have nothing to do with the TRUE Principals that this nation was founded upon and is still struggling to be at the place in reality that only currently only exists on paper.

But the fact of the matter is: Many times when these people speak; if you listen very closely, they will openly tell you what their plans really involve.

But you have to pay attention and sometimes, read between the lines, and you also have to realize that many things can be said by the things that are not said, questions that they refuse to answer.

Pay attention to the exchange below between Shawn Hannity and Paul Ryan and see if you can determine what is really in their hearts and what they really want to happen in American as a result of their current strategy.

RYAN: You’re right on the money. This is not an agreement to balance the budget — that’s what our budget does. Guess what, Sean? Elections have consequences. We’re going to have to win a couple of elections to actually pass the kind of budgets that you and I are in favor of, the one I passed in the House just last spring. The House Republicans have passed three budgets in a row that actually balance the federal budget – HANNITY: So this is not your ideal budget. RYAN: No! It’s not even close to my ideal budget. G.R.C.

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