Saturday, April 15, 2017

Today Is Tax Day, (Show America Your Damn Taxes Trump)

Tax Protest Marches Nationally Today.

Source: Wikipedia

Donald Trump has repeatedly lied about releasing his taxes and continues to refuse to do so by lying to the American People by saying that "The American People Don't Care About My Taxes".

Yes The Fuck We Do!

To all common sense Americans with a pulse and normal brain activity, demand that Trump stop sleep walking us into WWIII to try and divert our attention from the Russian Collusion Investigations.

A good president will never place the lives of American Soldiers and Resources in danger for Childish or Frivolous reasons like trying to show that you are Tougher or Superior to the Black Guy who proceeded you, (which is exactly what a White Nationalist/Supremacist would be compelled to do).

Or, because your daughter told you to do so.

And certainly a great president knows how to govern his or her own country and keep the peace, (Unless war is Absolutely Necessary), while also relating well to their Allies and the rest of the World Community.

Demand that he show his damn taxes.

Demand that he stop using the Office of the President of the United States of America as a tool to increase his personal wealth for his companies and properties all over the world, (including his hotel just a few blocks away from the White House).

Emoluments Clause/ Nobility Clause

Source: Wikipedia

This clause is part of the U.S. Constitution and Donald Trump continues to violate this clause by doing business while being president and has been doing so since day one of his presidency.

Demand that he stop trying to turn our American Democracy into a Monarchy by allowing his family members access to Top Secret Positions in the White House for which they are not qualified.

These violations alone without his Russian Collusion to fix the 2016 American Elections to favor Him VS Hillary Clinton is enough reason for his Impeachment and Possible Criminal Prosecution.

Demand that when he leaves the house, that all of the other Unqualified, Corrupt, Greedy, Racists like Vice President Mike Pence and Jeff Sessions who continues to use his position to commit Genocide against People of Color, (especially African Americans), using Police Departments all across America to do so; must all be removed.

No one should be left standing once Donald Trump is gone. Because if we do not "Clean House", the same seeds of Hate that are currently germinating in "The People's House" will only re root and grow again wreaking the same kind of Havoc on this country that has be going on since Donald J. Trump first stepped into the White House on January 20, 2017.

Demand all of these things of America if you care about her Safety, Security and Survival, which you should because love it or hate it-it's where you and everything and everybody that you love is.

This is what all Fair Minded, Common Sense Americans should be working towards on a consistent basis.

No one is "Above The Law" according to the laws of this country.

We cannot allow a Narcissistic Psychopath to break with that tradition because doing so will cause Irreparable Damage to America and the positive parts of its spirit.

Donald Trump Must Be Impeached.

Listen to: For What It's Worth/Occupy


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