Friday, April 14, 2017

World War III Is Coming...........

No this is not the name of a new group, album or song.

And it is not a new video game.

This is the reality of what we are actually facing as a result of not enough people participating in our Democratic Process known as voting in November of 2016.

Or those who voted out of Ignorance or Anger for candidates that they knew had absolutely no chance of winning a national election,(which translated into a vote for the Idiot that we now have in the White House).

Or those who were so Apathetic that they did not vote at all against the Right wing Hate Machine in America who gladly took their empty votes and turned them into a victory for the Idiot that is in the White House now.

How Stupid, Idiotic, Greedy and Dangerous is the Idiot that we as Americans allowed to be the head of our Government?

I miss George W. Bush and wish that he was president now.

That's how damn bad Trump is!

So why is this president so dangerous?

Because America allowed him to become president, even though he told you to your faces that he did not have any knowledge or experience running any type of Government Entity, and then he convinced you that this was an asset rather than a liability.

Well! I never said that he wasn't a good Conman Salesmen.

Did I?

And since like attracts like, what did this Idiot do?

He surrounded himself with Hateful, Racists, Greedy, Self Serving, Dangerous Idiots just like himself, which has now multiplied the dangers of this administration.

And now he is attempting to turn a Democracy into a Monarchy by hiring all of the only people that he feels he can trust which is family members who he perceives as being smarter than he is.


If Donald Trump himself had not been born into wealth, (which allowed him to borrow over 14 million dollars from his daddy to start a business and hire people to run it for him), he would probably have not gone much further than being a Crackhead sleeping on a bench in Central Park, if he had to rely on Intelligence, Personality and Quality Human Traits like Honesty, Dignity and Respect to obtain success.

As a result of America's Political Apathy, Lack of Political Research and Study and of course America's propensity towards Hatred, Racism and Greed-We now have a bunch of Racists, Liars, Thieves and Spies in the most powerful and consequential positions controlling our Government.

And no one thought that this would be a problem?

So why would anyone purposely want to commit American Troops, Equipment and Dollars to a war with countries that we have historically, (in spite of past skirmishes), have learned to peacefully coexist with, without blowing the world up?

Because Donald Trump is like a Ship Without a Sail being tossed to and fro dependent upon which way the winds of his support staff blows.

And the problem with not having a set position on anything is that, this makes you an empty vessel just waiting for someone to fill you up with what they know serves their own personal interests to the detriment of the entire country- like starting WWIII, (which many of us who are old enough to know), have been taught would be the last one.

There are several practical reasons why governments enter into wars on purpose, (rather you want to be in denial of the Evil Potential that exists within Humanity or not).

But I assure you that none of them will benefit you, me, your children or our world as we know it.

1. They never send their own to die.

2. It makes good business sense for their Rich and Powerful Friends and Corporations which those of us who are well informed know as the "Industrial Military Complex".

Oh yes folks! War Is A Business.

And its headquarters is the Pentagon in Washington, DC.

Just like you earn a living from what you do for work.

These people's Bread and Butter is in War-Even if it is not necessary.

The more war the more profits for everyone concerned.

That's how we wound up in Iraq.

Remember "Weapons of Mass Destruction"?

3.War decreases the population so that governments can more easily keep the masses under control.

Because the last thing that any government wants is an uprising against it.

They also use other industry's as well to accomplish this such as Medicine, Law and in case you haven't noticed; Trump has just destroyed all of the Environmental and Safety Regulations that past presidents including President Obama put into place to protect the Food, Water and Soil of the earth so that it will be here for Future Generations.

And of course there's the Paramilitary Organizations like The Police who have been, and are continuing to Systematically commit Genocide against People of Color.

Because in America, only White Lives Matter.

4. The Wealthy and Powerful have access to escape pods, bunkers and probably even space vehicles to hide or leave once their deadly decisions destroy the earth for all the rest of us.

Think you'll have the same access?

I don't think so.

Ronald Reagan and John Wayne are dead; and this is not a movie where the extras just get back up after they have been killed.

They are playing with people's lives.

And for what?

Just to prove a point or run this country like it is a damn Reality TV Show?

Or, recently I heard that he bombed Syria because his daughter cried when she saw the children suffering after they were poisoned by Chemical Warfare by their own leader.

So are we going to war every time Ivanka Trump cries because she see something unjust and terrible happening somewhere in the world?

Cause I cry when I see these children and adults suffering as a result of Hatred and War too.

And I want someone who is intelligent, competent and sane to do something about it who can calculate Risks and Rewards before they do it-instead of someone acting stupidly out of emotions like pride and trying to prove to the world that they are better at being president than the Black Guy who you falsely attacked and lied on for 9 years was.

Because I'll tell you right now- you are not!

History does not judge a president kindly because he constantly keeps his country at war.

A great president is judged kindly by History because he can keep his country at peace; and because he can accomplish Great Historical Things without firing a shot-like the Black Guy who you will never be as good as did.

So has any of the Trumps shed a tear for the children in Flint Michigan who have been poisoned for life by their own Governor, (who by the way was not only not bombed), but he has not even been put in jail yet.

Hell No!

Now that's the bad news.

And just like Donald J. Trump becoming the 45th President of the United States of America-don't think that these things cannot and will not come to pass.

Now here's the good news, (which is dependent upon our continued activism), which is at an all time high in this country.

Not since the 1960's have I've seen so many Social, Legal, Economic and Political Activist taking it to the streets and letting their voices be heard by Speaking Truth to Power, (which can be a very scary thing to have to do).

But what I think people are finally realizing in this country is that Politics can and does play a major role in the health, economy and the survival of them, their families and communities and the country and world.

Not only are they making noise they are organizing to put even more consistent pressure on the Racists, Liars, Thieves and Spies that are currently at the Head of our Government, who are Extremely Dishonest and Dangerous to the rest of us.

So here's what we have to do

We cannot make the same mistakes that we made in 2010, 2014 and 2016.

We must continue to raise our voices together in protest using all of out talents, skills, abilities and resources.

That cool! Please keep taking it to the streets.

But right now we have to be organizing and registering people to vote from now until the time arrives when this is no longer the method that we use to pick who our Political Leaders are in America.

And then, we have to vote in each and every election, (not just the Presidential Election every 4 years).

But in all City, State and Federal Elections and in every election from Chief Dog Catcher, to Court Clerks, City Council to School Board Leaders, Mayors, Governors, etc- And of course President of the United States of America.

Our failure to do these things after successfully electing President Obama in 2008 and then again in 2012, is why Donald Trump Won, because the Election Boards in this country are controlled Locally across this country and we let the Republicans win those election by not voting.

And they Rigged and Gerrymandered districts all across this country so that even an Idiotic Asshole like Donald J. Trump can become President.

If we don't stop him in the 2018 in Midterms Elections by voting in the local elections to undo this Republican Rigging and Gerrymandering, and then again to remove him from the Office of the President of the United States of America in 2020, (which he has already registered for), then not only will Donald Trump be reelected, there will be many more like Donald Trump who will be in charge of our Government for a very long time, or at least as long as the Planet Earth still exist.

So knowing what you know now. And knowing what brought us to Donald Trump and all of the Dangerous Republican Assholes like him-you have to ask yourself: "Is this what you really want?"

If not!

Please do not repeat the same mistakes that brought us here.

Do what works this time starting now in preparation for 2018 and 2020.

Thank you!

Listen to: For What It's Worth/Occupy


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