Monday, April 3, 2017

Wanted! Democrats With Balls To Filibuster Neil Gorsuch

This Gorsuch protected a company that fired a truck driver who had to make a choice between saving his life from freezing to death by driving his cab to a safe and warm location and leaving his trailer behind with a load in it.

Neil Gorsuch

Or, staying in the freezing cab with the trailer and its contents.

I think it is safe to assume Gorsuch thinks that this company's products was more important than this driver's life.

In addition, if a human being becomes so sick that there's no more hope of them ever recovering again, and they can no longer stand the pain, anguish and terror of that disease, the Federal Government should not deny that person the right to Die With Dignity In Peace.

Neil Gorsuch does not think that a person should have that right.

Now I wonder how he would feel if this was happening to him or one of his loved ones?

I wonder if he would want to suffer needlessly or watch his children, mother or wife suffer needlessly if the shoe were on the other foot.

Democrats, if you can't work in our best interests instead of those of Republicans, then we can't keep you in office.

Go and be a Republican.

Filibuster Neil Gorsuch.

To the Democratic Leadership: Please Do Not Pretend That You All Are Blind Like Republicans Are Trying To Do.

Impeach Donald Trump & Arrest Him & His Band of Racists, Liars, Thieves and Spies Now!

We're watching you, and will make you pay for any actions that you take or fail to take that does not protect our interests.

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