Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Has Anyone Noticed The Escalation Of Violence Since Trump?

I'm absolutely not denying the fact that we had Terrorists Attacks under President Obama.

But in spite of the lies told by the Right Wing Conservative's Hate Movement in America; (even though President Obama and his family and his followers were always under Racist, Sexist and Classist Attacks by The Right), President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama as well as Joe Biden and Ms. Biden continued to Preach Love, Tolerance, Peace, Consideration for other people,(even if they may be different from you), and Love of Country and Countryman - or as many Johnny Come Lately Fake Patriots call it-"Patriotism".

And he also preached a Love of God, how ever your faith perceived him or her, to be.

Which is what Fake White Racist Christians call "Faith".

But when people who are already looking for reasons to hurt people hear an Ignoramus Blinded By Hate telling them that it is okay. This makes them believe that its okay and that they will be safe from retribution, (legal or otherwise), if they commit these violent and hateful acts against people whom they deem to be not worthy of the same Opportunities, Rights and Freedoms that they have under the law.

In spite of all the hatred that President Obama faced, he still kept his attitude, speech patterns and actions Dignified, Intelligent and Respectful; both to the citizens of this country and to those of other nations;( which is why with the exception of a few leaders who were used to having their own way with America), were more than willing to work with him on issues that had global consequences, positively or negatively.

But when you got Idiots Spewing Hatred from their mouths in order to divide people who must live together in the same country as peacefully as possible, and you are Spewing the same kind of Hatred towards other countries who have traditionally been our allies, then how Ignorant is it to expect that you can treat Human Beings any way you want to without consequences.

Since Trump, things have gotten worse both Domestically and in Foreign Countries.

Because the spirit that the Do Nothing Racist Congress has displayed to the American People for over 8 years, combined with an Idiot that is not qualified by Temperament, Intelligence, Experience or Knowledge is currently occupying the White House, which is a condition that we as American People cannot afford to allow to continue much longer.

So what kind of idiot wants to see all of this Human Carnage, Ruin and Hate in our country and around the world?

This kind!

Even before Donald Trump was illegally elected as president of the United States of America, did you notice how immediately after he began his campaign that there was a significant spike in Racial Hatred, Anti Semitism, Homophobia as well as other forms of Hatred resulting in violence?

Could it be the tone of our leaders that are inspiring these attacks both foreign and domestic with their Racist, Hatred Rhetoric that began with their consistent refusal to work with President Obama, and has been carried forward by Donald Trump?

Could it be the fact that citizens with Hateful and Evil Tendencies anyway, have began to feel emboldened to commit these Illegal and Hateful Acts when they saw the Congress of the United States breaking laws, and disrespecting the most powerful man in the world, and treating him like he was not even an American or even worse, like a Human Being?

And I'm sure that anyone with a reasonable amount of Humane Consideration of Reasonable Intelligence can see that Donald Trump,(if allowed to continue), will destroy this country and possibly the world with his Ignorance, Hate and his own Selfish Motives.

Impeach Donald Trump & Arrest Him & His Band of Racists, Liars, Thieves and Spies Now!

Listen To The Song About Republicans Entitled HATE.

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