Thursday, August 6, 2015

Please Tune Into the Republican Presidential Debates Tonight. Thank you!

If you are Not Rich, Powerful, Well Connected, Don't see Guns as a Tool for Protection instead or an Object of Affection,(like the love of your life), or are not Part of the World's Elitists, then you need to tune into the Republican Debates tonight.

Because it easier to know what you want, when you know what you don't want.

Here's a preview of what you can expect:

In America, we are all equal and we all started out at the same place in life. Therefore, the government should not help people when they are down and out by providing them with Food, Shelter, Education, Healthcare or any other Entitlements.

Decode: We need to take more money from the Sick, Poor, Disadvantaged, Uneducated,Elderly, Blacks and other Minorities, Children and Illegal Immigrants who live in Poverty, so that we can push more money up to the Richest and Most Powerful People and Corporations, ("The Job Creators"),in America and Around the World, so that it can trickle down to Average and Poor American Citizens.

We also need to send more money to the All Ready Over Inflated Military Budget, so that we can prepare for the next Unnecessary War with Iran, because that makes all of our wealthy buddies richer by increasing the need for Arms, Jets, Tanks, Gas, Bombs, Oil, Construction, Food, Uniforms and other items that are necessary while a war is in progress.

And because, our Positions of Power allow us to not have to send our Sons, Daughters, Fathers, Mothers, Brothers, Sisters, Nieces, Nephews, Uncles and Friends.

Note: Trickle Down Economics was a concept created by the Reagan Administration based on the Fallacy that Rich People are Rich because out of the goodness of their hearts, they have, and will continue to pass their wealth down to those who are less fortunate than themselves, because they care so deeply for them.

Since that time, and after the Clinton Administration years, (a Democratic); who Balanced the Budget and actually left America with a Surplus of Funds, which the Bush Administration, (a Republican), quickly turned into a Deficit, that continued until the Black Guy came along, and over an 8 year period against all types of Mean, Vicious, Hateful and Racists Attacks, still managed to not only pull the country out of its Financial, Social and Divisive Nose Dive, but actually raised the level of Job Creation and the Economy to heights that we as a nation had not experienced since the Clinton Years.

But you won't hear that tonight!

Because this is the Truth based on Facts that can be validated and verified.

That is something that Rightwing Conservatives in America have absolutely no interest in.

And why should they?

The audience that they are targeting has absolutely no interest in Truth or Facts either.

They are just mad as hell that America elected a Black Man in 2008 to be President of the United States of America.

It was a Tremendous Blow to the Illusion of White Supremacy.

However, they do believe in winning by any means necessary, especially by lying and talking about how bad the people who are at least, trying to do things to make the country better, instead of talking about what they are going to do to make the country better.

The first thing I would do as President is to Repeal Obamacare.

It is a "Job Killer" "It is making our Healthcare Cost Skyrocket", and it has now put the Government in Control of our American Healthcare System.

Decode: We are going to allow 16 + Million Poor and Middle Class Americans to lose their Healthcare and probably die as a result, because we don't want a Black Man to go down in history as the First President to achieve National Healthcare, which is something that so many presidents before him tried and failed. And instead of losing 8,000 jobs per month like we were doing under George W. Bush, since Obamacare was passed, Healthcare Cost have Significantly Decreased while Job Creation has Significantly Increased.

This President has made this country weak by apologizing for being an American and not selling American Exceptional-ism while traveling abroad and because he would rather use Diplomacy in his dealings with Iran and other countries instead of taking Military Action, which will save us from an Apocalyptic Nuclear War because of the deal that President Obama's Administration has brokered along with our allies from many other nations, (including countries in the region that are far closer to Iran than America), is not going to prevent Iran from having Nuclear Weapons.

Or you might remember them as "Weapons of Mass Destruction". We need to build a wall to keep illegal Immigrants from crossing our boarders.

The Government has to take care of them, they won't get a job, they are all Rapists,Criminals and Murderers.

This President's Policy on Immigration has failed our country.

Decode: There are already far too many People of Color here now, who mostly Vote Democratic, and we are already having a problem winning National Elections. If we allow anymore to come into this country and become citizens, we as a party will never be able to win anymore National Elections, which will make our party obsolete.

And to make a long story shorter:

President Obama has destroyed our country and made it weak, less secure, less productive and has destroyed our Economic Growth and Job Creation.

Hillary Clinton will destroy our country and make it weak, less secure, less productive and she will continue to destroy our Economic Growth and Jobs Creation.

Decode: No Non Black Man or Female is good enough, strong enough, smart enough or experienced enough to run this country.

America should always be run by Old White Men who are so full of themselves that they place themselves to far above the people that they took an oath to serve.

And as President, they are in a position to benefit themselves instead of the country because they will be in a position to do favors for their Rich and Powerful Friends, like Scott Walker and the Koch Brothers.

Oh! you say: so what about the Black Guy?.

You mean the Black Guy who is now attacking some of the very same programs, (like Affirmative Action), that his mom had to use to get his ass out of Trouble and out of the Ghetto to be where he is today,(like Judge Thomas)? What about him?

He's just like the rest of them who honestly believe that they are Super Humans who never got any help from anyone, anywhere, at anytime, (including help from GOD or the Government), because they pulled themselves up by their bootstraps all by their lonesome.

And one last point on a Largely Propagated Myth, Propagated by Donald Trump Himself: Donald Trump is not a "Rags to Riches Story", like he is running around claiming to be.

Donald Trump was born with a Silver Spoon in his mouth, put there by a man by the name of:

Fred Trump, JR.

I don't have a strong dislike for people who were born with Silver Spoons in their mouth or Rich People or any one group in particular, Except Assholes).

But if you're running for the Most Powerful Office in the Nation; people other than the ones that listen to and blindly accept all of that Bullshit that Republicans say, should be able to expect "Some Transparency" in the things that you are saying.

Well! I will have my popcorn and other snacks and beer and other libations ready for tonight's show.

Won't you join me?

Main Debate (with top 10 candidates):

Start Time: 9 p.m. ET-End Time: 11 p.m. ET

Early Debate:

Start Time: 5 p.m.

I'm watching on MSNBC.

But there will be plenty of choices for watching.


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