Saturday, March 18, 2017

I Don't Want To Hear A Damn Thing From The Right About Snoop Dogg's Video

Do yawl really believe that you can still play that old game from the 1700 & 1800's of whatever we do bad to yawl is alright, but what yawl do bad to us is criminal?

Oh No! Those "Good Ole Days" are gone forever.

“Snoop shouldn’t have done that,” Rubio told TMZ. “We’ve had presidents assassinated before in this country so anything like that is really something you should really be very careful about.”

Hey Little Marco: Didn't we have presidents assassinated before in this country when President Obama was President?

Or did these assassinations just become a part of American History since this Ignoramus that you claimed that you would never be willing to work with became president?

You! Like many of your counterparts are nothing more than Racist Hypocrites filled with HATE.

Where was yawl's outrage when the man who is now president and shouldn't be; was attacking the president's legitimacy as a true American Citizen?

Where were you at when Michelle Obama was called an "Angry Black Woman", because she spoke the truth about the Dark Racist History of America and the Dirty Evil Deeds that were committed by this country against people of color-including the True Native Americans whose land was taken from them by Violent Criminals?

Where were you at when Michelle Obama was called a man and an ape?

For all of you who are bitching and moaning about this video now, all I heard about those attacks against President Obama, Obamacare, his children and his wife was crickets.

After years of imaginary and real attempted physical attacks and death threats against President Obama and his family, (many of which were not even made available to the public), I don't want to hear one damn thing about Snoop Dogg's new video that features a Trump Like Clown getting shot with a toy gun that goes "Bang".

President Obama and his family had to endure Racist, Hateful attacks from the Rightwing Hate Movement in America against their person, their character and even President Obama's Birthright and Citizenship.

They were attacked verbally, mentally, spiritually and their character as human beings were also under constant attack while they tried to serve the country that elected them to do so.

And there were numerous attempts by the same kinds of people that America has allowed to inhabit the White House who also attempted and encouraged their faithful followers to attack the president and his family physically on several occasions.

And during all of these attacks against President Obama and his family,(with the exception of a few Republicans who knew right from wrong-very few); the general consensus of Republicans was that "I can't tell people how to feel or what to say or believe."

Well guess what?

Neither can we.

So after years of looking at pictures of My President being beaten to death, burned, spit on and kicked and punched, and being lynched, I don't want to hear SHIT about Snoop Dogg's Video. Or for that matter, any other video like it.

You may be able to fool the Low Information Voters who are devoted to yawl because they are blinded by Hate for people of color and others who are not replicas of them. But just in case you haven't noticed-none of yawl are fooling Black People and other People of Color in this country. We know who and what you are, and we definitely have known who and what Donald Trump has been for over 40 years. And yawl also are not fooling many of the White People in this country who know Right from Wrong and have Fair Minds and Hearts, unlike damn near the whole Republican Party and the entire Rightwing Conservative Hate Movement in America.

So if you don't like Snoop's Video; don't look at it. Just like we had to make the choice to not look at all the Hateful Images that you Rightwing Conservative Hate Mongers slung at President Obama, His Family and his Supporters.

Shut your eyes and your mouths when you are exposed to this video.

Better yet! Don't be anywhere near where this video is being played.

Impeach Donald Trump & Arrest Him & His Band of Racists, Liars, Thieves and Spies Now!

Listen To The Song About Republicans Entitled HATE.

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