Friday, August 14, 2015

Reestablishing Diplomatic Relationships With Cuba After 54 Years-History In The Making

U.S. Cuban Relations For 54 Years

This is a historical event for America and Cuba, and a move in the right direction to maintain Peace and Economic Strength throughout the world.

in spite of all the controversy of so many Conservatives in America and Cuba over the Obama Administration's efforts, along with the Pope and Rau1 Castro and so many others to reestablish U.S. Relations with Cuba; it is important to remind these people of the fact that we do not live in a perfect world without risks

But I have never known that to stop America from entering into anything including many wars, (some that were absolutely unnecessary like Iraq), until now.

Once again! This is a Historical Event that will add another Major Foreign Policy Accomplishment to President Obama's Legacy, and that is just something that the Right-wing Conservative Hate Movement in America cannot stomach, coming from a Black Man.

To Sabotage Peace, Growth and Prosperity throughout the world just to demonize a president because of the color of his skin, is Pure Racism and Hate.

Of course, no one can predict the future, and no one can tell if any particular Major Foreign Policy, (like the deal with Iran),will lead to the intended goal.

However, since when has the prospect of future failure of a project been an excuse to not start a project at all?

This has been a major theme of Conservatives since November 4, 2008.

Making decisions based on Hate will never, ever do this country or any country or the people of those countries any good.

And not attempting to do something that may have lasting benefits after calculating the risk, (which is what has been done before any of these decisions have been made, (including the Iran Nuclear Deal), is just not Logical or Productive.

I wish the people of Cuba in Cuba and in America, a Bright, Peaceful and Democratic Future, staring with the Historical coming together of 2 countries that have not been together in over 54 years.


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