Thursday, August 6, 2015

Trump Says: I'll Get The Black Vote Too!

Don't Laugh My People.

Because didn't we continue to give him our votes when we continued to drop our pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters and dollars in his casinos after he made some of the most Hateful and Racist Remarks against the First African American President, along with all of the other Racists in the Republican Party?

Didn't we continue to pay top dollar to live in his Residential Real-estate Properties?

And didn't we continue to Watch and appear on "The Apprentice"?

Something funny happens when we continue to support people who have insulted us and our First African American President:

They start to feel like we are so Stupid and Politically Ignorant until they believe that they can say anything about us and do anything to us that they want, and that we will still play along by spending our money with them.

So don't laugh or call his statements stupid, because if we apply the same actions and logic to the 2016 Presidential Elections, he or some other Hateful Racist Republican could rule this land and destroy everything that President Obama has accomplished.

So don't laugh, or take these people lightly.

Unite, Organize, Vote and Fight to keep these Hate Mongers from controlling America-Again!

I'll Get The Black Vote Too!


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