Thursday, October 26, 2017

All Of A Sudden Drug Addiction Is An Epidemic, An Illness & Not A Crime.......Since When?

When it became a problem in Rural & Sub-urban America.

In other words, when it started to Negatively Impact White People.

Just like everything else in America, it is not a problem until White Americans are affected by it .

In Urban Areas there has been a Drug Addiction Epidemic when I was a child, when I became an adolescent and when I became a young adult.

And it still continues to this day.

And guess what?

There was no call for "Compassion".

There was no "Medical Classification" making the Illegal Use of drugs an Illness.

There were no calls for "Medical Treatment".

But do you know what it was classified as?

A crime

And America had no "Compassion" for these Black People and the other Minorities from Poor Communities who suffered from Drug Addiction.

And the solution to the problem was not "Medical Treatment". The solution was to Throw Their Black Asses in Jail And Throw Away The Key.


Because Black Lives never have and still don't matter, (relative to White Lives in America).

And in the Great American Tradition of Racial Hypocrisy, now all of a sudden, addiction is such a major problem, so much so, that Orange Julius has to hold a press conference today to propose drastic measures to help those who are now addicted in Rural & Suburbia America with Medical Treatment & Compassion.

And unlike these Rural & Sub-urban swaths of America where compassion and medical treatment are being demanded, Jeff Sessions wants to make sure that people who are suffering from the same illness in the Inner Cities be charged with the (Harshest Criminal Penalties Possible).

Listen up people!

Just because you don't know that a ton of bricks is about to fall on your head does not make the damage to your head any less.

And it is also important to note that just because it is easier to live in denial about people who are trying to either Enslave or Destroy you will not prevent them from doing so-As a matter of fact, Ignorance will only make it easier for them to do.

We as Black People and other Minorities who White Racist Americans, (like those associated with Donald J. Trump), not only don't believe that we are not worthy of the same Freedom, Justice & Equality that they believe is their Birthright.

They also don't believe that we are worthy of the life that God gave us.

The first step to our survival as people of color is to unite and refuse to let this administration systematically divide us and keep us fighting amongst each other, when in fact, our survival depends on the very unity that they are trying to destroy; (Divide & Conquer). Secondly, all Common Sense Decent White People who want the same things for themselves and their families that we want for ours, (because they know that it is right), must also unite with us and others, (even if they are different).

Remember! Those who want the same things are not different on the inside. We are all the same.

Third: Let all of the Uncle Toms who are associating themselves with the enemy who are trying to Commit Genocide utilizing the Police Departments throughout America, remain in "The House" with them until the house falls to the ground in ruins, and never forget to not treat them any differently then you would the enemy that they defended.

They are coming for us rather we defend ourselves or not.

The only difference is, not defending ourselves will make it too damn easy for them.

And that is not why our ancestors, fore-parents, grandparents and parents went through the SHIT that they went through to get us to this point, so that we could just give up in defeat and throw away everything they suffered and died for.

Hell No Trump!

Destroy the Trump Administration before they destroy the country.

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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