Thursday, September 14, 2017

The Truth About Trump's Attacks On Immigrants-And Other People Of Color

The Darkening Of America

People of color should definitely not fall for these tricks.

I know that sometimes immigrants can get on our nerves in many ways, but that is not because someone is an immigrant, it's because their an asshole.

And all of us know assholes that come from many different segments of society,(not just immigrants).

But the point I am trying to make here is that this Propaganda Campaign devised by the Trump Administration to paint all immigrants as Rapists, Murderers, Drug Dealers, Thugs and Violent Criminals is nothing new.

The Germans experienced it.

The Irish experienced it.

The Orientals experienced it.

And many other immigrant groups have been attacked by hateful, racist people who are not tolerant of people who are not the same as them.

But what is so ironic is the fact that many of these same immigrants who were attacked in this manner are now attacking Muslims, Jews, Hispanics, Latinos, etc, as if they are truly the indigent people of this land.

This has happened to every group of new immigrants when they first showed up on the shores of America after it was taken by Treachery, Deceit and Force from the Indians through Theft,Rape, Murder and other such evil acts that all "Good God Fearing People", (like these people claim to be); would be able to commit without even giving God a thought.

And then they called the people who they took the land from "Savages" in order to justify their Animalistic, Violent Behaviour towards the Original Natives of this land.

And then they called us "Animals" in order to justify forcing us to build up the country that they forcibly took from the Indians for FREE; and to Beat, Rape, Lynch and commit other inhumane acts against slaves.

That's called Religious Hypocrisy.

And it is still in full effect as we speak.

America has a dirty little secret that they have tried to keep buried-hidden behind the Flag, The Bible, Revisionists History and the National Anthem, (which has the stanza removed that glorifies and celebrates Slavery). And that is: America always Dehumanizes its Victims in order to Justify their Violence towards them, (as in the Blue Klux Klan), constantly proclaiming after they've killed someone unjustifiably that "I feared for my life." "He looks like a bad dude" and, "He appeared to be an animal." The aforementioned immigrants came looking for "The American Dream"

But not us!

We came here by Force in Chains and experienced the American Scream. And unfortunately, (even though that nightmare simmers down from time to time), it has come back with a vengeance as a result of the Successful Election and Reelection of President Barack Obama and because of Donald Trump's co opting of the Racist Tea Parties Birther Movement, which helped put him where he is now, which is where he does not belong.

He also had our Arch Enemy Russia's help.

So, unless you came by slave ship as all of our ancestors did, eventually they got used to these immigrants with White Skin and begin to give them a considerable amount of Freedom, Justice, Opportunity and Equality.

Mean time, our ancestors were still being treated like Dirty Wild Animals who had no place in American society other than to build it up for free, to be beaten, driven from their homes, to be broken up as families because Massa struck bargains with other slave owners to sell slaves off; therefore taking children from their parents, husband and wives from their mates-sometimes to never be reunited again.

And this treatment of our people has left us genetically predisposed to certain issues that we were forced to adopt because of our initial enslavement and our current more sophisticated enslavement in America.

Which is why Republicans and other Conservatives make me laugh when they talk about how hard their parents worked when they got here and how they had to pull themselves up by their boot straps.

What they fail to mention is the fact that when their parents were working so damn hard to put them through college so that the next generation could do better-our parents were still in chains working hard, but working hard for nothing more than the fear of Assault, Attacks and Murder.

So tell me Conservatives: How in the hell do you pull yourself up by your bootstraps when you don't have any damn boots?

So America is not now or ever been an even playing field for everyone.

This is Conservative Bullshit.

And if you hope to survive and see your family, friends and communities survive, you really need to recognize it as Bullshit; (especially under this Trump Administration).

But I say all of that to say this: In their latest effort to "Divide & Conquer" People of Color, (which White Racist Americans are famous for), now the Trump Administration is introducing a new Propaganda Campaign to persuade African Americans that the immigrants that they are trying to get rid of are the reason why we cannot get jobs, which is some more Bullshit.

And don't forget that many of the people that they are deporting are not just Hispanic or Latinos, (that's what they want you to focus on).

The fact of the matter is that there are many Black Skinned People who are being targeted as well.

Remember!we couldn't get good jobs, (even if we were qualified), before all of these immigrants came to America for the same reason that we are still can't; because at its roots, America has and continues to hate Black People and other people of color.

Republicans and other Conservatives are trying to get rid of as many people of color as possible because they don't want them voting for Democrats.

And White Conservative Racists have had this fear every since President Obama took office.

That is why they have systematically put Sophisticated Voter Suppression Programs in place all around the country.

For Example, this administration's "New-Voter Fraud Commission", which is actually a commission to expand Voter Suppression.

Now they are reintroducing "Divide & Conquer" to their arsenal to turn people of color against other people of color, because Conservatives know that people of color together outnumber them.

And that is something that scares the shit out of White Racists who feel "Left behind"-Boo Hoo!

They are not left behind.

They just don't like the fact that because of the New Global Economy and the Advancement of Technology; they now have to compete with people who are White and those who are not.

What they really fear is the Total Destruction of White Privilege and needing to compete with people whom they consider to be Inferior to them.

So please don't let them trick you.

All of us Americans who want Freedom, Justice & Equality for all must stand together. And yes! That includes Decent Fair Minded White People and people from all walks of life who want the same things for themselves and their families.

I ask that any differences between anyone or any group that is interested in reaching these goals, and making America Greater for everyone, (not just 30% of Hateful Idiots), settle those differences and then agree to work together for the benefit of the country as a whole.

And they know that if they can keep Decent Americans fighting against each other that makes us vulnerable to their Physical & Psychological Attacks against us all.

Because one thing people who HATE can't stand is people who LOVE.

Let's not be manipulated to our own detriment by this Racist, Greedy, Hateful Fake Ass Patriotic, Criminal Enterprise that Donald Trump has set up in "The People's House" .

We Want Our Country Back!

It's never been perfect and most likely will never be. But before Trump; at least we were moving in the right direction.

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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