Thursday, April 27, 2017

He's Not A Non-Ideological Guy-He's Simply An Idiot Who Does Not Know What He's Doing



He's a Liar, Fraud and Criminal as well as a Traitor.

And he's dangerous for America and the world.

He lied to all of yawl who voted for him before, during and now after his campaign.

And he will continue to Lie, Cheat and Steal until he is taken down by The American Criminal Justice System, The American People, or by an Act of GOD.

Donald Trump must be Impeached, Removed from Office and Criminally Prosecuted for Committing Crimes Against America and the American People for using the Office of the Presidency of the United States to generate profits for his and his family's businesses-in addition to his and his cohorts collusion with Russia, (which is Treason).

Emoluments Clause of the Constitution

Don't let Trump's beating of the War Drums distract you from his crimes.

Because this is the only reason that he's doing it.


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