Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Trump's Address To Congress Hopeful-Really?????

Positive Lies For People Who Are Receptive To Lies

57% of Republicans believe and like what they heard last night, and of course Trump is touting this misleading statistic to prove to the country and the world how much everyone in America loves him.

What Trump doesn't want you to know is that most of the Republicans who make of this total, are just happy that an Ignoramus like Donald Trump was able to read a scripted speech like a Reasonable, Logical Government Official.

That's a pretty low bar.

Wouldn't you say?

In the interest of honesty and full disclosure; I did not watch the speech because like Politicians in general, Republicans specifically and Donald Trump even more specifically, I know that nothing changes in their rhetoric and that if and when it does, it mostly all lies.

Everything I know about the speech last night is the result of my previous knowledge of Trump, his previous hateful, racist, sexist, xenophobic and antisemitic rhetoric,as well as the public and private statements, (that became public), that he has made in the process of conducting his businesses about African Americans and other Black, Brown, Red and Yellow People.

I also watched the highlights and listened to the analysis of a large number of political pundits on both side of the isle.

And Trump's speech, (which was written for him), and read robotically like he was an android did nothing to erase over 40 years of his ignorance, racism and hatred in my mind.

So am I more hopeful for America after last night's speech?

Hell No!

I'm more worried now than I was when he was running his racist campaign for two reasons:

1. He is now really the President of the United States of America, and as such, is in a position to do Irreparable Damage to this country and others around the world.

2. The people that he has surrounded himself with who can and will do the same.

Trump's Cabinet

One thing that was particularly troubling in his speech was his theft of President Obama's Worldview in which President Obama stated that we should not force our values and points of view on other countries around the world. Trump then added; that countries who were once our enemies are now our friends.

What's so troubling about that statement,(besides the fact that when President Obama said it he was viciously attacked by Republicans), when President Obama said it, he said it because he knew that it was alright to assist and recommend American Policies and Values to foreign countries as long as we did it with their cooperation and agreement, and as long as it helps them without hurting us.

He knew that we could not afford to continue to be "The Police of the World", because our Military was already exhausted and stretched too thin.

President Obama said it in the interest of peace, cooperation and assistance between the world's communities.

But Donald Trump said it after declaring that he wants one of the Largest Military Build Ups in History, (as if he is preparing to go to war with someone). And also,he actually said it to mask his protection and devotion to Russia's Vladimir Putin.

So this message is not for the 57% of Republicans whose minds cannot and will not be changed, because they are lost in Donald Trump's World of Lies, Hatred, Racism, Sexism, xenophobia, AntiSemitism and Greed, because they are just like him.

But I wrote this for the Faithful Members of The Resistance who may have temporarily lost focus of the truth as a result of a dishonest speech that I don't even think Democrats should have attended or even looked at on TV.

For all the members of the movement to take Trump down; Please remember the life lessons below:

Don't ever listen to what someone is saying.

Always pay attention to what they are doing and what they have done.

And that most people are not genuine when they know that everyone is watching.

The real people that we are; are the people that we are when we know or think-that no one is watching.

This is particularly true of a Mentally Ill Narcissist like Donald Trump who has the life of everyone in this country and around the world in his hands.

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Impeach Donald Trump & Arrest Him & His Band of Racists, Liars and Thieves Now!

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