Friday, April 21, 2017

Kill The Poor And The Middle Class To Make The Rich Richer

Never let your guard down under this Corrupt Republican Administration.

The reality of the situation is, (in denial or not), this Government is trying to make African Americans, Other Minorities and Decent Fair Minded White People Fight the same battles that were fought already by our Parents, Fore Parents and Ancestors hundreds of years ago.

These Hateful Bastards are going to attempt to destroy, Obamacare, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Medical Assistance, SNAP, IRA's Keoghs, State Retirement, Federal Retirement the Post Office and Benefits for Military Personnel.

And anything else that will help put people who are not Rich, Powerful, Empowered or Well Connected on even ground.

They want all of the Wealth & Power to go to those who are already Wealthy & Powerful who do not need any help. And they want Corporate Welfare Entitlements for Greedy, Corrupt Corporations, while denying Poor Little Children, a Free Breakfast, Lunch or a Coat to keep them warm.

They don't even care about the safety of the soil in which our food is grown in, the air that we breath and the water that we drink.


Think so!

Can you say Flint Michigan?

They want to "Make America Great Again", by "Making America Hate Again".

If this is not the America you want to live in.

And for those of us who are old enough-to live in again.

Then we're going to have to Unite & Fight for our survival and that of the generations to come.

Donald Trump Must Be Impeached.


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