Monday, August 10, 2015

I Don't Give A Damn About Trump's Attacks On Megyn Kelly; Because of All The Racists Attacks she's Made Against Black People

Megan Kelly's History Of Racism

Quite Frankly! I don't give a damn about Trump's Attacks against Megan Kelly or the fact that all these Racists are attacking each other.

I think that the Impending Implosion of the Right Wing Conservative Hate Movement is a good thing for America; and I hope that it continues.

If it does, maybe enough Americans will finally recognize how dangerous, Ignorant and Intolerant of other Human Beings these people are, and finally realize that people like these are not fit to govern our country if we want it to keep moving towards a kinder, Gentler and more Tolerant Society, which will only make our Union stronger.

All of these Conservatives complain about "To Much Political Correctness", until they are attacked, then all of a sudden, they don't like "Political Correctness" anymore.

Make up your damn minds-either you like Hate Speak or you don't.

You can't keep complaining about people speaking with Kindness and Concern for other people and then Bitch, Whine, Moan and Complain when people are not speaking to you with Kindness or Concern.

I am calling on all Fair, Civic Minded Americans to pay attention to these people's, (And I use that word lightly), Words, Deeds and Plans for America's Future and to Act Accordingly both in and out of the Voting Booth, by remaining Proactive in our Democratic Process and making your voices heard above all of the Bullshit they are slinging around the country.

How's that for "Political Correctness" Conservatives?


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