Thursday, December 14, 2017

Pay Attention To The Patterns Of War Mongering

See them?

Weapons Of Mass Destruction Found In Iraq

Weapons Of Mass Destruction Found By U.S. Army from Iran.

One of the most important things that America needs to realize about Donald J. Trump is that he is acting out of a Spirit of Hatred & Racism towards America's First Black President as opposed to Love for the American People.

This makes him a very dangerous man.

This is why he is reversing any and everything that President Obama put into place, even if it is not safe, logical, legal or productive to do so.

One of the most notable changes (among many), in reversals of American Policy that is dangerous for America is his insistence on cancelling President Obama's Iran Nuclear Deal.

Just like Obamacare, he and the Republicans are not interested in tweaking anything that President Obama has created that has and could continue to benefit the American People - That's Hate.

And now to prove that President Obama was wrong-again! in trying to create and maintain a Peaceful Resolution with Iran as far as their Nuclear Program is concerned, he wants to destroy the deal and potentially become involved in another unnecessary war; as if our Human and other Resources are not already stretched to the limit.

Check out the 2 photos above?

Do they remind you of anything?

What I am trying to say is that Trump would rather destroy this country than to give a Black President credit for doing somethings that were good.

The question is how much longer are people in power who know what is going on, and the people of this country who will be endangered by his stupidity, going to allow this stupidity to continue?

No one should be shocked by Trump's Reckless and Destructive Behaviour, because this is exactly what Russia invested in his campaign for him to do; which is to destroy the U.S. Government, which in effect will destroy the U.S.

And then with America in shambles, Putin can step in and expand his real estate holdings in the world by taking over the Crown Jewel-America.

So, please pay attention to the War Drums which are beating softly now.

But if left unchecked by the American People, those drums will get much louder over time.


Oh! By the way, today the FCC voted to take away our free and open access to the Internet.

How much more are Americas going to take?

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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