Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Kentucky Deputy Handcuffed Child With PTSD

Kentucky Sheriffs Deputy, Kevin Summer of Kenton County, handcuffed an 8 year old child who has PTSD, which means that the child has already been traumatized previously, and now he has been criminalized by the Kenton County Sheriff's Department because of his illness.

Deputy Handcuffed Child With PTSD

Was this necessary?

The Sheriff's Department says yes.

And they applaud the officer for handling the situation by the book.

This is a prime example of why people are now discussing the "School To Prison Pipeline" more and more, because that pipe line is becoming wider and wider every day.

In light of this incident coupled with the Murders of African American Men & Woman, and other Minority Members of America, who were already in custody or surrendering that have occurred on a National Basis at the hands of Law Enforcement Officers; it is clear to me that if all of this is being done "by the book", then it is up to us to Rewrite the Damn Book, because unless and until we do, this and other types of Excessive Force will be used by those who become "Law Enforcement Officers", who are really Hunters, Murderers and now Child Abusers, which are all the things that they are supposed to arrest regular Non Law Enforcement Citizens for.

Previously this same Deputy, restrained a 9 year old girl suffering from ADHD handcuffing her and taking her to a cruiser after the teacher asked him to escort her to another room.

He also handcuffed this same girl on another occasion.

Now I am not an expert on children suffering from all of these new diseases that I had never heard of as a child.

And I don't know what the correct procedures would be for Law Enforcement Officers to handle them.

As a matter of fact, I am not even sure if this is a task for a Regular Law Enforcement Officer to handle.

But I do know this: If you have handcuffs that you have to put on a child that go all the way up to his or her biceps, then obviously those handcuffs were not intended for 8 or 9 year old children. And apparently, there needs to be some serious discussions in this country about the amount of Authority that we have voluntarily given to Law Enforcement in this country,(especially when it comes to children), and people who are already in custody or surrendering.

People have been saying wishfully that "This has got to stop", before and after Trayvon Martin; failing to realize that nothing starts or stops in this country without the consistent action of the people who these Law Enforcement Officials as well as Politicians are supposed to be working for.

However, we let them flip the switch by allowing them to lull us to sleep with a sense of False Security.

And now they have convinced us that we are working for them.

But the realty is that these types of incidents will not stop until we come together as a country to stop them.

And it is so good to see that people of all races, ages, genders and classes are coming together to not only talk, but to take action to change these deplorable conditions that exist within the Law Enforcement Community, and within our Volatile and Hateful Political Environment.

Let's keep talking about it and being about it until it is done.


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