Tuesday, December 12, 2017

American Hypocrisy On Display Tonight In Alabama, Congress and the White House

Watch for it as Doug Jones Challenges Roy Moore for the chance to enact laws in the Congress of the United States that reflects their personal beliefs.

As with Trump V Clinton, let's do away with the myth of the "Perfect Candidate", because their is none.

However in most cases there is enough of an apparent difference in degrees of evil to recognize which one should be chosen over the other,(if you care about keeping the amount of evil in this country to a minimum.)

So I really don't have a lot of time to expand on this message, so I will simply say, one of these candidates Roy Moore,(The one on the Left), is a known Child Molester and Judge whose sexual behaviour towards minors, has been so bad that he cannot even enter the local mall because of his documented history.

The one on the Right doesn't have a stellar record on African American Issues, but he does not believe that being Gay should be against the law. He does not believe that we as a country should hate Jews just because their Jews. And, he does not believe that the 17th Amendment to the Constitution,(you know the one that made us African Americans Human Beings instead of Property should be completely removed from the Constitution, along with the Amendments that gave women the Right to Vote. Is this really going to be such a difficult and confusing choice for the people of Alabama and Congress.

Consider the fact that we already have one Sexual Abuser and Child Molester in the White House that needs to be removed by any means necessary to save the country form certain destruction.

He is also a Liar, Thief,Racist, Russian Spy among other negative things that are causing our country to fall apart at the seams using the strategy of "Divide and Conquer".

In addition, the majority of the Republican Party and his entire Administration are okay with this as long as they get to maintain power and control over People of Color, Immigrants, Women, and anybody else who is not an Old Ass White Haired or Orange Haired Male.

America is always attacking other countries for their Human Rights Violations against their own Men, Women and Children.

But look at what has taken place in America in 2016, and what may be happening tonight.

Does America really have the Moral Authority to criticize any country when they have allowed Donald Trump to be President and now their trying to elect Roy Moore as a Senator?

As the night progresses we will see.

Even though I have always known that America and its "Holier than thou" attitude was a bunch of Bullshit.

Let's see if tonight proves my point.

I hope I'm wrong for the sake of the country.

Vote for Doug Jones for Senate Alabamians; If you don't want your country to remain evil, it is the clear choice, as we prepare to remove the evil that has already infiltrated the Republican Party and the White House.

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

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