Friday, September 4, 2015

Say "No!" To Another Unnecessary War, (This Time With Iran)

This deal with Iran is another Historical Accomplishment for the Obama Administration and the other countries that are involved.

Is it perfect or guaranteed?


But when have these conditions ever been met in Politics on this earth by any other president?


But it's better than any deal that we had before,(which was none).

Say "NO!" to Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Glenn Beck's War Mongering Rally in Washington , DC on September 9, 2015.

Hatred,Greed and Racism will not write the accomplishments of Barack Hussein Obama II, the 44th President of the United States of America, (and the First African American President in America), out of the history books, nor will lies tarnish his Character, Reputation or that of his family and those who supported and associated themselves with him Internationally, who will continue to do so long after his presidency ends.

It is up to us and those who come after us to see that Hatred and Racism does not Rewrite the History of this President's Accomplishments as Failures .


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