Thursday, December 7, 2017

Democrats Throw Another One Of Their Own Under The Bus........

Today, under pressure from his own Party, (who is under pressure from Mitch MCconnell, Donald Trump), and the other Republican Puppets who are following him to the detriment of this country); Democrats forced one of the strongest and most effective opponents of the Trump Administration's Criminal Enterprises to resign.

This is a major win for Donald Trump, The Republican Senate and the Republican House.

It is also a brick out of the wall that should be protecting this country from the Criminal and Treasonous activities of the Trump Administration.

Now I don't know if the most recent allegations against Senator Al Franken are valid or not.

And now I guess we will never know, because the Democratic Party chose to become Judge, Jury and Executioner by not allowing the Ethics Committee to investigate and get to the bottom of the allegations.

In other words, just like they treated John Conyers last week and this week, that is the same way they treated Al Franken this week, by convicting him and forcing him to resign without Due Process.

Once again! Let me state emphatically that Sexual Assault, Sexual Abuse,Sexual Slander, Rape and Petifelia should never be acceptable under any circumstances either socially or professionally.

However, my question to the Weak Ass Democratic Leadership is: Why is it that when the Republicans speak and say "Jump", yawl say "How High?".

Have Weak Leaders in the Democratic Party turned over control of the party to Republicans?

Because it seems like whenever Right Wing Talking Heads, or Right Wing Lug Nuts like Steve Bannon, Mitch MCconnell, Donald Trump and others tell you to destroy one or more of your own, yawl jump right to it without resistance, a fight, opposition or a Fair and Impartial Hearing.

If Conyers and Franken were given fair ethics hearing by the Democratic Party, and the result turned out to be unfavorable to either one or both of these Democrats, then at least the base would have the comfort in knowing that the decision was Fair and Justified and made by Democrats instead of Republicans.

But as it stands, I hope that the Democratic Leadership realizes that Republicans are attacking Democrats for offenses that are nowhere near as Severe and Criminal as the ones that they have and continue to commit, and in effect, they are literally weakening and destroying the party to make it ineffective in 2018 and 2020.

Of course I acknowledge the fact that no matter how trivial the matter might seem to me or someone else, it is not trivial to the victims of the offenses.

But when you have the victims saying that they forgive the offender for making a mistake because they acknowledge the fact that we are all human, or that they have settled the matter through litigation, and the Democrats can't even take that into consideration for launching a Legitimate Ethics Investigation, then it would appear that, not only is Trump corrupting the Republican Party and Normal Standards and Practices, but he is also corrupting the Democrats and making them complicit in his scheme to destroy this country for Vladimir Putin, so he can then come in and take whatever is left.

And anyone in any party that does not recognize that this is what Trump, His Family, His Cabinet and all the other Greedy, Lying, Hateful Racists who associate with him are really about, are blind.

Finally, no one wants to stand up and fight for and give financial support to a party that will not stand up and fight for itself-that is a losing battle.

So unless and until, we on the left see some king of Spine, Tenacity and Power to fight against the Right Wing Hate Machine in America, I don't think that the Democratic Party is going to garner the kind of support, (financial and otherwise), that it needs to take back the House, the Senate and the White House between 2018 and 2020.

I truly hope that the Democratic Leadership changes direction or is replaced by those who can.

So that we can continue the hard fought progress that was made by our Ancestors, Fore Parents, Grandparents and Parents over the last 500 + years; assisted by White People and other people of Conscious that knew and know what's just and what is unjust.

That takes Power, Courage and Strength; which are characteristics that the current Democratic Leadership is not exhibiting.

If we hope to win in 2018 and 2020, Democrats had better get their shit together now!

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

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