Thursday, March 2, 2017

Recusal, Resignation? How About Criminal Prosecution - If Found Guilty?

Republicans as usual; and some Democrats as well, are both minimizing these incidents of Treason with Donald Trump himself and far too many people who he has chosen to surround himself within his cabinet.

There is something terribly wrong in America, (which is nothing new when it comes to Equality, Freedom and Justice for All); but this goes far beyond our normal hypocrisy, lies, greed and racism.

First of all, (under the current circumstances), how is it that Donald Trump's Tax Returns have not been released or subpoenaed by now?

All of the things that the Media and Republicans are now classifying as "Different" when describing this new president, have actually appeared to be Immoral, Unethical, Unprecedented and quite frankly Criminal.

And if the majority of the American People are going to continue to allow a Psychopath in the Whitehouse to just scream "Fake News", "Political Attacks" and "Smear Campaigns" to explain away his Administration's Criminal and Treasonous Activities, then it will not be long before, (as bad as America's problems already are), they will become unimaginably worse.

In addition, this reluctance of the Media, the Government and the American People to open their eyes to see that all of the people who have been caught thus far as a result of their ties to Russia, have been the very same people that the Trump Administration had supposedly vetted before they were placed in these positions.

So if they have repeatedly reported to the American People that these people were thoroughly investigated and vetted,and then they are caught in acts of treason in conjunction with Russia, (which has, is and has always been considered to be an Enemy of the United States of America), then doesn't this mean that the Trump Administration is at the top of the Criminal Pyramid?-And that at the very tip of the pyramid is Donald J. Trump?

For all of those, (mostly Conservatives, Republicans and Trumpites), who insist upon lying to the American People and Blindly Accepting Donald Trump's Excuses for the actions of his Criminal Organization which is at the head of the United States Government; it's time to Cut the Crap.

This latest issue with Jeff Sessions, (who I think should not have been appointed to this position in the first place), because of his Historically Documented Racism is just one of far too many indicators of a Conspiracy to harm Average American Citizens in favor of protection of the Oligarchs in Russia and Corrupt, Greedy Corporations and Wealthy People in America. And according to America's own Hypocritical Code- These acts constitute the commission of Crimes.

And even worse, Treason.

Now when America had Barack Obama as President, the Right Wing Hate Machine could not find anything Treasonous or Criminal to charge the President or his Administration with, so they tried to make up Bullshit to try and throw it at the President and hope that it would stick.

And if and when President Obama found someone who had taken part in something that was questionable; he did his job by investigating the charges and taking the appropriate actions up to and including removing them from his cabinet.

However, we now have a president who is not qualified, a liar, a crook, a thief, mentally deranged and now possibly a traitor; who has been committing these Crimes Against America before, during and now in the first 2 months of his presidency, and not a damn thing significant has been done.

Now why is it that all of the "crimes" that Hillary Clinton allegedly committed mysteriously disappeared after the Republican Rigged and Russian Rigged Election of Donald Trump as president?

We went from 24 hour a day Hillary to no Hillary at all just like magic.

And in the case of Donald Trump and his Administration-No one has been charged with any crimes yet!

And it looks like very few people are even trying to see that the people who have committed these questionable acts are going to be brought to justice as a result of an investigation-including the missing investigation of FBI Director, James Comey's suspicious actions 2 weeks prior to the 2016 election.

And of course the Liar In Chief, just continues to lie, lie, lie and threaten and bargain and try to cut deals with people in agencies that he is not even supposed to have authority over like the Justice Department and the FBI.

Of course now we know that he does now own the Justice Department, which in addition to Jeff Sessions questionable connections to Russia, should be removed either by Termination, Resignation or Criminal Prosecution if he is proven to be guilty of what he is being charged with.

And these Criminal Prosecutions should include all of those who have already been proven guilty of collusion with Russia, up to and including this Crooked, Corrupt President.

If America does not effectively remove this Cancer known as Donald J. Trump-America will pay a great price for its ignorance.

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason

Cornell University Law School

Perjury Generally

Cornell University Law School

The Penalty For Perjury Before Congress


Impeach Donald Trump & Arrest Him & His Band of Racists, Liars, Thieves and Spies Now!

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