Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Democrats Confirm Merrick Garland &Block Neil Gorsuch

The president also has the power to nominate federal judges, including members of the United States Courts of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court. However, these nominations do require Senate confirmation, and this can provide a major stumbling block for presidents who wish to shape their federal judiciary in a particular ideological stance.

It was not legal, moral or ethical according to the Self-Proclaimed, Self-Righteousness of the United States of America to deny Judge Merrick Garland a confirmation hearing such as the one we are currently watching for Neil Gorsuch.

Congress was compelled by law and all of the False American Values above to give Merrick Garland a vote, and they refused to do so, as they have refused to vote on anything that the First African American President went to them for consideration.

Powers of the President of the United States


Merrick Garland


This whole confirmation process is a fraud, because Congress totally ignored and did nothing about President Obama's nomination.

A sitting president put forth the nomination of Judge Merrick Garland over a year ago, and Republicans illegally denied this president's nomination a confirmation hearing.

This; like every other failure to work with President Obama was unprecedented in Modern American Politics.

In spite of his very polished answers and presentations along with his legal speak to avoid answering direct questions about issues that are important to Average American Citizens as opposed to just Corporations, White People, Conservatives, Straight People and Rich White People like Donald Trump; I just have a problem with him, and if you consider yourself to be a Democrat, Liberal or Progressive, you should be too.

I don't believe shit that he says about doling out justice equally for everyone.

If you remember correctly, Donald Trump said during his campaign many times that he would not nominate any judge who would not overturn Roe V Wade.

He also said that he would not appoint anyone who was not loyal to him.

Not necessarily qualified, but loyal to him.

Out of all the picks available to him, (including Merrick Garland), he chose Neil Gorsuch.


In other words, just like every other appointment that Donald Trump has made, like Jeff Sessions, (who had to recuse himself after being forced to do so), from any proceedings that would involve the Trump Campaign's possible collusion with Russia because he too, lied to Congress under oath about his own suspicious connections to Russia.

Neil Gorsuch


In short, Neil Gorsuch favors Rich and Powerful Conservative People and Corporations and not Minorities or Average American Citizens from all walks of life.

And if he is successfully appointed to the Supreme Court, he will turn back the clock and destroy all of the progress that we as Average American Citizens have made over the past 70 years together, by tilting the Supreme Court in favor of the people in this country who believe that they are the chosen ones, and that everyone else in this country should be removed, killed, or relegated to second and third class citizens which translates to being slaves at their pleasure.

Hell! Gorsuch doesn't even want people who are hopelessly and painfully sick to die with dignity.

Even though he could not possibly know what terminally ill people are experiencing; he doesn't even want to allow these people who are suffering unimaginable pain, horrors and terror to die in peace.

Democrats should not continue to talk tough in confirmation hearings and then sheepishly vote Yes for all of these Trump Nominees who want to "Make America Great Again", (as if the Black Man Destroyed it); which is a damn lie;.

Now is not the time for any Democrat to be a DINO,(Democrat In Name Only), and yawl should not buy into the BS that says we should not obstruct Trump.

Unlike obstructing President Obama, (which actually caused serious damage to the country), obstructing Donald Trump and his destructive agenda will only serve to "Make America Great Again", after all the damage that Trump has created since January 20, 2017.

No Excuses for those in the Democratic Leadership.

We expect you to do everything in your power to obstruct Donald Trump to the same degree that Republicans obstructed President Obama for 8 years and to defeat him badly in 2018 and in 2020.

And win lose or draw, we expect you to fight much harder then you fought when President Obama was in the White House.

Your weakness and timidity then, is what has given us Trump now. And it is your duty to repair the damage that you caused through your lack of activism.

To the Democratic Leadership: Impeach Donald Trump & Arrest Him & His Band of Racists, Liars, Thieves and Spies Now!

Listen To The Song About Republicans Entitled HATE.

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