Monday, August 31, 2015

Charles Koch says, President Obama Is Not Worthy Of The Presidency

Because President Obama spoke the truth about the energy lobbyist and people like the Koch Brothers who would rather see the earth destroyed for the generations to come in the name of PROFITS, rather than investing in "Clean Energy Technology".

Click here for the dirty low down

America, these are the kinds of people who we are up against as we are now in the 2016 Election Cycle.

We have Millionaires and Billionaires like this, who are purchasing Democracy that suits their own Selfish and Destructive needs; and not the needs of the vast majority of Average American Citizens.

They definitely have the money advantage.

But we have the numbers and the votes that can stop them from buying Politicians, Judges and Presidential Candidates.

Please! If you are not registered to vote, please register now.

Register Here!

And if you are already registered, please get out and vote during the 2016 Presidential Elections and the 2016 Midterm Elections.

If we get a Democratic President, he or she, will be less effective if we do not elect the Senators and Congressman who will support him or her.

We must also keep an eye on the appointment of Supreme Court Justices.

If Republicans take the Whitehouse, then they will appoint Rightwing Extremist Judges who will make laws that only favor the Conservative, Rich, Powerful and Well Connected.

If you do not fall into any of the categories that I just mentioned above, please get out and vote against those who are Greedy, Hateful, Racist and Selfish.


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